Types of Seizure | Epilepsy | What are Seizures

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🔹 Seizures including, Tonic Clonic Seizure, Atonic Seizure, Myoclonic Seizure, Partial Seizure, Petit Mal seizure, Psychomotor Seizure

#typesofseizure #epilepsy #seizure
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Seizures happen due to abnormal electrical activity in the brain. It could range from Tonic-clonic seizure, partial seizure, absence seizures in children or sometimes it may just have sensory disturbances.


This is a great educational video. A lot of people don't know there are different types of seizures and think all seizures are grand mal. It's embarrassing for me when I have a seizure in public because people stare at me like I'm some crazy lunatic on drugs or something. One time I had one at school and woke up in a room with two police officers interrogating me and thought I was on drugs. They kept trying to make me confess I was on drugs and I kept explaining to them it was a seizure, but they didn't believe me because they thought all seizures were grand mal.


Wow, didnt realise there were so many types of seizures and how subtle they can be.... Thank you.


The tonic clonic seizure looks so scary!!! I have these seizures and I am always confused when I wake up because people around me looks so scared. I didn't know it was this bad!


I am honestly so glad yall made this video. I think seizures is something that really isn't talked about. Anytime I tell someone I'm epileptic they always ask the same question. "what should I do when you have one"? "How do I know when you are having one?" I think this will really help people who don't understand seizures!! Thank you!!


I'm an EMT in training and this helped a lot. My class watched this during the special cases chapter.


That was amazing and very professional way of demonstrating great job guys 👍🏻


Oh wow... I was once at the pharmacy, and the pharmacist that was helping me had a series of atonic seizures right in front of me... I didn't say anything at that time because I didn't know what to do and she was still able to finish grabbing my meds and all... But I should've talked to her.... Asked her if she was alright... I hope she's okay.


Simple and helpful way of illustrating seizures for most people who only imagine a tonic-clonic.


thank you!! it really helps me👍
1:50 petitmal
0:08 generalized tonic-clonic (grandmal)
0:48 myoclonic
1:20 atonic

1:32 simple partial


I suffer from tonic clonic (or however you write it) seizures and it’s pretty heavy, i had one last monday and seeing this video helps me understand why people tend to panic when seeing me have one. The person having a seizure most of the time doesn’t even know it and wakes up later feeling confused as hell. This video is really informative and helps me cope because it often feels like no one understands the problem i’m facing


Actually watching someone have a seizure (particularly Tonic Clonic) is very hard to watch.


Without saying a single word, they taught us epilepsy 🙏


Thank you for demonstrating this kind of video, this can help a lot of people because there are many kind of seizures.
BTW mine is Tonic Clonic and its very hard to deal with this kind of seizure but I'm keep on praying❤️


The brain is like:
" Okay peace, I'm gonna go get some dunkin donuts and some groceries, I'll be back in like 5 to 20 second or longer.


Wow. They did the most accurate representation of what it feels like to have a myoclonic seizure. If you have these seizures, if/when you have another one, try to vision what it would look like to be on the receiving side, and it'll seem like they did a great job.


I have petit mal, absence and the last part. They said I used to laugh and sometimes scream.. Suffering since 1997, life is very hard.. I Can't drive and it is very embarrassing when it happens amongst other people who didn't know me..


Epilepsy is such a hard condition to live with. It’s affected my life so much just in the past 5 years when my seizures started.


I’m only 16 and I’ve had every type of seizure in this video, I watch videos every now and then for educational purposes but they give me nightmares, it’s terrifying when you know what it feels like


i have epilepsy, for y'all who don't know when we got seizures. i swear, it's painful, exhausting, and overwhelming. anw, tnx for the education dr!
