Why Do People Think Fascism Is Right-Wing?

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Josh and Harry examine the recent research looking into the links between left-wing politics and negative personality traits.

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"the left cannot be authoritarian, because we changed the definition of authoritarianism to be exclusively right-wing"


*Isn't Left-wing politics more authoritarian by nature? Control how much people earn, tell people what they can and can't spend their money on, state controlled monopolies. It all sounds like ways to restrict peoples freedom.*


“It is well known that Sorellian syndicalism, out of which the thought and the political method of Fascism emerged—conceived itself the genuine interpretation of Marxist communism. The dynamic conception of history, in which force as violence functions as an essential, is of unquestioned Marxist origin.”

- Giovanni Gentile, the so called Philosopher of Fascism


"Why do people think fascism is right-wing?"
They don't. People who think know it's leftist. People on the left don't think.


Because they have been told it's "right wing" and never did any follow up research to verify if it is or not.


There was an episode of this American Life that had been glorifying a woman who was " turning in" poorly behaving men. But when they looked at her history they found that in the past she had been shaming women. On the show they were terribly puzzled why would someone who was an advocate of women have been anti-woman in the past? Yet to me it was so clear, she's a bully. When the rules were one way she bullied that way and when the rules changed she adapted and bullied that way.

Those socially ostracizing today on Twitter in the past would have been doing the same thing in their Churches.

Let me emphasize this, this behavior isn't merely similar it is exactly the same.


wait! are there non-authoritarian Left Wing regimes? *THAT* would be a Loch Ness Monster.


"Freud thought that people wanted to sleep with their mothers and I always thought that was nonsense. But then I saw Freud's mother. Wooow!"
- Bill Hicks


Because they managed to relate Na zism and Fas cism as extreme right wing ideologies just by being loud and labeling any seemingly right winger as such.


the frankfurt school f-scale is the psychological equivalent of the mice investigating themselves and finding no cheese thefts.


It's curious how Stalin praised Hitler, and so did his fellow communists/socialists around the world, until Hitler invaded the Soviet Union, when overnight all of them switched 180° and declared Hitler the most evil man in the world. (Coming from Stalin, that's Richter Scale irony.)

Marxism is not the polar opposite of Fascism, it's a sister ideology. Western Christians split into Catholics and Protestants over minor doctrinal differences to the point of outright literal warfare, and. Marxists and Fascists similarly were rivals, not enemies, even cooperating to invade Poland and the Baltic states.


The best source I've found on whether the Nazis were right or left wing is the "Hitler was a socialist" video from TIKhistory. It's a long video, 4 hours, but involves dozens of sources and gives the best analysis to date in my opinion.


Belief the world contains dangers is right wing? 😑
I have encountered this at university, the idea that you don’t need a gun because nobody wants to hurt me. I agree people generally don’t want to hurt me but there is an element of society that will hurt me and I want protection from that element. These same people would also tell me how women weren’t safe to walk around at night because of sexism, thought the world was safe though.


" If fascism ever comes to America it will come in the guise of liberalism "

Ronald Reagan


*If you repeat a lie enough times people will assume it's true.*


Heaven forbid they'd come to the conclusion they were all raging lunatics lol


Aydin Paladin did a piece (in great detail, as she does) on the F-Scale. Apparently early iteration of the F-Scale had left wing thought and Marxism in particular as even more authoritarian than Fascism.
And of course... That didn't fit the leftists narrative, so they cooked the books and made the method blatantly slanted.


It's the same as "toxic masculinity". Rather than simply calling out toxic behaviors (regardless of who is exhibiting them), and rather than acknowledging that masculinity can be neutral or good, it simply mashes them together to frame them as being mutually inclusive, or even one-and-the-same. As if toxicity is only "masculine", that masculinity is only "toxic", and that they are inherent and inseparable.

The war on language is probably the most covert and most insidious battle being fought in the war on culture.


Allow me to create an unbiased list of questions, the answers to which can predict an individual's propensity for leftist authoritarianism:
1. Do you own more than two pairs of Birkenstocks?
2. Have you ever glued yourself to something in an act of protest?
3. Have you ever let out a deafening screech to drown out cogent arguments from someone you don't agree with?
4. Do you have a tenuous grasp on subjects which you feel strongly about anyway?
5. Have you ever written a treatise on toxic masculinity or the gender pay gap?
6. Are you the most tolerant and accepting person that you know?
7. Is it important to lift up minority voices, but only those minority voices with whom you agree?
8. Can children make life altering and irreversible decisions for themselves?
9. How often do you use the phrase "As a of
10. Are well-documented historical events a matter of opinion?


Can’t spell “Nazi” without “Socialist.”
