Effective methods I used to learn German in 8 months (A1-C1)

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Want to learn German in 8 months? In this video, I'll share the effective methods I used to go from A1 to C1 proficiency in German. Master the German language with these tips!

Do you want to learn German or any foreign language? Or maybe you want to score high on a language exam?
You may want to study or work in Germany or any other country where you must first learn the language.
The tips I provide will help you improve in any language very fast and I know that they work very well because I used the same to clear all my German exams from A1 to C1 in 8 months, with a very high score.

0:00 Introduction
1:00 Immersion
4:45 Amazing practice exercise
7:20 Unique Vocabulary list
9:20 Go through Lessons in advance
10:00 Don't be afraid to embarrass yourself
10:48 Conclusion

#germany #german #learngerman #learnenglish #culture #languagelearning #studyabroad #studyingermany #study #studytips
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The video summary idea looks interesting I'll give it a try thanks


great tips man thanks, I'll try them out


I loved this video 100% and I'll do all of them you have said ans I know it will work cause they are amazing, thank youuu🙏🙏🙏 love from Romania ❤️❤️


Es ist erstaunlich, lasst uns lernen ✨💗


I have learned Czech langauge in 6 months. I did not use any tips. Only there was one tip and it was me myself. I did not Feel Boring in Learning. The more you eat the language, the more you become fatty with language. .DID you feel Boring in Learning? DO you have enough ENERGY to enjoy unknown knowledge, Do you have skills to focus on challenge? If your mind is tired and burden with stresses and the past then you will not develop new skills, so your passion will be very short lived because it is not ignited by your own inner fire but by the jealousy, demand, greed and pressure of the atmosphere.
I have crave for knowledge and learning, I have persistency and energy to stay focused and remain attentive. I did not feel BORING in learning, so if it is some topic like gardening, mechanic, forestry, cooking, astronomy, space, any topic but I read and it enriched my vocabulary So I read this language and translated everthing even not from Czech to English but from mother tongue to Czech language. I used my local newspapers and local stories into czech languages because these topics and subjects are familiar to me. and easy to grasp.
In short Work on yourself and develop skills. Be in Present then you will learn like a child.


Great ideas broo😄❣️thnqqq so mch🥹it helped me a lot..🎉


Your video are getting more interesting and helpful


I am 50 year old and plan to learn till B2 in India Nd then apply for a
Do you think anyone else did this at this age?


In "5:00" you mention to write a summary, you mean to write in English or Deutsch?

Nice video btw. Danke schön.


where are your certificates of the language exams ?


Bro am planning to fo my masters in Germany in few years, am in 2nd year of my BCA degree which is 3 years, so if i presure my bca hons whoch will add 1more year making it a 4 year degree, will it count as a 4 years degree z as i know most of the courses in Germany ask for 4 years degree, and i also know that many universities accepts 3 years, still it would make my chances slim, i have alredy started my german learning journey, and am planning to reach b2 before applying, i can study in german taught program if needed ,

So the question is that will it count as 4 years bachelors, and can you name some courses or some unis which accepts 3 years degree, please please, it would be great help


How to make sentences easily tricks please make a video ?


I want to learn german language but i don't know english.so how can i learn german language please guide me.


How long did you spend every single day on learning German?


Which foreign language is more useful?
French or German
Please Lemme know


Could you please disclose your C1 marks ? 😅😁😁😉


I have B2 Goethe I failed C1 Goethe ( sprechen and lesen) I am so tired what should I do the new modular exam is so hard ( I don't live in German speaking country)


So know i have to leave India to learn English 😅


Yaar English aana jaruri hi kiya German ke liye


1) Don’t get discouraged making mistakes. Without mistakes no gain.
2) Use your learning time well. Time is the key to learn fast. Either you get paid learning the language or you have economical support so you can concentrate just to learn the language every day. For you ones having other jobs and families tough call.

For ordinary people 8 years, not months, is a more realistic timeframe to reach C1 from nothing.
