Do this ONE THING to save our bees! 🐝 #bee #beefriendly #shorts

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I get lots of questions from people who have wild bumblebees nesting in their gardens, shed. or outbuildings. "Can I move a bumblebee nest?" "Will bumblebees sting me?" "How do I get rid of a bees nest?", so I've made a short video explaining how bumblebees nest, why, and what to expect if these furry little bees make your home their home.

Bumblebee Questions and Answers 👇🏻
Q. What's the difference between honey bees and bumblebees?
A. In terms of their strong natural pollination qualities, bumblebees and honeybees complement each other well. The main difference with honeybees is that bumblebees fly in poorer weather conditions. For example: in cooler temperatures, in light rain, cloudy or foggy conditions, and windier weather. Bumblebees also graze when it comes to feeding rather than harvesting as much as they can for the colony.

Q. What is the life cycle of the bumblebee and will they return next year?
A queen bumblebee hibernates alone and underground throughout the winter. Before hibernation, a new queen will leave the nest and mate with a drone. As temperatures rise and the spring season emerges, the new queen bumblebee wakes up and starts forging for pollen and nectar, as well as search for a suitable nest site. Once a nest is chosen, she will start laying eggs to build her own colony. Approximately four weeks after the first eggs are laid, the first worker bumblebees (all females) start emerging and carry out work both inside and outside the nest. Worker bees forage for both pollen and nectar to provide resources for brood as well as maintaining the nest. As the nest continues to develop the Queen will not leave the nest, she will remain inside the nest, continuing to lay eggs and providing orders for “workers”. In late summer the Queen will start producing new queen and males (drones) in order for the colony to reproduce. These new queens will mate with males, leave the nest and the cycle will continue. The old queen and her nest will decline naturally in late autumn.

Q. Do bumblebees produce honey?
A. No. They store nectar like honeybees, but they don't have to save enough nectar to survive the winter (since the queens hibernate alone during winter). Also, bumblebees don't use an organised nest structure like honeybees, so separating the honey pots from the larva, eggs and pollen would be very difficult.

Q. Do bumblebees sting and if so, do they die after?
A. Bumblebees are generally regarded as less aggressive than honeybees or wasps, and although they can sting, they'll only do this in self-defence, and almost only when you’re threatening their hive or when you restrict their movement, like when you sit on them or try to hold them in your hand. Unlike honeybee stings, bumblebees do not leave their venom sac in their victim and will live on after they sting.

Q. Can bumblebees live with honeybees?
A. Although they tolerate each other, Bumblebees and honeybees don't live well together as their lifespans and purpose are quite different.

Q. Should I feed Bumblebees sugar water?
A. The simple answer is only as a last resort, when there are no bee-friendly flowers around and when you are certain that the bumblebee is not just resting. There are a few things to consider before making an informed decision about whether or not a bumblebee really is in need of a sugary drink.

Catch-up on all of our vlogs, in order, from the beginning here:
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They are an essential part of the garden…they are great pollinators for the plants 🪴 🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🥰🌻


I planted a bumble bee bush. My dog Fritz, would lie in the mulch as I weeded and watch the bumble bees and snorted when they got too close.


We have a bumble bee in our compost bin. It takes the pollen from our garden and snuggles back in there. It's lovely to watch 🧡


Love Bumble Bees they are so funny.🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝


Excellent public service announcement. Bonus for me- nice to see you first thing in the morning!


On a summer day I can count up to eight different bee species on my plants around the house. From tiny metallic green-gold types, even smaller dark black ones. At least three different honeybee variants (I differentiate them by color) Two distinct bumblebee types AND the occasional leafcutter bee. None are aggressive but the wee black ones love to visit the short clover that might be found in a mown yard and can sting surprisingly effectively if stepped on by bare-feet! Been there, done that!


Bumble bees like to chase things, you can toss a small stone and they will chase it.


The tree bumblebee that usually nest in bird boxes can be very aggressive usually fly round in a figure of eight around the entrance to the nest box if you go anywhere near we usually fly straight at you.


What about the carpenter bees drilling holes in my house ?


Have honey bees in the roof, have been there for 3 years. No one will take them away and last guy we got out wants to poison the hive and remove it. Sad
