How to know if you have Epilepsy, different seizure types

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Epilepsy and seizures can present in many different ways and not just shaking all over, deja vu, fear, anxiety, flashes of light and urge to pee can all be seizures.


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#DrOmarDanoun #Seizures #Epilepsy
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why can’t all neurologist be this knowledgeable! my poor son has been dismissed over and over by neurologists & ER MD. i don’t know what else to do 💔


I was diagnosed with temporal lobe refractory epilepsy, just had 5 seizures 2 days ago. I just got out of the hospital, they had to give me adivan to stop the seizures in the ambulance. Luckily I can go for a temporal lobe resection to hopefully stop the seizures, I honestly wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy


Have been diagnosed with 3 different types of epilepsy by my neurologist. Have had seizure in Walmart where I thought I was home getting ready for bed. Well turned out I was arrested for indecent exposure.


I get panic attacks and this info is full of THESE NONE EXISTING FEELING BUT I MUST LEAFN FOR MY SON’S HEALTH 😢😢😢


I have multiple types. Medication quit controlling them so now they just kind of exist. I wish I would have a good neurologist like you I’m glad you make educational videos to help spread awareness.


I have so many of these! People need to be more aware of seizures and what they look like. For example, an absent seizure My eyes used to roll back. Now, I just stare. I was diagnosed in 1996 with juvenile myoclonic epilepsy. But, as a 5-year-old in school, I would stare out the window a lot. My doctor (an ADD/ADHD specialist in the 80s) was quick to diagnose me as having ADHD. My mother said all the doctor did was have me raise and shake my hands. Right away, he diagnosed me. Put me on Ritalin. which my parents said I acted like a zombie while taking. They took me off.But what if, the whole time, I had JME? And was I misdiagnosed!? I think that all the time.When I first was diagnosed with generalized epilepsy, I had bad Myoclonic jerks, staring spells, and times where I would just fall to the ground. I would not have a tonic clonic but loose muscle control if I were in a store or holding something. Things would fly across the room. As I got older, I just had jerks. Very rare, too. I gave birth to two healthy children. My first all while taking name-brand medications She was perfect! My second, in 2010, I used generic medications, and she was born full term. But she had so many birth defects. I did everything by the book with both pregnancies, too.My seizures were under control until about 2010. Then they got worse. I was having Deja Vue; anxiety would contribute to my seizures. Since then,  I can’t look at bright lights or blinking lights. I have to meditate daily and avoid any kind of conflict or confrontation because they make my anxiety level shoot through the roof. I also take depression and anxiety medications. I really wish schools would teach seizure first aid! As well as the general public! This is something that needs to change!


For over 35 years now with types of seizures changing the doctors just said it's epilepsy, not a certain type of seizure as your videos so it's not epilepsy. Now I know I have Deja vu causing my seizures as your video shows. I was told by a non-medical person to massage my neck to stop the seizure from happening but if I don't massage it on time the seizure does occur.


Getting diagnosed after 30 has been so hard for me 😭😭 I always knew there was something wrong and used to describe it as electricity in my brain… for years my complaints was just attributed to panic attacks till the myoclonic seizures became more intense and uncontrollable..


Thanks for the video. I personally know tonic-clonic seizures very well, but only since I was 35 years old. Before that I had intermittent deja vu + goose bumps moments for years, but this was never investigated. I now know focal seizures that are accompanied by smacking. Since switching to the drug Vimpat, tears have often come to my eyes several times a day for no understandable reason, alternating with goosebumps. Unfortunately, it is currently very difficult to find a decent doctor here. Nothing was found during an MRI in 2019 and the only EEG so far also remained without findings. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this helpful information. ❤️


I started having gran mal seizures in 2020. Before or after my cycle is when they come . Some months I am seizure free and some months I can have several seizures a month … I’m still learning my triggers but I definitely have them during my monthly cycle


Please let me know what types of seizures you know. Or any other questions about epilepsy


I wish i would meet Dr. Omar in person. My boy would heal from seizures 😢. Having seizures for 9yrs is too much for us😢


I took ballet in my 20's to try to keep my friends from calling me "Grace"! Haha! I've always been clumsy, but I don't fall. I was a pro soccer player for years without incident. I have Myoclonus Epilepsy w Red Ragged Fibers (MERRF). I'm now in my 60's and am FINALLY getting some answers to what has been going on! I wasn't diagnosed until a car wreck triggered full blown Gran Mal seizures. It took many years and a muscle biopsy to get to the root of the problems. Thank you Dr Danoun.


I am very glad that you had this video of about epilepsy and sezisure (. different type of sezisures.


Wow, I didn't know there were more seizures than the shaking one. My co-worker had that type.


I was diagnosed in 1988. I started with impaired awareness and absence.

After 13 years of control, medication stopped working. I developed focal awareness as well.

Over the next 17 years, I developed myoclonic and secondary generalized tonic clonic.

A VNS was implemented in 2018 and has really helped me. I had one year of controlled seizures until a medication that was affecting my liver was reduced. Since then, my seizures came back, but are less active. Focal awareness, impaired awareness and a new type of clonic seizure developed on the right side of my face (it always clusters).

I also have Non epileptic seizures (NES or PNES).

My epileptologist is considering adding an RNS.


I have Myochlonic seizures - word for word cereal spill and clumsy teenager. 2 years I was described as a clumsy teenager, before a Myochlonic seizure dropped me to my knees and I was taken to a neurologist and diagnosed.


Have you ever experiences seizure cause by digestion? My seizures are only the night ones, but always following after not fully digested food in the stomach and I could not find any specialist so far to have a consultation about this. Thank you!


This kind of information needs to be more common knowledge. I had no idea what a temporal lobe seizure was until I had one at work and found out the “episodes” I had been experiencing were seizures.


Dr. Danoun, this is eye opening information the doctors I’ve seen brushed off several of these symptoms I have. I thought I was going crazy. I greatly appreciate the information. God bless you.
