Emotional Regulation: 7 Truths About ADHD Emotions

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Do you fly off the handle at the slightest provocation — only to instantly find yourself wallowing in a deep bout of sadness? You may not realize it, but your difficulty with emotional regulation could be linked to your attention deficit disorder (ADHD or ADD).

When most people think of ADHD, they think of hyperactive behavior or difficulties paying attention. What often doesn’t spring to mind are intense emotional ups and downs — but this difficult-to-manage symptom is deeply rooted in the brain, and has come to be understood by many experts as one of the hallmarks of ADHD.

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I have adhd and yesterday I had the best day ever and today I felt like everyone and thing was against me


I want every single person who knows me to watch this.


So true.
Îm a school teacher for special needs kids. My favorite are the adhd. I also have an adhd child… now 18 yers old. What is said here is all true.
But… adhd are very fun and cool. If the parents tried their best to raise them, they are great humans❤. It is NOT easy I know. You gotta laugh about life alot and learn how to not take all the hardships so seriously. The hardest part is having to always go with your instinct (often against the grain), try new ways and NOT always thinking about how at this or that age your child should be able to do this or that. At the end, your goal is for your grown Child to be happy and feel as they can be an adult. Even if that adult leaves your home older then the others. Having a young adult around keeps you on your feet and always entertained. They need to feel unconditionally loved and supported.
You guys rock ! We need you guys in this world cause your life view is different! ❤❤❤


This is basically me. My emotions change extremely quickly, one moment I'm calm and the next, adrenaline is pumping and I'm raising my voice. Next I'm chocking back tears.

I can pump the brakes/mask in public but not at home.

And then immediately forget that even happened. I don't/can't hold grudges, how can I hate you for something I don't even feel anymore.


My ADHD causes me to get really angry and upset easily. I used to scream and yell and become violent for hours. I don’t do that anymore, but I still yell and cuss a lot.


Just imagine at 40 years finding out why you couldn't amount to anything in life, because of ADHD. Well, i guess it's never too late to make something of yourself. Now that i know what i have, i can work with it to succeed


At least six of these, I can say for certain is things in my life.
Especially #4. I hate regular jobs. I am not motivated _at all_ by monetary gain. Sure I *want* money, but I can't really focus on the end-goal if the job I'm doing is awful.
If I do something I feel give me something, that is of help to others, then I enjoy it and it further motivates me. That makes, so much sense now.


Talk therapy would only help if I had the person with me at the moment I needed them. Maybe we could get therapy birds to sit on our shoulders and talk to us during our toughest moments? lol. We need a walkie-talkie and our "life coach" or whoever to be there and talk to us DURING the hard times we almost never foresee. Talking one day is cool for that day... when I need it during a crisis (aka regular situation that "normal" people can handle)...and have to deal alone... it's not helpful.


me relating to everything in the video: haha i dont have adhd


Me sad, shutting down and about to cry because my ADHD doesn't let me stick to 1 hobby so I can master it and now I'm looking at other people get good at something I used to do and could have been a real expert in if I didn't hobby hop all the time 😓😓I just want to stick to one friggin thing, that's all I ask💀but I just CAN'T


When on medication, my emotions are generally in check. When I skip medication, I am on an emotional roller coaster, literally a wreck


Frustration, Impatience, excitability. Hmmm. That's the checklist of my biggest issues. Oh yes, and difficulty differentiating threats from minor problems. I'm not conscious of a need for instant gratification, but it might help explain why it's so hard for me to give the exercises I get in talk therapy much of a chance. And actually...the need for instant gratification would probably explain a lot of the difficulty waiting. Sonuvagun.


I keep screaming to my family that I have ADHD. But they made a joke out of it. They didn't feel how much ADHD had destroyed my life. I failed in three universities. My whole life is a failure. I did tried to kill myself twice. But they just laughed it all away.

I was diagnosed with MDD and anxiety but these awful reaction from my own family was really hurtful. I feel like I'm worthless. If I'm whither away and die maybe they gonna just laugh harder.


Wow, that describes me to a T. I always thought my issues with emotional regulation were due to my autism but I keep getting this sneaking suspicion that I might have ADD. The only thing is that while I have executive function difficulties, I can still get stuff done and I can focus well except in conversations


Feeling so overwhelmed with my job due to adhd a d emotional dysregulation, not helped by lack of sleep and menopause symptoms. 😞 Really feel like quitting.


Never seen a video which defines ADHD in such little time ... I was shocked


I have ADHD I'm on.medikinet XL.im 58 married twice borstal when young. I find normal ppl very boring and very old. We will live forever because we are young forever. We find everything interesting and everything boring at the same time no-one else can do that we are special


This answers questions why they change so much i am diagnosed but for years i have noticed something enless something causes an emotion i feel nothingness like something has to make me happy or sad or angry i never go throughout my day being happy something has to make me happy a couple people in my family have adhd and have said they feel the same way about it


How do we fix our brains so we stop being a pain in the ass for everyone around us?


I can barely talk with some of my friends without starting a fight, crying or be annoyingly happy anymore
