Best Fruits For Keto Diet | Amazing and Delicious!

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Best Fruits For Keto Diet | Amazing and Delicious! is a video that covers what foods you can and cannot have while following the ketogenic diet.

Best fruits on keto is a topic that brings much confusion. There are some people who say you cannot have fruit at all, but some that say you can eat all you want as long as its the right kind of fruit. The answer is somewhere in between. Its really about making the right choices and knowing if fruit is right for you.

Keto diet for beginners starts with finding the right fruits. From there it depends on you as an individual. For instance, if you are someone who has insulin resistance then you will far far more sensitive to fruit on the ketogenic diet than someone who is not. With insulin resistance it will be important to limit your fruit consumption. Someone who is healthy without insulin resistance will easily be able to handle a little more fruit as they will not be as sensitive.

What fruits can i eat on keto start with low glycemic index fruits. These are typically berries and are the same fruits that are very nutrient dense. In general eating berries is what you want to stick to as they are the best fruits for keto diet. This is how you will get the best results and be able to stay in ketosis to a much higher level.

What fruits can i eat on the keto diet is an important topic. Many people never maintain ketosis because they eat too many fruits and the fructose in the fruits kick them out of ketosis and stop them from getting results. If you are super sensitive avoiding fruits altogether can be the best bet until you figure ketosis out.

What fruits not to eat on keto are your high glycemic fruits like cherries, peaches, and all the super sweet fruits that you know are not good for maintaining the state of ketosis. If you are going to eat fruit on the ketogenic diet then its important to stick to the best fruits for keto diet in order to get the absolute best results.



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Disclaimer: Dr. Nick Zyrowski D.C, B.S is licensed and has a clinical practice in the state of Michigan. All information shared by Dr. Zyrowski is for general information purposes only and is not to be used to treat, diagnose or self diagnosis at any time. Dr. Zyrowski's use of the term doctor when referring to himself is simply referring to his degree and licensing. There is no doctor patient relationship between you and Dr. Zyrowski. You should seek advice from your health care practitioner before changing anything in the way of your dietary, nutritional or health regiment. You should always seek advice from your qualified health care physician regarding any health condition. NuVision Excel, NuVision Health Center, Dr. Nick Zyrowski and Dr. Zyrowski are not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other information, services or product you obtain through this video or site.
Рекомендации по теме

For me, I cannot have any fruit at this point. I hope to be able to enjoy a moderate amount of fruit at some point, but I'm not there yet. I am now maintaining an A1C of 5.2 (shooting for 5.0), with very low carb and zero fruit. We all do what works for us individually.


I eat a bowl of mixed berries (blueberries, strawberries, raspberries and blackberries) with cream almost every day as a dessert and can stay in ketosis. I have done this since starting keto and IF 18 months ago. I don't think I had a very broken metabolism though. Keep up the good videos!


The only fruit I still eat is avocados.


I am learning something everytime I watch one of your videos. Thank you.


Luv strawberries/eat organic/btwn 5-10 within a day/remain in ketosis. Miss having a few bites of cantaloupe with cottage cheese. Thank you for the fructose liver connection.


Very helpful presentation
What is a bit confusing is how some decades ago fructose was praised for producing energy through the pentose pathway without entering the Krebs cycle and without needing insulin and has now become the culprit


Im not necessarily on keto sometimes am but i stay low carb, but my treat is strawberries or blueberries with heaps of whipped cream with stevia. Anyone agree with that?


You explain everything that makes all this understandable 👏🏽 new sub


Good video u always deliver great content always good to know .


I have never check if I’m in ketosis, but I think I am 😁 Have to be very careful with fruits and berries as I have Dia 2 and fatty liver (and a whole lot of more health challenges!) My blood sugars use to spike easily, but after I start with the Keto diet and intermittent fasting for a bit over 3- soon 4 months ago I have been able to stabilize my blood sugars and my blood pressure... And that is a discovery that make me SO happy‼️ Question Nr One: If I will try to put some berries into my eating again (for a test!) I’m wondering if it may help to have some heavy whipped cream (lactose free‼️) ... will that help to reduce the insulin spike? And question Nr two: What about blueberries?


Blueberries are not listed... are they on the best list?


I not on Keto but eat all on the right. I fast every other day or OMAD I hope am okay Thank you


An avocado a day keeps the doctor away. Forget about apples!


watching from Taiwan..sir thanks for sharing..more power and godbless.


Thank you for this informative video! If i chose to eat berries what would be a safe amount to have and eating berries daily a good idea?


I eat apples, cherries and dried apricots. But I’m also Omad and low carb. As long as I stay under 80-100g of total carbs (not net), I’m perfectly fine. For me at least, IF was the key...


Can you give tips and considerations on what people diagnosed with type two diabetes, trying to break the typical medication, insulin and “normal American diet” to a low Karb diet, possibly without mediation? Any safety precautions? Make the process a little easier? How about advice someone considering discontinuing the meds and injections?


Very helpful. I know you are using a cup as the unit of measure but I use grams because carbs are measured this way. For example 20 grams (about 5 md berrie) of blackberries has 2 g of carbs 1 g of which is sugar (0.8 g fructose). You need to know how many carbs you want per day and per week. Strawberries are unhealthy because most are grown with too much pesticides. Try to buy organic.


Yeah... so what about BlueBerries???
I love me some blueberries...


What about red apples? They're my fav. Apples the only fruit I eat...but leaning towards giving them up. To stay more keto. 😢
