Is My Hairline Receding, Maturing, or Balding?

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Keep in mind that not all people actually ever have a hairline that you describe as "juvenule" in their lives. For some, it's convex right from childhood.


Nick Shell, I FUCKING LOVE U DOG. I'm 20 years old and I thought I was balding but YAAA BOIIIS GOT A MATURE HAIRLINE LETS GAME


thank you for clarifying the triangle and the rounding corners


Mine's exactly the same as yours. When I was 17, I developed a very prominent V shape. When you covered up the V, I looked completely bald at the front. I was in college at the time and the kids used to joke about my receding hairline.

I'm 35 now and it's exactly the same. My hair hasn't thinned or disappeared anywhere else. The kids that used to joke about it, most of them are completely bald or have badly receeding hairlines..

I do get the occasional comment from people who say that I'm starting to lose my hair at the front. But I tell thrm, it's been exactly the same since I was 17.


Still not sure about mine. I am starting to rock a Vegeta (from Dragonball Z) here. But then again, so is my dad and my uncle. It has gotten thinner over the top though. Can't really say for sure how the edges are.
I envy people like Bruce Willis who look like total badasses without their hair. I'd just look like I got leukemia


Thanks nick ! You reassured me, i still have this triangular shape at the temples at 27 so i think i'm safe for now. But i'll pay more and more attention to it in the future, i subbed btw keep thoses great videos on. You are doing a wondefull work for us youngs out there ! Cheers from france


Masturbation does increase thining of hairline in individuals with big foreheads I don't know why tho..I started no fap and applied hair regrowth creams and now my hairline is back to normal


The u shape vs triangle shape part was very helpful. Where did you learn this information? Is there a source? I have noticed my hairline has receded slightly, but I still have a triangle shape, not rounded edges. There is some thinning but not a lot, the thing that that worries me right now is that I'm shedding a lot of hair when I comb, but I also have hypothyroidism. I have experienced alopecia arreata before that an injection of cortisone from the dermatologist seemed to help, cause it to regrow. Are you taking finesteride? People are taking generic finesteride to slow things and it's way cheaper than propecia I hear.


1:20 bro what the fuck howd your head move like that lmfao


yeah.. i'm 17 and i've had the round hairline thing since like 16.. fuck

at least i still have a thick hair *knocks on wood*


I'm 18 and my hairline is more of a U shape. My dad was a slaphead by 21, but both of my grandfathers had minimal recession. How much risk am I at, you think?


There's one thing I wanna ask about that I haven't been able to ask other people, I think maybe you know a definite answer. The thing is, I have been struggling with OCD all my life, but the last two years I've had intrusive thoughts especially about losing hair focusing especially on the hairline. When it was worst I found myself touching and feeling on the hairline especially on the temples, this behaviour developed because of a slight change in my hairline a few years ago when I was 20. These "attacks" if you will, could last many weeks, and it feels horrible because I can convince myself that I actually HAVE lost some hair in the process because of me actually feeling and touching the hairline so much. Because for every time I felt it, it mentally feels like I have lost a little more. What I'm wondering is that, COULD actually feeling and touching the hairline everyday compulsively for up to many weeks (at its worst) actually have lead to my hairline to have receded more than it otherwise would have?


Nick will you regard a mature hairline as a normal process non-balding people will experience? Can the shape of your head affect the shape of your hairline? Also can both parents genes influence this?

I am 23 now and I believed my hairline has moved slightly upwards s, my hairline shape is sort of in between my dads and my mum's father (so like between juvenile or norwood 1). I am of mixed decent (fathers side is british and mum side is chinese), and both sides of my family have kept majority their hair (granduncle has a norwood 3). What I did notice which correlates with your videos and intrigues me is how the males on my dad's side all have sort of more norwood 1/2 hairlines and the males on my mum's side are sort of juvenile or norwood 1.


I love your channel my friend .my dad died at age 87 his hair was very thick at the top thicker than a 14 years old boy, as my grandfathers, uncles cousins brothers never had a thinner hair or even a mature line .we were known back home by a nickname"the thick hair familly or the small foreheaded family "because genetically never a one case of boldness recorded in our family 10 generation -54 males alive now from both side mom & dad .Anyways
the only people from our family escaped the war zone in iraq was me and my older brother after our city destroyed because of the fight between USA and Saddam .my brother fled to the american army in 1991 and he is married and lives in USA and I fled from war as refugee to canada in 1996 married with listin to this weird thing, me and brother starts having a thinner hair at the top of our head plus a hair line that goes wider every year.the thining took only on year at the age 54 with my brother and me at the age of 47 and only took a year .the only two people from a 54 males, relative and familly members. only me and my brother, our hair starts thining at the whats your opinion?is it enviremonts change?could it be life style ?its really bothers me and I am very embarrased to ask anyone in person .thank you


im 19 years old and i have u shape hairline, but i had this hairline since i was born. should i be worried?


I'm 17 (a teenager) but u said most teenagers have juvenile but my hairline is going back


Dude i feel like your hair loss is bothering you and yet your not doing anything about it and i feel from some of your vids you discourage other folks of trying certain clinically proven remedies. What is the point of your vids please.


Mi hair line is reciding in the left side is looking a bit round the right side looks good almost perfect im 29 😐


Can I send you a pic of my hairline so I can get a definitive answer and stop obsessing.


I'm 19 still have a juvenile hairline 🙂🙂
