The One Thing All Great Teachers Do | Nick Fuhrman | TEDxUGA

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Hi everyone! It was 5 years ago today that I delivered this TED Talk and my life has been forever changed. Thank you, thank you, thank you for watching, sharing it, and smiling along with my story. I'm so humbled! We're all teachers. --Ranger Nick :)


I’ve used the phrase “students don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care.” This is a teacher who exemplifies that cliche.


I’m binge-watching all the Ted talks on what makes a great teacher. I’m about to embark on the beginning of my teaching career this summer.


Went to school with him, he was a rare breed. Nicest kid/guy, befriended anyone and incredibly smart. Congratulations on your success, Nick!


This is what viewers want. Thanks Nick.
Great teachers:
1. Celebrate mistakes
2. Appreciate differences
3. Relay feedback
4. Evaluate themselves

The great teachers C.A.R.E.. Ranger Nick teach people not entertain people. 'People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people don't forget how you make them feel'.


So happy I had the opportunity to help Ranger Nick create this awesome talk and herd some pretty cool animals!!! 🐍🐢


I am a teacher/professor of 36 years. Moved to tears. This is a great teacher. So good.


A lot of people are more concerned about making themselves feel superior rather than bringing other people up. Good teachers make people feel positive and create internal motivation.


Nick, when I was teaching adults who had been kicked out of school, I put a smiley face on their assignments. And they LOVED IT! Many had never ever had a positive comment in the whole time they'd been at school.


The owl stamp story broke me. As a professional trainer, I always keep in mind an idea I got some time ago-- that adults are just kids in really big bodies. So, yeah, they need a break during your talk, they need to have some fun, and, yes, they still like stickers! Great ideas and a great presenter! Thank you!


Fill in the blank "Great My immediate thought: "Care." How gratifying to see that the first letter of his four main principles spelled "CARE."


Ive been teaching for 20 years now...I graduated with a B.A. in English and traveled a bit...bartending, waiting tables, temping...i felt extremely lost and disappointed in myself for not "doing something" with my degree. what i didn t realize at the time is that i was working on my ability to communicate and be personable. I was very shy and waiting tables forced me to face that.
At age 29, i went back to get my Masters degree in Education -- it was the best decision i ever made. He touches on some really important facets of teaching here...ones I had to learn through experience and many, many mistakes. My first teaching job was in a very challenging school, and i remember many days i said to myself walking into that building " Im going to give this five years" ...i wanted to quit for a while, and I blamed it on the kids-- I thought they were out of control, didnt care, and hated school...again, i didnt realize I was building my own skills, constantly reassessing what i was doing, making personal connections with kids who needed that extra attention, learning how to be myself in front of the room. 20 years in, and i still get excited to start class. even if its a zoom during covid. I dont know everything, and I tell kids all the time "this is going to be hard, but we are going to get through it together."


As somebody who's recently made the decision to get my degree in education, Ranger Nick was exactly who I needed to listen to.


Twenty three and a half minutes of my life I'm so happy with. This... is what TED is all about. I cry with happiness.


16 years in education and never have I been so inspired as I was after watching this, fantastic effort Mr Fuhrman.


Teaching is not an easy profession, but it is one of the most fulfilling.


Retired teacher here. Got to spend 40 years doing what I loved. My favorite Ted Talk ever—& I’ve listened to a bunch! Thank you, Ranger Nick!


"Owl-standing work, Ranger Nick!" 😇


I am a 7th grade science teacher who just finished my first year teaching. This moved me to tears. We have so many opportunities every day, every hour to teach like this guy does and make the type of impact he talks about. I want to be like this guy!


When I was a student in college our professor would put a sticker on our papers whenever we get the highest score in the class. I swear the amount of joy I felt whenever I get that sticker. It was a badge of honor!... I do it for my middle schoolers now 😎