Learn German | Immersive German | Meerestiere | Water Animals | German for Kids

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In this video, Frau Collett is going to under water to visit some sea animals and learn about them in German. We will also practice counting and colors in German and sing songs like "Baby Shark in German". Repeat the German words after Frau Collett!
Frau Collett is a native German Elementary School teacher with many years of experience teaching German to children in the classroom as well as online.
In this video, children will learn these words. Try to repeat the words after me. But most importantly: Have fun!

der Hai - the shark
die Krake - the octopus
der Fisch - the fish
die Qualle - the jelly fish
der Delfin - the dolphin
der Krebs - the crab
der Seestern - the starfish
das Seepferdchen - the seahorse
der Wal - the whale
die Schildkröte - the turtle

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