Is Fascism a Right or Left Winged Political Ideology?

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"Fascism was born to inspire a faith not of the Right (which at bottom aspires to conserve everything, even injustice) or of the Left (which at bottom aspires to destroy everything, even goodness), but a collective, integral, national faith" - Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera ( founder of the Falange)


Left vs right is a *very* dumbed down way of seeing politics.


The British Union of Fascists actually got along very well with Irish Nationalists.
Eoin O'Duffy of the Fascist Irish Blueshirts sent Irish Volunteers to support Franco during the Spanish Civil War.


fascism is like a more honest version of socialism, that doesn't deny and actually embraces things like the iron law of oligarchy


Perhaps the Anglo-American political spectrum is firmly trapped within Liberalism as well as overly influenced by economics, which informs the Anglo-American Right's view of fascism as left-wing because they are not economic liberals in the way that they are, & because the way they see it is so dichotomised, if you are not a free marketeer you are a socialist to them.


Centrist economically
Right wing culturally


Brown flag waving flag is my favorite fascist movement


To answer this.

Both depending on the position and situation of the state.


I would personally disagree on the Imperial Rule Assistance Association being Fascist. While I can understand why some would call it such, due to Hashimoto's connection with the group and him being an actual Japanese Fascist, he left the Association soon after it was created due to disagreements with Prince Konoe, its founder. He returned after Tojo took power and in 1942 became Director-General of the Youth Corps, but by this time the IRAA was more or less and branch of the Militarist for power. Its ideology practically died with Prince Konoe's removal, and Hashimoto attempted and failed at an ideological push from below to go up.


Was Stalinist USSR right-wing, Argie?


"Cult of the emperor" was taken from the Chinese (by the Japanese) anyway, it was always part of Confucianism. Hegel discussed this himself when referring to the Chinese system as being one of the "cult of the emperor" in his lectures on Chinese philosophy/history.


I like the scale you use as it seems the most useful for categorization. Also meshes with what I think Moldbug described as "spontaneous collusion" on the part of the left.

Though arguably it makes centrists the most left wing because they see people with fundamentally different answers to a basic question of human nature as the same.


You should name this and the video you made about Monarchy vs Fascism "Making of Modernity Codex" it's not quite enough to be a full episode but it does provide context for the series


What's your opinion on strasserism


Your left vs right definition is encapsulated in the dichotomy of nature vs nurture.
So it's redundant.


That was a great description, though I'm worried this video will be demonetized fairly quickly. I largely agree with your assessment of the differences in right and left, though I would more broadly classify them as "hierarchy vs. egalitarianism." That is to say, the Right intrinsically acknowledges the differences between different people that cannot be overcome environmentally, while the Left believes them to be interchangeable, as you said.

I'd describe fascism more as a societal fever, where the nation at large recognizes that it is at severe risk from threats internal or external and will give up freedoms in order to obtain a militarily more protective order. Fascist groups hardly ever gain prominence in times of peace and prosperity but rapidly develop when political, moral and economic decline is certain with the very future of the nation being uncertain. As I like to say, "When survival itself is at state everyone is a fascist." The Academic Agent posited something like this: /watch?v=9nSlvr0hV8I

Also, I hope you get the chance to read "Letter to a Suffering Church" by Bishop Robert Barron, because it is an interesting and open monologue about the sexual abuse crisis. If you'd like I can send you a (low-quality) pdf so you can read it for free. It's only a hundred short pages so I recommend it for everyone.


National Syndicalism and Strasserism, as well as other smaller ideologies such as Neosocialism, are the only ones which I would consider to be truly "third positionist", since they believe in a form of "right-wing socialism". Others instead tend to support either corporatism or a mixed economy, which is more economically centre-left, so when combined with far-right social views, they're still overall much more right-wing than left-wing. By comparison, the third positionists are economically left-wing to far-left, but have far-right views on other issues, so they don't neatly fall into the dichotomy and are thus syncretic, as opposed to just being moderate on some issues like the other movements.


Most countries representatives form collations that usually boil down to two oppositions i.e. the left and the right. To be left or right wing changes in each country, an overton window in politics. Fascism is neither left or right as it is not in power anywhere.

This doesn't even go into the fact that many movements that are called Fascist today themselves criticized Fascism such as the Iron Guard and National Radical Camp.


I think the real distinction between Right-Wing and Left-Wing politics is on the subject of sovereignty. The basic and groundbreaking idea of Leftism is popular sovereignty, especially conceived as the General Will like in Rousseau. By contrast, what defines Rightist views is the idea that God, or King, or Aristocracy is the sovereign ruler of the State. When you look at it this way, you immediately see how the last 200 hundred years of political development has been firmly Left. The idea that The People is in charge of the State and its laws is such a truism today that most can't even conceive of any other political society. The most hard-core Fascists, the extreme Marxists, the most bland Centrists, and even Classical Liberal or Libertarian types, all basically agree that society is a social contract between individuals like in Rousseau, and all they dispute really is how best to implement the Will of the People. Fascists think it should be done by a Dictator who embodies the People, Liberals think that power should be dissolved so that everyone has much of an equal say as possible, etc. But they all fundamentally agree that the State exists by the Will of the People. This is practically the defining characteristic of modern as opposed to ancient politics in my opinion. All former societies seem to have conceived of God or the gods as being the ultimate authority and founder of the State and its laws. If you want to know how far off conceptually from an ancient and truly Right-Wing form of politics, just imagine a politician seriously bringing up the Will of God or the Divine Laws in parliament as to suggest that these must be absolutely respected and obeyed. It's inconceivable. And yet the Will of the People is invoked by everyone as if the People were a kind of divinity. I was blown away when Saddam Hussein complained in a Muslim court that he had a right to leave the courtroom and delay the proceedings because it was a time for prayer and Allah's laws had to be respected. I could see that happening in the west but it would be treated in a condescending way as a plea for religious tolerance. But the point is that he seriously invoked the authority of God in a courtroom, and THAT is essentially what we've been moving away from.


Out of curiosity would you consider the Chineese government to be more Fascist nowadays. While they still call themselves Communist, to me it seems that their actions and policies resemble more of what we would consider a national socialist state.
