5 Ways ADHD Can Ruin Relationships

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The ADHD effect on relationships is not small — or easy to fix. Symptoms commonly cause problems with communication, empathy, accountability, and social skills. Learn how to address these and other challenges while prioritizing the people who mean the most to you.

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I always feel bad when people tell me I’m a good listener because I just sit there and nod every once and awhile, when in reality I’m just spaced out and my mind wanders. I’ve always been good at reading people though and I’m a huge empath so I feel things very strongly, so I can tell my partner is upset but I can’t always tell you why. It’s a weird struggle to explain.


I've already accepted singleness. It's just easier.


I have adhd and it’s causing me to be triggered by my partners actions that I start acting crazy, screaming, crying and hurting them emotionally . I want to fix this and it hurting my relationship


I just cried watching this I don't have adhd...he does....but I know he's doing the best he


Please use audio (voice) in these videos. Written text is the worst way to deliver this message to someone with ADD. Text combined with voice would be best.


Sex one hit home. Also I'm constantly paranoid and don't feel good enough which just leads towards epression.

Then you're dumped because you procrastinate and are insecure.


I have adhd, and right now the biggest issues in my relationship are chronic lateness and poor communication. I don’t know any viable solutions for my lateness, but I have been actively trying to communicate to my bf that I need to stay hydrated and also that he listens to me when I’m talking. I’m not an over-sharer nor am I super chatty. If I say something, it’s because I’ve thought about the positives and potential negatives which would be a result from me sharing something to the conversation. We are both avoidants as well so that puts another spin on our situation. It really triggers me when I say something and then I’m not taken seriously or basically dismissed after speaking. So I walk away from the situation bc if he’s not going to listen I’m going to go away until both of us are hopefully in a better mind space to connect. He doesn’t understand why I always run away. I’m not clingy I’m not gonna follow him around like a rebuked child. This occurs mostly when we’re in social settings; he needs to be in the spotlight. Ok that’s fine, I accept that. But he needs to accept that I don’t like being the center of attention. I’m not an attention-seeker at all.


Yep ruined a potentially great relationship with a girl I connected with on every level because I pushed the flirting a little too hard one night and felt like I got rejected (even though it wasn’t a big deal to her) and then I lost all steam in getting to know her. I responded late or not at all, barely talked in general, and didn’t flirt at all. Needless to say a month later she tells me she doesn’t see it going anywhere.

I genuinely hated myself for a solid 4 months afterwards and it still bugs me.


Trying to figure out the problems of my entire life, and why I attract people who invariably leave. Now I’m on to the adhd side of things that people don’t talk about. Being hyper fixated on, boundaries steamrolled and if told no, rejection sensitivity and ultimately coldly dropping you. It hurts.


Instead of a 1:44 video, you could have made it 2:44 and slowed down the text a lot. I'm an incredibly good and fast reader and I had to pause and rewind several times to read these paragraphs of text. 2:44 is not a long video. It's considered a short video so please just double the time and slow down the text.


Had a long spell from relationships now after finally getting life together after getting help and working hard for 5 months on being able to live successfully with adhd .. found myself with some one I bounded with far quicker then normal and felt like I’d finally learned how to live a rewarding life and have a good relationship but only two months in and despite 70 percent of time being great, some of these issues particularly with communication / impulsive feelings and trying to explain myself when she takes things in a way that doesn’t seem to match with what I said - have caused more arguments each week despite me being aware in aftermath each time and wanting to change.. it’s like relationships are like regular life for adhd people on steroids.. guess shit happens .. I just saw so much potential in this person and it kills me that I might have pushed her away already because I’m still not quite good enough at managing my disorder..


The image links overlaid towards the end covered the text and made it impossible to read, FYI.


Soa am I the only here who doesn't have ADHD but the girl I like does and she takes so long to reply she looks like she doesn't even want to know me .... I text her a long text so I can get a reply of just 10 words... What should I do should I move on ... I know they can take long or days but I mean why loose my time and hers it would be better just to say sorry but I'm not ready for a relationship


So much of this feels patronizing and unhelpful. "Just do this thing that you probably have been trying to do but struggle with greatly because of your ADHD! What? Why would we suggest HOW to implement these things?"


I have severe ADHD I AM proud to say I do not have a problem with tardiness. How ever, only because it was (ar Very early age and repeatedly) engrained into me not to be.
But! I do bea tdd the *fuck* put of myself when I do.
With all of this being said. These are superficial. And can mislead aperson without actual ADHD feel like they have it.
Alot if these are just normal human behavior. But the fact that some don't accept it may make them with their own problems.(we all have problems)


At the end there are windows that come in so you can’t see the last message!


Well this sounds like a list of my last partner's frustrations with me. Is this a personal attack?


I gave up can't hold a relationship for more then a couple week ether get annoyed or lose interest or they try to change me in sum way


I have adhd and also other few problems too. Married.. But He is suffering because of me. What he doesn't understand is I'm suffering too.. I'm not doing mistakes on purpose. When he scolds, I just feel ashamed of myself.


I feel like giving up! I haven’t got past the 6 month milestone in any relationship. I’m just starting to think that’s it’s not for me
