How to Talk to Girls and Create Instant Attraction

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A man and woman sit next to each other in a quiet bar. “Who’s the most important person in your life right now?” the man says.
The woman thinks for a moment. “Person? Well, my parents, my family, my friends, umm, the people close to me,” she says with a smile. “How about you, who’s the most important person in your life?”
The man looks deep into the woman’s eyes and says only one word, “You.” The woman flinches. “I might not see you again, but right now you’re here with me and I’m here with you. You’re the most important person in my life right now.” And with that the woman falls completely under the man’s spell. Such is the power of words.
It’s not uncommon for a man to become weak and vulnerable in the presence of a beautiful woman. Indeed, a woman’s beauty is her main asset. And just as men have a weakness for beauty, women have a weakness for words.
A study published in the Journal of Personal Relationships made headlines when it claimed that men who have strong storytelling abilities are perceived to be more powerful, high status, and attractive to women.
Still, another study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that men who were more prosocial and outgoing were rated more sexually attractive compared to less prosocial men.
The key to building attraction with words, according to a study published in the Journal of Personal Relationships, is to tell “fluid” stories packed with “lively vocabulary” as opposed to telling stories that are boring, uninteresting, and highly detailed. In other words, keep it interesting and never labor your point.
Men have a natural tendency to want to communicate logically. Women, however, prefer to engage their emotions when they communicate.
The ability to talk about a variety of topics and explore deeper feelings is a significant component of female communication.
Studies show that engaging conversationalists are seen as more attractive compared to dull, inhibited conversationalists who are viewed as not only less attractive but less likable as well.
There’s a reason why good communicators find it easier to seduce women. They know how to talk and what they say is never boring.
The charming conversationalist has no qualms talking about things that are controversial or politically incorrect. Men with lively conversation styles usually live lives filled with adventure and risk.
Attractive men go out into the world and collect wonderful stories and memories along the way. Their ability to regale a woman with their adventures and use colorful language is simply a by-product of living a full and interesting life, something that every man should aspire to.
If you want to maintain attraction with a woman, right from the moment you first meet her all the way through to a long-term relationship, then I highly recommend you get a copy of my book Atomic Attraction.
Check out the Get Her Back (Action Plan) for the best way to get your girlfriend back if she's pulled away from you or left you.
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Chris Canwell
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