Was Hitler far-right or far-left?

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Did you know that “Nazi” stands for “National Socialism”? Adolf Hitler HATED capitalism and divided the world by race. Does that put him on the left or the right? Hear what Dennis has to say.

#hitler #capitalism #nazi
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It seems that the only reason people want to label his political views is so it can be used as propaganda against political opponents and nothing more.


He was a vegan, socialist, art student, had a silly haircut, was into magic and was obsessed with telling everyone else how to live and decided who were the most special people, hes like the prototype lefty :)


Why not ask the man himself? He said, "I am a socialist. I see no class and no social estate before me, but that community of the Folk, made up of people who are linked by blood, united by a language, and subject to a same general fate."

Anyone who thinks Hitler was right wing is either being disingenuous or is ignorant.


Dennis, race was a left wing value even before Hitler. You forgot about the democratic Party in US, KKK, JIM CROW... Race was a left wing value since slavery.


I was taught the lie that he was "far right" through out my education career.

The lies have been in the works for a long time.


Hitler also jailed his political adversaries over a protest at the capitol building.


"It is a matter of record that in the German Election of 1933, the Communist Party was ordered by its leaders to vote for the Nazis - with the explanation that they could later fight the Nazis for power, but first they had to help destroy their common enemy : capitalism and its parliamentary form of government." Ayn Rand.


Victor Davis Hanson said it best in one of his interviews. When he was talking about the decay of society in certain places especially places that are far left. He said these people will always deny this isn’t true socialism. This isn’t true communism.

In another interview with Jordan Peterson on the Joe Rogan podcast Jordan Peterson said, “these people will say it didn’t work because it’s the leaders fault and then say if I was running it it would have worked.” Jordan says if you think like that your exactly the person that shouldn’t be in charge.


He called himself a socialist, he had been a member of a Bavarian socialist party in 1919 (headed by a Jewish man who died - and Adolph attended the funeral, and apparently marched in the procession in uniform), he spoke about achieving the Marxist utopia via racial purity, the vast majority of his policies are those upheld by socialist movements throughout history, and his eugenics policies were first developed and pushed by PROGESSIVES in the USA. His list of ethnic groups to be eliminated came directly from the writings of Karl Marx, who had proclaimed that the peoples listed were those whose existence would prevent the creation of the socialist utopia. Up until he attacked the Soviet Union, he was heralded as a socialist and a progessive by the Western press and politicians. Only after he attacked the Soviets was he declared to be "right wing" by the same press and politicians.

Note that before he became known for socialism, Karl Marx wrote poetry, which still exists but was only published by the atheistic Soviet Union for some odd reason... th Western press ignored it. In his poems, he declares himself to be working for satan, desiring to bring chaos and destruction to the world....


Giovanni Gentile, the guy who invented Fascism, said he noticed how the working classes weren't rising up in countries and revolting against the capitalist governments the way Marx says they should. He noticed it was people of all classes who brought in a Communist government. So, he explained, he took classical Communism and substituted obedience to the state for obedience to the classist mob. Then he shared his idea with his friend Benito Mussolini. Mussolini summed up Fascism pretty well when he said, "Everything within the State. Nothing outside the State. Nothing against the State." Does that sound more like the behavior of the Left or the Right?

Race, that was added by Hitler in the Nazi form of Fascism.


I once read that Stalin had mocked Hitler and the NAZI party as being right wing because socialism is to the right of communism on the European political spectrum - but still left of center
The NAZIs weren’t pure enough 😂😂😂
I’m still amazed after decades of informing people about the simple meaning of the term “NAZI” how much anger/vitriol/denial I get - especially from “college” “educated” people
The mental gymnastics used to keep an association between NAZIs and any AMERICAN conservative are both astounding and deeply disturbing - much like the incessant use of the terms democracy and left/right wing to define America
A lot of collectivist groundwork has been laid and blindly accepted in this country- it’s going to take a long time to get it right


He was socialist because nazism is national socialism, that's the explanation? Yes, North Korea is popular and democratic as it's name says. Absurd


It’s always crazy to me when people say that the far right extreme is fascism. That makes no sense. To me the further to the right you go, you hit libertarianism and then eventually anarchism.


Any politician who can be elected only by turning Americans against other Americans is too dangerous to be elected. - Thomas Sowell

Who today is separating us, dividing us or as Dr. Sowell says turning us against each other?


The reality is that he was Far-Out-Off-His-Mind


-Didn't believe in Freedom of Speech.
-Didn't believe in gun ownership for citizens.
-Was an artist who wanted to go to an art school.
-Was a vegetarian.
-Was a Socialist who hated Capitalism.

Very Right Wing indeed.


Love it how we think everyone fits into left and right but dont worry about up down or diagonal.


I remind people regularly that Hitler was a socialist. 99% of America doesn’t know that


Jonah Goldberg has a terrific book, Liberal Fascism: A Secret History of the American Left. In it he describes the back story to both Mussolini and Hitler. Spoiler Alert, as young men they were both big lefty's.


All of this "not taught in college" was taught in highschool, back in the early 00's.
