Transgender Questions | Catholic Priest Response

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What does the Catholic Church offer us in order to answer transgender questions. Recently we received a Catholic parenting question from a distraught dad not knowing how to response to their child who expressed a desire to transition their gender. Fr Cristino offers some great insights into how parents can response to transgender questions and moral principles the Catholic Church offers us in order to answer some of these difficult questions.

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Thank you Ken and Father for speaking about this, it lays heavy on many parents hearts. Thank you for Fathers compassion and truth. We need Jesus, Jesus help us. It's encouraging though to know that our priests are trying to keep God's word despite the pressure.


Thank you for discussing this difficult topic.. it saddens my heart to hear the struggles of our families. I will remember our kids in my prayers. JMJ pray for us.


Extremely thoughtful and valuable discussion of a current challenge to children and parents. God bless Father Cristino for his wisdom and love as a Pastor for these times


This Priest is gifted Spiritually and practically. Great video with honest and the very best advice. Viva Cristo Rey


Again, a brilliant video. I have shared this with friends who are Teachers in the Catholic School System in Alberta. I actually feel like the Catholic School Board has the responsibility to share this with staff in every school.


Thank you for telling teachers to not allow people to tell us we don’t love our students. Thank you!


This is happening on a large scale now. Families are being torn apart. Satan is having a hayday. When children don't believe they are loved and leave the family because of often outside interference, there is an agenda. May God intervene. May parents be wise, loving and give their child the truth and love. Hopefully in time, young people will see the truth. Unfortunately, for many, grave damage has already been done. Bad times.


Thank you very, very much for this video on a difficult topic. My 32 year old daughter texted me last week that she is now on hormones to "transition" to a male, that she has a "great team" helping her and that she is finally going to be happy. We continue to surround her with our love, prayers & compassion as well as all those who are confused with their gender. God bless you and your family and all the work you do.


Great conversation. I saw that this was going to be the next big push years ago. I told my Wife, “You watch, your television shows will be pushing this stuff.”

I have a Niece who now identifies as a boy. She has changed her name twice. My Mom tries to play the game and last Thanksgiving accidentally called her by the wrong pronoun twice. They then cut themselves off from the Family. My Mom was trying so hard. They are not Catholic.

In her case, she was raised on YouTub and was influenced at a young age by some of the personalities. She asked her parents to take her to the “Pride” parades and my Brother and his Wife have been taking her and their youngest for years now. So I confirm what your guest said about kids falling into this stuff by their consumption of YouTube.


Thank you so much for this very insightful recording Ken. Great words of wisdom from Fr Cristino. Would love to learn more about how we can have a loving conversation with our colleagues/friends/family who do not share this pov, but also see us as 'bigoted Catholics' who are 'old fashioned'.


The topic is very relevant and was extensively discussed. Thank you, Fr and Ken.
The root cause of why this concern accelerated during the pandemic was the influence of social media. I agree with Fr that children are not supervised during the online studies.
On top of what Fr advised us parents, on how to handle this very sensitive issue, we should improve our prayer life and add mortifications to our daily prayers.
We have a big problem, yes, but we have a much bigger and greater God who will not drop the ball on us.
More prayers, open communication and


We need to offer one decade of the rosary everyday for children, parents, activists involved in and pushing this gender ideology on vulnerable young kids. Only God can change and heal these minds, bodies and souls to turn to Him instead of these demonic forces.


In the year 2002, we had to make a decision that one parent will leave the job and look after our kids. It was a tough and long thought-out decision. But we finally, made the decision after much prayer, fasting and even arguing that one parent MUST stay at home to look after the kids. I have 3 kids…I had 2 then.

Today after 20 years when I look back at that decision, I say I am truly blessed even though the decision was never so easy, and we had to go through some tough times esp. with our finances. But we DO NOT regret that decision today because we can see how strong our kids have become despite the onslaught of the world, media and even at times leaders of the Church misguiding them.
So, the answer to this problem that we face in our society is not simple. But we can lay our finger on some important phases in our lives or in the life of the society at large.

I believe that parents must take responsibility for what happens to the children. A good tree produces good fruit. And if a tree is bad then make it good. Most of the time, we as parents are largely responsible for the dilemma that our kids are facing because we were never there. We were busy earning money, chasing careers, fixing problems etc. We rarely had time to tell them about God and the teachings of the Church. Now, we find ourselves in a tight spot.

Parents are the first teachers of the children. But the media, schools and even the government became their first teachers and so they have been indoctrinated from childhood with certain ideas and philosophies. I remember my kids would often come to me with various questions and ideas and thank God I was at home to answer it.

Moreover, I had the opportunity to see what they were doing daily from close quarters. We threw the TV out of the house in 2003. I gave my kids high speed broadband and told them they can watch good Christian stuff and kept them away from the trash and rubbish on the internet. Supervision became the norm. They knew the parent was around to watch what they were watching. And if they did get into something bad then as a parent, I would sit with them and talk.

