New player tutorial -Cue ball control drills using the 90° rule Video 2

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This is the second video in a series of tutorials where I explain and demonstrate drills on how to use the 90° rule to increase your cue ball control.

The 90° rule is one of the most important theories on cue ball controll a new player can learn.

First video in the series

Check out my other videos

Aiming Aid making tutorial

How to use Aiming Aid.

Billiards accessories I buy on Amazon.

My favorite ball markers (paper reinforcement stickers)
Spooled box of 1000 whie ball placement markers

280 colored ball placement markers

200 clear box of 200 ball placement markers

Box of Master chalk, 12 cubes

Taom Pyro Chalk

Set of 3 Partners Billiards Glove Left Hand Glove (for right handed players)

Outsville Accu-Rack set

CueSports Magic Rack

Generic Magic rack 6-pack

Clear acrylic bridge

Coin Holder

Cue Silk

Cue Silk and Silk Clean

Cue tip Scuffer, Shaper and Aerator

The links are affiliate links and I may get commission on any purchases made using the links. All income generated from these links will go towards purchasing the equipment needed to produce higher quality videos.

#8ballpool​ #billiards​ #9ball​ #pool​ #poolplayer​ #billiardsgame​ #cueball​

Рекомендации по теме

Hey pool people...I need to make a correction. In this video I sometimes use the terms "high english" and "low english" when explaining where to hit the cue ball. Well, this is actually inaccurate terminology. "English" in billiards refers to side spin aka hitting the left side or right side of the cue ball. I picked up the terms "high english" and "low english" from an instructor I worked with many years ago. I apologize if I have caused any confusion 😊


Great video, really practical and useful information presented in a very clear manner.


I have only watched two of your videos, but both of them are excellent. You have a natural easy flowing way of teaching. Happy to subscribe.


Well done ! I had the same air cut ....some times ago 😉 ! One of my student sent me the link ! Nice work ! Short and clear ! Really well done


Outstanding Video angles and editing. As a beginner, I've learned more and improved my positioning in your few lessons than I have watching several others for months. Thank you. 😊👍👍


Thank you so much, this was a great choice following your, I will win some friends for sure now jajajaja


I wish someone would teach me these drills 1on1 so they could watch my stroke keenly and tell me what am i doing wrong. So we could work things out in my game.


Great video, really practical and useful information presented in a very clear manner.
