Ahsoka Review - Disney Star Wars BURNS Money - Season 1 Episode 1

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Ahsoka Review of Season 1 Episode one of the latest Star Wars show released on Disney+. Ahsoka Tano was originally an animated character from Star Wars: Clone Wars and Rebels, now brought to live action for Disney+. But as Ahsoka and Sabine team up to try and find Thrawn, can Ahsoka save Star Wars on Disney+? Is Ahsoka worth watching?

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Ahsoka Review of the latest Star Wars series on Disney+. Ahsoka Tano was previously an animated Disney Star Wars character on Star Wars Clone wars and Rebels, now in live action searching for Thrawn. But Series 1 episode 1 was slow, with lots of staring at people, walking down corridors, solving puzzles in silence for multiple minutes. It really felt like we were dragging it out for time reasons which is never a good reason to do so. But after we find a golden map sphere we travel the universe to look for the important information "No-one makes a lock without a key". Sabine coming in useful for Ahsoka already. If this is episode 1, I have no idea how far we'll sink before the finale! But did you think of what you saw? Let me know your thoughts down below and as always, thanks for watching :)


So, an ancient temple, contains a (seemingly) ancient map showing the whereabouts of Thrawn. So many questions. Does Thrawn always stay in the same place? How long ago was the map hidden in the temple? And why!? Why would someone make a map to Thrawn and hide it in an ancient temple? It's such a weird plot device in this situation.


I love how people use to rip on the lightsaber fights in the prequels... but at least they made sense, were fluid, and were good sparring matches unlike pretty much anything disney has ever created 😂


Reminds me of how fluidly Obi Wan and Anakin dispatched droids when they rescued Palpatine. Like it was second nature. You’d think Ahsoka would do the same.


Why are all Star Wars stories reduced to McGuffin quests? "I need a map to find Luke Skywalker! I need a map to find Admiral Thrawn! I need a map to find Palpatine! I need to go bathe in some sewage to be a Mandalorian again!"

Is there nothing better to do in the Star Wars universe than to chase random objects? And most of the time it's to find a map to someone else. There's no email or Garmin in the galaxy far, far away?


Apparently star wars is reduced to "find the map thingy, and solve a puzzle" under disney. Just fantastic writing.


If I’m remembering the ending of Feloni’s Rebel cartoon correctly, the blue alien admiral they’re looking for, Thrawn, was abducted by space whales. So I guess the map ball is supposed to tell them where the space whales went, not Thrawn himself.
No, this does not make it better.


So let me get this straight. The key to unlocking the ball was turning three pillars. Yet at no time did Ahsoka think about turning the ball?


There has been a considerable amount of criticism of the dead, monotone acting. Personally, I think it's perfect - I mean, what other kind of acting can you have in a dead franchise?


The fact that the Doctor is playing a droid explains why that Droid is actually the best part of the series already. He actually seems like a character. Syndulla is.. her Yellowish pants, Ahsoka and Sabine are wooden.


I love how the droids give her a 2 minute warning. That was nice of them.


How... How do they not understand that a lightsaber THROUGH someone, would cause massive internal damage... It is hot enough to melt steel.
It will perform havoc on flesh and a nervous system, not to mention that long spine like apparatus every human has down their back!


Disparu does the best job of actually breaking down and explaining the plot while showing why this is so objectively bad on YouTube imo. Plus he's genuinely hilarious.


At this point, Order 66 seems more and more like a failure. "We wiped out all (ok most) of the Jedi, then Vader and helicopter sabers took out the rest (ok a few more)."


What’s most infuriating thing about this show is how it’s revealing how many people have absolutely no standards as long as the Star Wars logo is slapped on it.


The golden ball map thing looks exactly like the golden ball map thing from Disney's treasure planet. Are they going to find lost treasure in this show too? Honestly, that probably would be more entertaining than whatever they're setting up to do in this show.


I love the part where someone gets stabbed through the middle and lives through sheer superior female cell repair rates


The biggest mistake made with Ahsoka was Filoni chickening out and not having her killed by Vader.


It looks like the writers saw how much Andor was praised for not being fast-paced action all the time and thought "let's have really long puzzle solving scenes and corridor walks!"


The Sherlock Holmes analogy was perfect. I would be laughing to death if he walked inside a room, arrested a random person, refused to elaborate and walked away.
