Sunday Chat: A Woman's Role In A Relationship

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Music: Original Composition by Mark
Camera used: Canon Vixia HF G30
Movie editing software:  VideoPad
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I am a big proponent of asking for what you need. I am a woman that needs affection so I will ask Doug to please hug me or hold me. I will even say, "I need you to tell me you love me". I've never minded asking him to give me the things I need. He has less needs than I do, but he has gotten in the habit of asking me to help with his needs too. It's really worked out well for us. I guess when I love someone, I will make myself vulnerable to them. Anyway, sorry to go on so long. Love you girl!!! This was really good. Love, Melissa


Loved this Elle.
It’s so important to remember that they aren’t us!!
My husband will just text me out of the blue just a “❤️”
As simple as that little gesture’s the idea that I’m on his mind and heart. When he first did that (long ago) I told him that it made my day...I reinforced his thoughtfulness and mindfulness.
Instead of complaining about what he doesn’t do I try to really praise the stuff he does do...seems to work 😁
I hope you have a wonderful Sunday ⭐️


I love that you exchange cards Elle. A principal I worked for used to send his wife flowers once a month of the day of the month they were married. My husband and I leave each other chocolate. Don't underestimate the power of the Milky Way! Lol Communicating our needs is so important in any relationship. If I have had a challenging day and feel worn out I will say..."I am explaining not complaining...." and will tell what happened. The tv is always on at our house so I will ask him to put it on mute if I really need to talk. If I feel something is out of my wheelhouse and my husband would handle it better I ask him to take the lead. Like you said, working with your strengths is really important. What a great topic Elle. Love you...Laura


Yes Elle, it does help. Rarely have I spoken to someone whose husband was more affectionate than they were. I've learned to pick my battles, girl, and so far it is working. Loved this video, and you look beautiful. Blessings, and love....ME


Respect, acceptance and compassion. ❤️. Sandra


I agree with everything! After 38 years of marriage you learn your spouse pretty darn well. Sometimes it is easy to slip into routine and it becomes a little harder to invent new things to spark the marriage, all in all what I have learned over the years is to never just throw in the towel when that seems like the easiest route to take. You can keep it exciting. My husband loves home cooking and is always so kind to compliment me after every meal. In turn I also compliment him on the things he does that I appreciate. I always tell him thank you when he brings me my coffee in the morning. Please and thank you never get old for anyone. Thank you so much for giving me a few new ideas in this Sunday Chat. Love you Elle.:::as always you have given me another week of good things to work on! ❤️


I think so much of this we learn as we get older in life. “We can’t change anyone”...Wise words. We can however change ourselves & if in that if ‘they’ reach for our hand then in that small gesture perhaps they’ve learned something from us 💗. I loved this and u 💗. Have a blessed Sunday 💗


I totally agree with everything you are saying. The problem comes when you feel you have been on a one-way street for a long, long time ... and some of us have. And if this is maybe the second time around for you, one might not feel quite as giving as they have been in the past. One gets a little reflective when they turn 65, maybe a little too reflective??? Of course, I try to ...
Keep looking UP!!!


Such a timely and important message Elle. After 36 years and married since 20 years old, homeschooling 4 kids, a woman can get tired and wonder about that greener grass 😳 thank you so much for this much needed message 😘


After 47 years of marriage...this is so so true! Amen sister! 💖


Holding hands is so very special. I hold my husbands hand while watching a show or having a conversation. It reinforces the relationship. Wonderful chat today Elle. oxox


Great advice. My husband and I were out to dinner and my husband commented about how ridiculous that a couple nearby were so entranced with their phones instead of each other. Love your Sunday chats. xoxo Susan


The smallest gesture can mean the most affection from a spouse. It goes without saying no matter what we are there for each other. Every morning and evening a hug, a love you, a slight touch etc...a very nice reminder for us all thanks Elle🌞🍁🌞


What WISE advise, Elle. There is nothing wrong with we women initiating things that we want and need. I really appreciate how you stressed that just because men can't read our minds does not mean that they don't love us. I'd love more compliments too, so have started complimenting my hubby when he looks nice, smells good, etc, hoping he'll get the message that way. Time will tell!! :-)


Yes! I had to learn how to ask for what I want! Thank goodness Rick and I both decided to see a counselor our first year of marriage! Yes our first year. We realized we weren't equipped with the right tools. This is a beautiful message Elle. Spot on. Love you girl.


This was a lovely video - gentle and caring. We all have our roles to play and it's our job to figure out and then execute what works for us. And it's OK for us to take the lead to get our needs met. Thank you for this wonderful reminder of the foundations of a healthy relationship. Love you dearly. - xx, Carla P.S. I'm recovering from surgery. Last night, with no agenda, I casually mentioned, "I wish I had something sweet." Within seconds, my husband was in the kitchen making a chocolate cake from scratch at 10 o'clock at night. Now that's love - and that's how he and I operate. We just take care of each other naturally, without demands or expectations, and it works for us. xoxo


I do much of the same... I encourage the conversation. I am lucky that my guy is a hand holder and I love that we walk hand and hand most times. The struggle is to disconnect from social while we are together. Have a wonderful week Elle!


Thank you, Elle...I’ve been married a long time, and I can still use this sound advice. Showing respect, concern...and unconditional love make for a strong, sweeter marriage. 💙💙💙. Thank you..xo


Great words. My husband and I have been married 42 years, we hold hands when we walk next to the other and across the dinner table. We do little things for each other like our favorite candy bar, etc. It’s the little things that we do for each that have such great meaning.💓💓


So good Ellie!!! I struggle with this as you know. I’m gonna do the hand holding thing today!!☺️ love you beyond my sweet GF dolly!!!😘😘😘
