CUE BALL CONTROL ... Everything You Need to Know

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Dr. Dave demonstrates all important cue ball control principles, effects, and skills, all in one place. Topics covered include stop/stun/follow/draw, 90˚ rule, 30˚ rule, 3-times-the-angle system, tangent line, natural angle, good action draw, pocket cheating, cut-induced throw, sidespin effects, speed effects, drag and spin conversion, and CB control drills. Enjoy!

0:00 - introduction
Straight Shot:
0:16 - straight shot
0:27 - cheating the pocket
Stun Shot:
0:44 - stun shot 90˚ rule
1:12 - cut-induced throw (CIT)
1:26 - tangent line speed and spin effects
2:11 - cut angle effects
Follow Shot:
2:37 - follow shot 30˚ rule peace-sign technique
3:28 - 30˚ rule speed effects
4:08 - narrowing the natural angle
4:33 - 30˚ rule cut-angle range
Draw Shot:
6:00 - draw shot three-times-the-angle system
7:27 - draw pocket cheat effects
8:53 - draw speed effects
Cloth Drag and Spin Conversion:
9:35 - cloth drag and spin conversion
9:47 - top spin effects
9:59 - stun effects
10:25 - backspin effects
10:55 - stop shot control
11:10 - follow shot effects
11:38 - fixed-CB wagon wheel drill
13:43 - other drills

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*Table of Contents:*
0:00 - introduction
*Straight Shot:*
0:16 - straight shot
0:27 - cheating the pocket
*Stun Shot:*
0:44 - stun shot 90˚ rule
1:12 - cut-induced throw (CIT)
1:26 - tangent line speed and spin effects
2:11 - cut angle effects
*Follow Shot:*
2:37 - follow shot 30˚ rule peace-sign technique
3:28 - 30˚ rule speed effects
4:08 - narrowing the natural angle
4:33 - 30˚ rule cut-angle range
*Draw Shot:*
6:00 - draw shot three-times-the-angle system
7:27 - draw pocket cheat effects
8:53 - draw speed effects
*Cloth Drag and Spin Conversion:*
9:35 - cloth drag and spin conversion
9:47 - top spin effects
9:59 - stun effects
10:25 - backspin effects
10:55 - stop shot control
11:10 - follow shot effects
11:38 - fixed-CB wagon wheel drill
13:43 - other drills

*Supporting Resources:*
- instructional videos with many game-situation examples:

*Subscribe to Dr. Dave's YouTube Channel:*


Today was the day DrDave, it has finally happened! After 10 months of playing 3 hours a week on monday I broke the rack, and cleared the table from there. I came close a couple of times before but today it got official, I ran my very first rack :D Your videos have been instrumental in this, without them this moment wouldn't have happened. Thank you for your hard work and for sharing it with us!


This video is incredible. Precise, thorough, and logical. Not to mention the skill it took to display everything that was being discussed consistently. I would love to be coached by this guy.


This is hands down the best video on cue ball control. Other YouTubers make 5 videos just to cover the info in this 1 video and its still not as clear as this. Thank you


As the cueball turns, these are the Daves of our lives.


Great video, Dave. Much easier to play the video for my two sons than me beating my gums and trying to explain why they scratch on certain shots. Thanks!


This is THE only video you need to learn cue ball control 👍


once again you have reminded me of things I had forgotten to use or practice. This is the main reason I love your videos!! Thanks once again Uhenio


Annotations to make it slightly easier for repeated viewings

0:16 Straight shot possibilities
0:27 Cheating the pocket
0:32 Cheating the pocket with sidespin

0:44 Stun shot introduction
1:12 Cut induced throw (CIT)
1:26 Effects of shot speed on the tangent line
1:57 What happens if you don't hit the stun shot right
2:11 Considerations when the angle is small

2:37 Rolling cue ball introduction
3:02 Using the peace sign to measure the natural angle
3:28 Effects of speed on natural angle
4:00 Shifting peace sign to adjust for speed
4:08 Narrowing the natural angle
4:32 Range of shot angles where the natural angle applies
4:49 Using the angle template
5:21 Adjusting the peace sign for thicker and thinner hits

6:00 Draw shots introduction
6:13 Angles where you can use 3 times the angle system
6:29 Defining the 3 times the angle system
6:52 Measuring 3 times to the angle
7:14 Alternate way of measurement
7:27 Effects of cheating the pocket
7:51 Practice tip: sentinel balls
8:53 Effects of speed on 3 times the angle system

9:35 Adjustments introduction
9:47 Max top spin, high speed
9:59 Center ball, high speed
10:07 Center ball, low speed/long distance
10:16 Slightly below centre, stop shot pace
10:25 Backspin, low speed/long distance
10:36 Backspin, high speed
10:47 Backspin, low speed/short distance
10:55 Center ball vs backspin for stop shot over short distances
11:10 Soft speed follow for short distances
11:25 High speed follow for short distances

11:38 Practice: Fixed Cueball Wagon wheel drill


You have helped me so very much in my game. I’ve been playing just a little over 6 months consistently and I’ve placed in EVERY tournament I’ve played in. I owe a lot of my skill I’ve achieved to watching your videos consistently, and making sure to keep all advice in mind every time I am about to step into my next shot. I hope one day I can come attend a BU workshop, coming from Alabama. I’d like nothing more. Thanks Dr. Dave, and I look forward to more content.


Not Dr. Dave, it should be Master Mr. Dr. Dave Sir! That was an excellent lesson, thank you


Great video, as always!

Thanks Dr. Dave, best teacher on YouTube!


By far the best video to help anyone jump from good beginner to beginner amateur.


Wishing you a happy and prosperous new year 2023! Thank you for the many valuable tips, exercises and tricks.


The most difficult aspect of cue ball control is judging where it will go after hitting a cushion. And knowing exactly how hard to hit it. Cue ball speed is very important.


Wow best video to understand stun draw and follow . A draw can easily become a stun which would confuse me . Timing is key here to get the slide for a stun or a backwards rotation for a draw so they follow the expected angles . Thank you so much


It's been a fair few years since I've watched some DR Dave videos. I'm glad YouTube bought me back, because I haven't played take a drink everytime you hear peace sign in a while.

On a serious note I've always been a fan and glad to see the channel still going strong ✌️


Awesome video with great information. You answered a few things that always bothered me and also enlightened me on a few things I’ve been doing wrong.


To all my fellow rookies. THIS is what we need to master to get better. The high skill level people I see ALWAYS put themselves in position for a easy next shot. Meanwhile, rookies like myself are having to make monster shots and can't string a few shots in a row.


Dr Dave, this is the best video presentation online I’ve ever seen. I like your graphics. With them, it is very easy to follow, and memorize, your lectures. Thank you.
