5 Reasons Why China's Military is Weaker Than You Think: True Form Exposed in Combat

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So, the CCP spends a fortune on their military, replacing their air force with new planes, launching new navy ships like they're making dumplings, and stockpiling missiles and nuclear weapons. They certainly look aggressive! But let's not forget, no matter how advanced the equipment, if the soldiers aren't skilled in combat, it's all just for show! Take Russia for example; they were all bluster until they actually had to fight, and then their true colors showed.
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All CCP military videos always look rehearsed. Everybody is at attention at all times, even the audience. It just feels odd all around.


Their biggest concern is Chinese build quality. We have seen how Russian weapons are complete garbage. The fact that nobody wants Chinese airplanes because of their poor engine quality tells you everything you need to know.


High intensity training with low protein, you're sending stick-men into war.


Wait you are making them do that kind of physical activity but with low protein diet... That is a personal trainer nightmare.


Soldiers You fight for CCP? Look at your seniors. They even can't buy food.


When I was working in China, I occasionally visited Chinese military bases to supply some equipment, and even then, they seemed like merchants and swindlers rather than soldiers. We had to give them rebates for whatever we sold, and as a global company, it wasn't easy to raise illegal funds to make those Chinese officers satisfied but we eventually found a way. For your reference, from the beginning of the People's Liberation Army, according to Mao's orders, each unit handled its own supply, and that tradition has continued to this day, running a variety of companies, including hotels, construction, chemicals, farms, finance, etc. In short, China's generals are both soldiers and leaders of large corporations. The PLA also has a monopoly in certain industries such as defense and aerospace.


Theres a good reason why china focus on running on their training. It is for retreating.


They grow vegetables? Literally a medieval military


First time I heard having gun shot experience for US as a positive


Love to see that the PLA is being exposed for what it really truly is, a Paper Tiger!


Actually I always just think of Chinese military as spoiled rich kids who had just bought weapons and watch so many war movies and youtube how to fight videos. And eventually afterwards they feel they are already strong enough to fight battle hardened Marines.


Truly strong nations don’t have military parades or loudly boast about their strength. They have confidence in their power, and everyone knows how strong they are, so they don’t need to show it off. Those with true strength have a quiet confidence. Those who are weak, but want to appear strong talk big and are boastful.

If China’s navy was really as powerful as it claims, then why are they too afraid to confront US navy ships in the South China Sea? It’s easy for China to bully fishermen, but when an actual first class military vessel shows up, Chinese vessels seem to have no interest in defending China’s territorial claims.


They don’t stand a chance against an American soldier. It’s not just training and tech, it’s also their diet and nutrition. I’m Asian born in Hong Kong but been in America since four years old. My dad is around 5’2, 110 lbs and my mom is around 5’1, 90lbs. I’m 6’1 and my brother is 6’0 and sister is 5’6. This all comes down to nutrition. All my relatives who have grown up in America are significantly taller with better muscular build than any relatives who stayed in Hong Kong.


If a war breaks out, the Chinese soldiers would have to rely on scavenging the battlefield for food and other supplies. So lets help them by not leaving anything of worth like food, clothes or shoes.


Former US Air Force…at basic training…I never ate so much fried shrimp in my life.


Start with, they have to eat crap food which makes them weak and sick.

I did 20 years in the USN, when I went into bootcamp at 19 YO kind of thin, not well muscled, but I was in decent shape, I could at least jog a mile as I was jogging before going into bootcamp.

I GAINED weight in bootcamp. The food we ate wasn't great, it was made in large vats or batches to be able to serve about 1500 people in 1.5 hours. However it was safe and REAL and provided nutritional value and that's a REALLY big deal. We had 3 meals a day. They gave you a large spoon and 20 minutes to eat.

We had maybe 5% of people drop out of bootcamp which is probably typical for the Navy. They realize they can't deal with people telling them what to do or it's more physical than they thought, When I went through it was rougher than it is now, but it wasn't ridiculous. Marines had a very tough bootcamp and I imagine their dropout rate was 10 - 15%. But for what they have to do, it needs to be hard physically. But it's still not ridiculous; it's regimented. Most people will put some muscle on during bootcamp and take off fat. I didn't have much fat to take off, but I put on some muscle, as in it was REALLY easy to pump out 50 pushups as a punishment, but it didn't start out being 50, it started out something like 20. About half way through bootcamp it jumped up to 50, and that's what I mean it wasn't ridiculous.

I enjoyed my time in service for the most part, there's always ups and downs, but I liked what I did, I liked the places I was stationed, etc.... I did something that if you were in the Russian Navy you'd be an officer, working on electronics, because in Russia they didn't trust enlisted people to work on their systems. In the US military an enlisted person might go through 2 years of training if they get into nuclear systems. My training was about 14 months before going to my first station. Over my career I had about 3 years of training, learning different systems, micro-miniature repair, working with fiber optics, learning data servers, networks, PCs,

Really, I'm thankful for the time, along with the benefits I got from retiring. It was hard, it was bad for family life, but for me personally it was worth it.


It sounds like that China is only training and not engaging in real combat! Battle testing is totally different than endless training! I am a former army vet here...


Having seen actual combat first hand, I cannot overemphathize how much of a difference being able to think outside of the box (adapt and overcome in US Army language) is to being able to not only survival but to accomplishing the mission. Taking the initiative was heavily encouraged. This is not something that the PLA does.


The only nation that have battle experiences is the Philippines because of insurgency conflicts in Mindanao. Even though they don't have advance technology, but they have skills and unity between Muslim and Christian soldiers in their military branch. Their training is also intense especially the Scout Rangers and the Marines. Indonesia is also have these intense trainings. Don't be fooled the small size nations, because their soldiers have high morale than the Paper Tiger.


Another thing: the PLA, especially in recent years, don't even go to train or take part in exercises with other countries. Smaller countries near China do military exercises with each other and other countries all the time, including and especially with Western powers even when they politically don't see eye to eye and are adamantly non-aligned. This is all for the sake of readiness.
