6 Things I Do When I Get Paid | Money Management Tips

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These are the six things I do every time I get paid!

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00:00 Start Here
00:30 Take Out Taxes
01:58 Contribute To Roth IRA
03:34 Pay Off Credit Card
05:09 Pay Non Credit Card Expenses
06:42 Move Money To Savings
08:15 Notice Financial Trajectory

Once a month, every time I get paid, I sit down and do six things that help me stay organized and avoid any bad financial surprises. In this video, I share those six things.

1. Take Out Taxes

Whether you are self employed or employed with a company, it is important to make sure that you are setting aside enough money from each paycheck for taxes. This amount varies from person to person; however, it's important to take the time to make sure you're setting aside the right amount to avoid a large tax bill at the end of the year.

2. Contribute $100 To My Roth IRA

The next thing I do when I get paid is regardless of how much I make on a given month, I contribute $100 to my Roth IRA. And if I make more one month, I consider putting more in my Roth IRA. It is important to be in the habit of contributing a certain amount for retirement each month because eventually you will need money for retirement.

3. Pay Off Credit Card

I put most of my expenses on my credit card and run up the balance each month. I do this because it allows me to have one single bill to pay at the end of the month rather than having to keep track of multiple. Once I get my statement each month, I immediately pay it off and bring the balance down to zero. Credit cards are a great tool to consolidate bills; however, do not consider doing this if you do not have the self control to pay off the balance.

4. Pay Off Non Credit Card Expenses

I am unable to put certain expenses like my health insurance and rent on my credit card or I am met with a high fee. It is important to be aware of these fees and make sure you are not paying them. I set all of these bills on direct deposit and make sure that they were actually charged.

5. Move Money To Savings

Since I am self employed, I have to be very cautious with how I spend and manage my money. Whenever I make more, I do not spend more, but I set aside the extra money for a worse month. I personally like to keep my checking account at around $150 because I do not have many expenses that go through my checking and by moving all the extra money over to my savings, I never confuse saving money for spending money.

6. Notice My Current Financial Trajectory

The final thing I do on my payday routine is to zoom out and see if my account is growing, stagnate, or declining. This allows me to understand the financial path I am on and I can make changes if need be. No trajectory is right or wrong, but it is just dependent on your goals in life.

**I am not a financial advisor. The ideas presented in this video are for entertainment purposes only. You are responsible for the financial decisions that you make. Links above are affiliate links where if you click and order, I will receive a commission at no cost to you. **
Рекомендации по теме

I think your videos are reaching some amazing streets man. As a black man who grew up poor and have the CONSUMER mentality; in the last 6 years I’ve become more of a minimalist myself. I’ve never though i would have 100k save and invested in my life. Thanks for your videos…


So much knowledge! Absolutely free! I was never taught anything about money, I am praying and working to change that. I am 46 no retirement no savings because I made a lot of mistakes when I started investing, trying to correct that now. Already have a few thousand$ saved up to invest for long term. I would like to know what advice you could give to start my investing journey. Listening to you gives me inspiration and wisdom. Thank you so much!


I normally don’t offer unsolicited advice but… I love your conversational tone. It’s perfect for a podcast. You could easily take all of your YouTube recordings and simply transfer them over to podcast episodes. Your show is perfect for a bit-size financial pick-me-up on the way to work. Just saying. You’re amazing. Another YouTube video for the books. 🧡 🐪


I am a senior and I live on $945.00 a month from my Social Security check I’ve paid into my whole life and now retired. I live in San Diego County in California in a beautiful two bedroom apartment. Granted, I have Section 8, EBT, and I use Food Banks. But I have everything I need and then some. By being frugal, I can take mini vacations every now and then. I hope parents and young adults watch and learn from your videos! I agree and live by everything you talk about! Please teach this generation! Don’t ever stop! Thank you for being so young and teaching these things that for most, take years understanding and accepting! Have a great life young man!


We also use credit cards when possible. But every purchase is written down in a section of my checkbook (a ring binder). No surprises at the end of the month.


Thank you for this it’s definitely relatable. I make about 3, 000/mo after taxes, 401k, and stock plan purchases and then I still put $500/mo towards my Roth and at least $250 towards my HYSA. I’m only 20 so I’m definitely still learning but I’m glad I’m on the right track


I save by categories. If I put it on a card, there is a category for it. So the minute I charge something I pay it. My schooling is paid for as of a month ago. So no debt at all.🙂 Our $$$ is growing.🙂😊


Thanks for sharing your realistic numbers! Not many creators are this relatable to their audience. 😇


I’ve been saving for 17 months now to take and obtaining my CDL to become a truck driver…i hope this move changes my financial future. Thanks for your videos…


00:02 Six things to stay organized financially
01:20 Setting aside enough money for taxes and contributing to Roth IRA.
02:32 Consistently contribute to retirement savings
03:44 Use a credit card to consolidate small expenses into one bill
05:02 Pay non-credit card expenses through direct deposit
06:18 Keep checking account at $150 and move the rest to savings
07:44 Maximizing savings and assessing financial trajectory
09:04 Maintain what you have and be aware of the trajectory you're on.


I think the whole trick to budgeting is establishing your baseline. Takes a lot of stress out of the equation


Great video Austin. I've recently made some poor choices, but videos like this help give me some clarity on getting back into shape financially.


Hey man! Im in NB🇨🇦, i also recently turned 30, just found your channel a week ago and have watched over 70 of your videos, ive been on a self betterment journey for a couple of years now but the way you explain things have been the best I have watched and watching your videos have made things alot clearer for me so thank you! I have a girlfriend, 2 kids under 3 and 4 animals so our situation is different but I am figuring out a way to implement alot of things learned in your videos while maintaining a balance in my families life. I come from an uneducated financial family growing up so i have made countless stupid money decisions but am working hard to turn it around and finally have my time and freedom back and alot less stress and achieve my dream of travel also at some point soon👌🏻and I have finally let go of consumerism❤ keep it up! Im following✌🏻


Love practical and realistic videos, like these, thank you!😊


Being organized can be the positive difference between being successful and not. Wise words from Mom. I think this especially applies to all things financial.


Wonderful another Agustin video! I love your financial organizing ideas. Keep them coming, you are one of my most favorite YouTubers!


Great content, as always! Clear and to the point.


Long time I didn’t subscribed any new channel and u convinced me to do it. And I’m happy watching your content 😊


Austin I do the same thing with my credit card. I don't use cash, I charge everything to my credit card. When the statement generates I pay off the entire balance so there is NO Finance Charge. Even more importantly, all those purchases result in Reward Points. So whenever I buy anything on Amazon for example, I get it for FREE. I've been worried about using a credit card because everyone says NO, but I think I'm safe now that I see your comments about it. Thank you [Seattle WA]


Been watching a bunch of financial advice videos lately, and by far, your tips/tricks/advices are superior. I can live with your educational entertainment. Thanks man!
