Ellen Degeneres is Officially CANCELLED After This Happened...

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Ellen Degeneres is Officially CANCELLED After This Happened...

In today’s video, join us as we show you the reasons why Ellen DeGeneres is cancelled. DeGeneres is no doubt one of the beloved TV hosts who helped pave the way for acceptance of oneself in the LGBTQ community and always ends each episode of her show by reminding her audience to be kind to one another. But behind her beaming smile and contagious energy, there may be a lot of offensive things she has done in the past.

This year, Ellen DeGeneres has faced a lot of backlash including a YouTuber's worst experience as a guest on the show and the way Ellen treats her employees. These are just some of the backlash she has gotten but there are plenty more. Be sure to watch the whole video because your opinion on the talk show host might change you. For the better. In addition, do us a favor and like the video and subscribe and turn on the notification bell. We’ll see you in the next video!


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Fame, money, power does not change people, , it reveals them.


I love how ppl apologize only after they get caught for mistreating employees


I found out my mother was dying from cancer. My girlfriend at the time, and I went to the Ellen show to smile and get my mind off things. Before the show we were instructed (as an audience) that no one was allowed to speak to "Ms Degeneres". (Oooo, so untouchable, important.) As the show went on, we all applauded like good little minions when her staff held up signs instructing us to. ( I guess she didn't want to leave it up to an actual earned applause.) We stood when told to stand, and danced when instructed to dance. All the while I'm thinking, what a joke. I actually thought this would be fun. I'd watched her show many times and was naive to think that the audience was actually doing all that they do of their own volition. It was just free labor for her. Finally, during a break one of her staff tapped me on the shoulder and said that Ellen had asked that I be moved to the back of the audience because I wasn't active and excited enough to remain where I was seated near the center of the room and walkway. Mind you, the woman who replaced me in my seat never stood or danced even once. It changed everything for me in reference to her in an instant. So all these years later I for one am happy to see that she is finally being seen for who she is. Arrogant, pompous, self righteous, self-important, and a bully. Ellen didn't make me smile that day. On that day... she felt like a bully. It actually felt as though she sensed I was weak in that moment and went ahead and gave me a good kick. She just added insult to an already hard time in my life. So yes, finally after all these years, in reference to Ellen... I smile.


She treated her fans, people who made her rich and famous, her live audiences for her shows, her staff and celebrity guests abysmally. She may have millions of dollars, but through her narcissism and cruel treatment of others she’s bought herself a life of misery and loneliness.


My grandma was called by the Ellen show on her birthday and they talked to her live on the phone. It was so funny when Ellen had been talking to her for awhile and my Grandma June asked "who am I talking to again" and the crowd went nuts. So the show flew her out the very next week and she was on the show, they brought her out and talked for a while, funny stuff. During it they brought her out a keg of Jack Daniels as a gift, live on air. She returned to her little North Woods town in Wisconsin and was so happy to be able to live up a little micro celebrity shine. Well when she heard the local animal shelter was needing donations, she used the chance to donate the keg of Jack Daniels to the shelter for an auction to raise money. Well come to find out the show never intended on giving her the gift and my Grandma died feeling she lied to the animal shelter. Kinda sucks, she was my favorite relative, I want to make it right some day.


Also, my old roommate was an assistant producer on her show and always came home talking about how mean she was. Sad.


Money can buy you a lot of things, but it can't buy you clean, honest, accountable, or responsible character.💧


She’s just the type to put you on the spot with your worst insecurities and people just go along with it


Ellen takes great joy over seeing people humiliated. I am 84 yrs, old and figured her out years ago and stopped watching her. Her show needs to be removed from the air.


She stands for everything that is wrong with humanity.


Her, Oprah, Jeremy Kyle, the list goes on… they all should be cancelled!


I once watched a programme where her wife Porsha was being interviewed. After watching it, I remember thinking, Porsha is absolutely terrified of Ellen and clearly treads on egg shells. Guess my gut feeling was right.


I could never understand why fans put these people on a pedestal. I am referring to celebrities in general.


I feel the same way about Oprah. I believe she meant well at the beginning, but all the money made her snobby and uncaring.


3 more things.
1. Kept asking a neighbor if she could walk their dog, then wanted to buy their dog, and didn't understand why they wouldn't just give their own dog up to her.
2. Adopted a rescue dog, signed the adoption contract, then violated the contract by secretly passing off the dog to somebody else when the dog "didn't work out".
3. Then sicc'd her followers on that dog rescue just because they tried to fix the mess she had caused. The rescue actually had to vanish and take down their website. :(


Some people are not accepting their own bodies. How can they accept other people?


She’s exposed now that she’s no longer useful for the agenda.


It makes me ticklish knowing that Hollywood is being cracked wide open.


Here in Hungary we have a celebrity who has been caught in a scandal for abusing his power. Her name is Enikő Eszenyi, former director of the Vígszínház theatre. She regularly humiliated actors, screamed at the top of her lungs and often physically abused them. When this came to light, because nearly 100 actors had written a petition against her, she did not even apologise. The only thing he did was to voluntarily resign from his job as director. This woman reminds me of that woman.


I always thought she was a fake. I always thought her jokes were not jokes towards people. She did cruel things to them. If they had a fear she made sure that she used those fears against them. I liked to when she was a comedian. Somewhere from there to here, she changed.
Her facial expression when somebody joked back with her. You could always see the anger. I could see her abusive trait. I knew the face all too well. A person just like her treated me that way all through my childhood and adulthood. Until I finally shoved it all out of my life.