The other problem with us as parents is that we often don’t pray. And we rarely pray together as couples. A family that prays together stay together. That does not mean such families won’t have problem. But God becomes the central part of all their doings and being.
Having a family meal together at least once in day should be encouraged. Because it is here that we share our thoughts, and we are best of ourselves.

Never allow kids to rule the home. Many parents are afraid of their kids because they know how to bully their parents. In my home even after 20 years…the lights go off at 10.30 pm with exceptions. Set rules for your home right from the beginning. Don’t allow kids to rule the home. Fathers are called to be leaders of their family to lead and guide the family.

The Church too has let us down big time…look at the Church hierarchy today. They are afraid to tell you the truth. This priest was firm in what he believed but even he was very careful of what he said. Today if the kids find themselves in such a situation it is not because they are at fault. The first people are the parents…they are at fault…next it is the Church. But we never take responsibility for our failings we try to sugar coat it like the priest did today. Mind you, he is an excellent priest for the time and place he lives in. But more forthcoming is required. Let us call a spade a spade and not an agricultural equipment. We have learnt the art of public speaking but not God speaking so to say. Sorry if I sound rude but that’s not my intention at all. But as a parent I have always turned to God in repentance when my kids have turned away from the truth and did what is wrong. Even to this day I never blame them first…I take full responsibility as a parent and ask God to forgive me.
We have pampered our kids with gifts, money, devices etc. and allowed them to do what they want rather then what they need to. Allowing children to have free access to things in the home in the name of privacy and giving space to them has only backfired. Telling our kids that they can leave home after a certain age and do what they want has caused so many heartburns. We have allowed our kids to be fashioned by the norms of the society rather than the norms of God.

Do watch a movie called “Remember” It shows the situation of kids in 2050. But the point is how did we reach such a point. It was a slow and gradual change. We allowed society and government to shape our thinking and not the Bible or the teachings of the Church.
The only way out is sincere repentance and doing exactly what God wants us to do. That does not mean we do not LOVE our kids. We do and we should. At all times and in all circumstances because that is how God loves us…unconditionally. But we need to be firm and clear too. Otherwise, they will think that we accept whatever they do and they will continue on the destructive path of life.

Parenting is never easy. Ask the Father in Heaven, how difficult parenting is! And yet He does not hesitate to tell us the hard things of life and call us back to HIM in repentance. That’s what good parents do…they love unconditionally and yet do not compromise out of FEAR. But rather take a STAND and ask God to intervene and trust me God does SHOW UP. I can tell you from my experience of being home for the last 20 years. TRUST and PATIENCE are the key virtue a parent should ask the good LORD to grant us.

Assuring you of my prayers to all the parents who struggle and requesting your prayers for my family. Thanks, and God bless us all.

Grace to all who have an undying love for Christ. Ave Maria.


Thank God for all that you are sharing, trying, and doing for us. We continue to pray and reject all confusion spread by Satan and his minions. Come Holy Spirit. Mary, pray for us. St. Joseph, pray for us. Jesus have mercy on us.


Ty for this video and I think it is so important that we not forget the so very important role of the Parents and Teachers
The Parent is the most vital and important role but the impact one Teacher can make is not to be overlooked
Yes we must support but we do not support erroneous ideologies
I fear for our youth in this world gone mad as we have lost one of our own to this madness.
A Parent up against so many influencers is a very hard job… school, videos, educators, peers, movie, music.
God bless and we pray for you. Ty Father for these words


Such a tough've handled this very well. Many good thoughts and guidence. It's very scary and confusing. The animal vs human is the most ridiculous part of this confusion. I saw this agenda pressure starting a long time ago and feared what was to come. It's worse than I thought ever could happen. God help us and have mercy on us. Thank you for this discussion. God bless you both. 🙏


Only God is the way the truth and the life. When we pull away from God we go pleasing the world and then we are in huge trouble. 😢 may God bless you all and your families. 🙏🙏🙏


Parents should be encouraged to preach to their children that this gender inclination is a consequence of Man's fall from Grace. But Jesus did come and availed us with the necessary graces to address this problem. Yes, it's not going to be easy, but Jesus is the Way, Truth and Life.


If a child comes to you and asked to be transitioned, just be honest to your child(good and evil in the world)and pray pray and pray for your child. Only God can change the child's mind and as a parent it is our responsibility to pray the Rosary every day for our children. They were placed in our care as parents so we need to be honest and start at toddler to talk to them about God so that when they grow to go to school they know already about God.


I love that when you talk to some Catholic priests in the USA or Australia in private about this topic they are compassionate and non judgemental than when they are interviewed or speaking in public.
