How to Build Attraction on Social Media | Using the Power of Social Proof and Pre-Selection

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One excellent form of social proof is preselection. So how exactly does preselection work?

A man walks into a bar by himself. The women in the bar look at the man and think nothing of it—all they see is a man walking into the bar, he could be anyone. Now imagine the same man walks into the same bar and this time he has a beautiful woman on his arm. The other women see the man and their reaction is now completely different. The man is no longer just a regular guy who walked in off the street. What is it about this man that enabled him to attract such a beautiful woman into his life? This is the power of social proof. The man has already been preselected by a beautiful woman, the other women in the bar see this and automatically assume the man has high-value.

In a similar way, when you walk past a restaurant and see a crowd of people lined up outside, you are naturally inclined to wonder what’s so special about that restaurant in particular. Most people will assume the food is exceptional because so many people want to eat there. This, once again, is the power of social proof. The Royal Society published an interesting study that helps to explain the power of social proof in more detail. The study analyzed how female participants would react to different pictures of a man and woman (with the woman looking at the man with different facial expressions). In the pictures, the woman’s facial expressions were either (a) smiling (b) bored, or (c) neutral. The results of the study showed that the female participants rated the man most attractive in those pictures where the woman was seen “smiling” at the man.

Other studies evaluating the effect of social proof on attraction found similar results. One such study published in the Journal of Social, Evolutionary and Cultural Psychology explained how women are more likely to be drawn to men who are already in a relationship, as opposed to men who are single. Further research into this dark area of attraction revealed that women only find men attractive in this situation if the man is dating an attractive woman. In other words, if you’re seen walking around with plain Jane, you’ll do nothing to inspire interest or raise your value.69
Social proof can be used to great effect on social media. And based on the body of scientific research that already exists in this field, it’s safe to say that men who are seen with attractive women immediately raise their value and become more attractive as a result. Any time you raise your value to the point where you’ve acquired a certain level of prestige and recognition (for example, you’re seen with a beautiful woman, you’re a semi-celebrity, or you’ve achieved recognition in a particular field or industry), you exhibit social proof and value.

Even when you’re simply having a good time, hanging out with a group of friends, you have an opportunity to display positive social proof based on the fact that you’re socially aware and liked by your peers. Displaying social proof is a great way to build attraction for human beings are nothing if not social animals.

If you want to maintain attraction with a woman, right from the moment you first meet her all the way through to a long-term relationship, then I highly recommend you get a copy of my book Atomic Attraction.

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Trust yourself and trust the process,

Chris Canwell
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Hey, chris! What if there are also women out there that are also good at giving advices to other women. Like for instance they'll say, "do this to make a guy chase/obsess with you" or "if a guy or your bf will do this to you, do this blah blah blah". In short, they are giving advices to other women just like what chris does. Will they win? Are their tips and advices more powerful than chris's? I hope chris will notice this. Please help.


Yeah. But, since people follow others dreams as an effort to gain social proof, they sometimes become mediocre in life.



Is there no hope, I dumped ex gf and she called the cops for harassment when I come back to see her and accused me of vandalising her property, does this mean there is no chance and is it over with an ex girlfriend when she calls the police for harassment an accuses you of damaging her expensive property and then the charges get dropped by the police,
Should I still try to get back together with ex girlfriend?

Can you still get back together with an ex girlfriend when this happens?

And if so how can you get back together with an ex girlfriend?

You advice and help is appreciated

Thank you


Does walking with two attractive women by your side cause a much greater effect than just one, or no big difference?


This guy is one of my principal mentors🤟


You don't even have to have a woman on your arm. Even you walk into a bar and one or two women check you out you are actually being preselected. If you are tall or handsome or successful and women percieve you are the kind of guy that other women would covet then you are preselected too.


Yeah, that's the difference between the genders. I'm a male, and on social media if I see a lady is NOT single, I wouldn't even think of wasting time on her.


I have learnt it myself in my 20s. I tried discussing it with friends to enjoy life and go out with mixed sex groups. Adding more value to our evenings, the conversations and making it easier to meet new ladies. Equally, I find that in big cities ladies like the same feeling of being seen around with a well kept and stylish man even though you are just a friend. Sadly, most people think like gate keepers, and as soon as they have half girlfriend they recluse and spiral down. Big, big mistake


People judge a book by its cover. Just because a chic is a babe doesnt mean she has any intelligence or class.


very true I have a friend who started doing international Trips a going to different countries He suddenly became visible to the


Everything is based on looks, what's unseen counts for nothing. 😎


Thank you, this is helpful in these times where social media is the trend especially this pandemic


After watching your videos Dating and relationship are very easy and fun for me....thank you Chris


Automatically….🙌🏻find him attractive…..nice word to use mate 🤙🏻😅
I’m a bad boy, I don’t care less how women or men see me, I love life and live through my passions, I’ve never had trouble with women
Because I don’t care 🤷‍♂️ 🤙🏻 peace out. Fellas stay masculine stay alpha and stay focused on your Purpose


This will be one of your most viewed videos ever, Chris. GREAT TOPIC & it’s applicable to many other parts of life!


So getting a girl helps you to getting other girls, but how to get a girl if i don't have any girl, bruhh


You're videos truly changed my mind and it made my dating life easy n fun...


In short be an alpha. Do not be like a funny guy. You need to be serious and mysterious


But, How Can I use this pre-selection and social proof validation if I don´t have a beautyful girl around me???


Super interesting useful and practical, thank you for ur free content
