Robert’s One-Year Anniversary of Quitting Smoking

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Robert Plante hopes to inspire others to quit smoking on November 15, the date of the Great American Smokeout. After smoking for more than 50 years, he hasn’t smoked a cigarette since October 29, 2017. “I don’t miss it at all,” says the 71-year-old, who started smoking at age 18.

Plante was advised to quit smoking by his Dartmouth-Hitchcock (D-H) orthopaedic surgeon Marcus Coe, MD, MS. “Robert needed a hip replacement because he had severe arthritis in his left hip,” says Coe. “But in order to reduce his surgery risks, I told him he had to quit smoking. It’s hard for folks to quit, so it’s a huge testament to his resolve that he was able to do it.”

To schedule an appointment with one of D-H’s Certified Tobacco Treatment Specialists, call (603)650-8537.
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after 30 yrs of heavy smoking, i was 1 year since quitting smoking last labour day weekend.. just starting to feel better, took me along time to get it out of my system.. i'll never go back to smoking.. if your thinking about quitting? .. do it'll thankyourself later


Very good im off them 1 year myself would never go back energy levels are threw the roof


Great Robert!! I have completed almost 11 months of quitting cigarette smoking.


smoked since the age of 17 finally gave up on this worst habit of mine proud of myself


I am on the 5th day of my quit. Early days, but I have already noticed some positive consequences. I am 58 and had been smoking since I was 15. My respitory system was beginning to tell me that I had come to the end of the road with cigarettes. I had suffered a bronchial chest infection in early June which left me fighting for my breath for 48 hours. The antibiotics returned my breathing back to normal eventually. But as a long time heavy smoker I know that something like emphysema might be just over the horizon. Incurable and agonising condition. Terrifying thought.


Congratulations sir.
11 months ago I quit smoking because, when I needed to wear the mask, the stink after the cigarette was unbearable. Then I also realized that some 25 years of smoking is enough and even though my health is good I want to lower chances of some bad diseases anyway. Whole quarantine situation actually helped me a lot, because bars and clubs are closed and social interaction mixed with alcohol makes thing harder.
The reasons why quitting smoking is very important like motivation - Just keep telling yourself that being healthy, in good condition, without any addiction, and with more money in your pocket are stronger reasons than being stinky yellow nails and teeth junkie, spending daily lots of money on poison.
Hope everyone will be able to find a way to get rid of that bad habit. Just believe that you can.
Greetings from Eastern Europe.


I quit one year ago aswell...I can run a 4 minute mile and do 4000 press ups a day...hopefully this time next year I will be able to fly...Its amazing...


I have completed one year anniversary of quitting smoking🚬, stay strong .


My father quit at 65, cold turkey, after 50 years smoking at least 2 packs a day. One day he had to go to urgent care at the local hospital due to short breath. When the family saw him with a oxigen mask, he sudendly started to cry like a baby with shame...
After 13 years he is rockin and rolling.


One of the reasons i quit smoking was because i'm huffing and puffing SO loud everytime i lift weights 😂. I've only quit for 3 days so far and i already feel like i can breathe better.


I'm sincerely proud of you Robert and nonsmokers wouldn't be able to comprehend the gravity of how severe nicotine addiction is


October 1st a year ago for me! 14 months…..the changes were amazing. Skin was so soft, black bags under my eyes were gone, my breathing improved, my brain even worked better, which improved my memory and vocabulary. But unfortuanately, I have copd and sleep apnea. And occasional weed on a daily. Tomorro is my quit day and I’m guna fight for all I got to d t!!


I quit smoking 15 months ago. Have no craving and feel great. I would say, the first two weeks were the hardest. In the beginning, I used to see myself smoking in my dreams, but then it stopped. Pro tip: the quitting must be casual, don't make a ritual out of it.


I have 13 months quit, had to quit my beer too, they go together, To quit i used the patch and nicotine gum together i had to use both together😊


1 year next month since I have up. I got champex from the doctor. It's a miracle, you don't even realise when you stop.


I tried to get free patches from the State of Ohio quit smoking program and they sent me a couple of expired coupons; seriously, it was just pathetic and our tax dollars pay these states for helping people to quit smoking, it is outrageous.


The good part is he doesn't even appear to ever of been a smoker.


This guy is a walking heart attack, lose 150 lbs and get back to us.
