How I Learned German in 6 Months 🇩🇪 | Deutsch Lernen | My Story

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It has my top 50 German YouTube channels. + my top TV shows, Films, podcasts, books, songs, newspapers, language tool and much more...

Hi Everyone! This is a video outlining my German learning Journey and how I passed the Goethe Institut B1 exam with a 6/7 month period.

When I was learning German 🇩🇪 ( and as I’m trying to learn other languages now) I always found it really motivating to see other people who had been successful in learning the language. When I watched these videos I knew it could be done! It always gave me hope and a drive to keep learning even when it got tough.

I hope this video can be a source of motivation for any of you who are learning your first foreign language, German or other, and that you can see that it is possible. Just keep at it!

I am by no means fluent. B1 level is only in the middle of the language learning framework. An intermediate level. However, it allows me to communicate in the language and understand most day-to-day things.

It’s an awesome feeling being able to communicate with someone else in a foreign language and I hope you guys get to experience it too. It never fails to make me happy 😃

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00:00 Intro
00:30 Early Years
01:45 School
04:06 University
05:36 Work Placement
08:48 Travelling
10:18 Now & Future Plans
11:52 Why German?
13:59 Outro (German)
14:57 Outro (English)

I'm Jay. I’m a Northern Irishman who loves the outdoors and likes nothing better than to challenge myself every day. This may be in the form of some endurance activity like running 🏃‍♂️ or cycling 🚴‍♀️ or often something that activates my brain, my favourite is learning languages. Follow me on my journey of continuous daily improvement, and join me on my pursuit to complete some of the hardest, but most rewarding, physical and mental challenges I can come up with 👊


Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Рекомендации по теме

It has my top 50 favourite German YT channels, as well as TV shows, Films, podcasts, books, songs, newspapers, language learning tools and much more...


i am german and i can assure you that your german is really good. you've reached this level in such a short time? wow, I'm impressed


I as a German appreciate somebody like you. Keep going you speak really well.


As someone trying to learn german, it felt great to realize I could just close my eyes, listen and actually understand everything you said/everything you talked about. Despite not understanding every single word I never found myself lost or confused about what you were saying which feels like a (for me) major milestone, which is very motivating for me in that it feels like I'm actually getting somewhere.

Your story also is very motivating, that it absolutely can be possible in shorter timespans if one only puts the time in. Thanks!


As a Dutch speaker that speaks German fluently, the way your sentences flow is incredibly impressive. Also the fact that you put a random “ja” as a filler word shows that you’re comfortable. Of course over time your accent will improve, but it sounds kinda nice tbh, it has something of a historic German-American feel to it. Think Pennsylvanian Dutch. My advice it to listen to natural spoken German in street interviews and consume youth related YT channels and news like DW Deutsch to build up vocab! You’re amazing.


I had reached in a year from zero to C1 with help of language school, and now I study in german university in German.
So it's possible to learn German so fast since german is a quite logical language compared to English.

This is a message to all who learn German. I could do it so there is no reason that you can't do it. Good luck!!


I would have never guessed that you are Irish. Your German is impressive. Great job.👍


damn your german is sick dude, you dont even have a hard accent. Respect for you man, me as a native german speaker can confirm how difficult our language is!


I like how after speaking German for 15 minutes he started speaking English in a German accent for about 3 seconds, before going back to the Northern Irish accent

You are a very big inspiration, I hope to study later in Germany!


Wow. That accent change at the end was very impressive. It really showed how well you're speaking German.


I appreciate it so much as a German that you learned this language so fast. you speak sooo good man


before starting learning German this is the first video i landed on without understanding anything now i am here understanding everything i am proud of myself


I am learning German, your video is extremely useful for me because you are speaking so clearly and without using fancy words. Also, some of the stuff that we learn theoretically, does not make sense to me but after watching your video, I am learning how to build sentence structures. Please make more videos like this or if you have any other source where people speak as well as you but in simple German and with subtitles, that would be wonderful. Thank you for the wonderful video.


Respekt an deine Deutschkenntnisse in so einer kurzen Zeit


Ich bin aus Kanada, und mein Mann is Deutscher, also derzeit lerne ich Deutsch. Hoffentlich werde ich dieses Jahr nach Deutschland ziehen. Ich habe dieses ganzes Video zugehört (nicht gesehen, keine Untertitel!) und ich habe fast alles verstanden! Ich bin besser als ich dachte! Danke schön and Gut gemacht!


just found ur channel and im so grateful for the subtitles and the cadence at which your speak - helps me grasp it a lot easier!


thank you for this video! your story is motivating me to learn english harder than i have now!
you’re so nice❤️🥺


Du sprichst fantastisch, weil du nur mit 6 Monaten gelernt hast.


my native language is Arabic
and I learned English already so decided to start learning a new language and I chose German randomly and here I am completed level A1


Your learning experience is so inspiring! Dankeschön
