Most Common Types of Seizures

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"Epilepsy is the Greek word for seizure disorder," says Dr. Jose Colon, a pediatric neurologist with Lee Memorial Health System.

Seizures have been recognized as a medical condition for centuries, but they are not one-size fits all. In fact, they can present in extremely different forms.

"The one that most people know about are the generalized tonic-clonic seizures, or Grand Mal seizures, and what that is it's a full body convulsion," says Dr. Colon.

In a clonic-tonic seizure, the patient generally loses consciousness and collapses. It's characterized by stiffening of the body, which is the tonic phase. About a minute later it's followed by violent jerking, which is the clonic phase. It's a stark contrast to the absence seizure.

Absence seizures affect mostly children and last just a few seconds. There is a brief loss of consciousness, which can almost go unnoticed. Someone suffering one of these seizures looks like they've zoned out.

"They can have a moment in time where it appears that somebody is not paying attention, but what's happening is that they have a seizure going on in their head. Many times this can happen multiple times a day, sometimes hundreds of times in a day," says Dr. Colon.

The next most common seizure is the myoclonic, characterized by sporadic jerks on both sides of the body. Followed by atonic, which is when the patient has a sudden loss of muscle function. Seizures can originate for any number of reasons.

"Sometimes it can be a genetic predisposition towards having seizure disorders. Sometimes it can be a symptom of cerebral palsy or a prior brain injury or other genetic disorders. There are some things that can make a seizure more likely to come out. Sleep deprivation is a very good one," says Dr. Colon.

A doctor with experience in seizure disorders is best suited to make a diagnosis. There are medications and even surgery that is helpful in controlling or eliminating these unexpected seizures.

Lee Memorial Health System in Fort Myers, FL is the largest network of medical care facilities in Southwest Florida and is highly respected for its expertise, innovation and quality of care. For nearly a century, we've been providing our community with everything from primary care treatment to highly specialized care services and robotic assisted surgeries.

Рекомендации по теме

It wasn’t until I had a grand mal seizure that my family realized that I might have epilepsy. I’ve been having absence seizures all my life. It’s wack


so i have been having seizures this whole time


So you are telling me I've been having seizures for my whole life and had no idea


My dad had a seizure because of a low blood sugar (type 1 diabetic) I believe it was a tonic clonic judging by what my sister saw (she witnessed the convulsions and woke my mom up to notify her). He is perfectly fine now after two heart attacks in the span of 11 months.


My 4 yr old has these myoclonic spasms/jerks at night usually that last few hours of sleep... Including eyes being wide open but asleep... Never seen her do it during the day..


Where My absent boys at

Just trying to make people feel like they aren’t alone because I have it and it’s scary so just making you feel better.


thought i had these. ended up having a brain tumour


So I need help, im 14 and I think I have absence but instead of staring into space I black out for 1-5 minutes


Absence seizures are what I have but my mom didn't know


I'm sleep deprived and had a seizure this morning it's the only time this has ever happened to me


it would have been nice to hear this more slowly. News reporting is not the best formatting for learning.


my family, doesnt have a history of siezures or epilepsy and im epileptic but i didnt have my first siezure till i was 18 and in detox rehab for my opiate addiction and ive had 9 siezures since then and im 25 now but ive been taking meds for it since i was 18 but its getting under contral as i go up on mgs ... but wat i wanna know is why do i have it now as an adult


Can I have visit or contact to dr.jose colon as I need to ask about my brothers seizure attack..


I have been having seizures, I believe. I just will not have my bloody license taken away. What am I going to do? Drive through WV when I literally have no one and there is no cell service for Uber? Gotta risk my life.


I sometimes have grandmal seizure which I’ve been having since birth


I used to have seizures when I was five but I think I have absence seizures because I zone out and then don’t know what to do.


I was taking a shower and i zoned out real bad and my vision got super blurry and i felt like there was 3 tons of weight on my back pulling me down then my knees started twitching super hard and my chest kept twitching in and out i then fell and picked myself up and forced myself out of the shower cause i felt like i was going to die if I didn’t get out of there. Im just trying to get some sort of explanation cause that was super scary


I haven’t had one since I was a kid then all the sudden last year it started again just now trying to find answers .. I see red blinking lights then I don’t see anything and pass out .. this is all frustrating


I started having Seizures since my Senior Your of high school. It's something I was born with.


I have seizures too.... more Complex Partial seizures than Tonic Clonic seizures, helped by Keppra
