7 things I quit so that I can hear God with clarity and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit

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This are 7 things I quit in my life so that I could hear God and learn to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. Once we are born again, there are many things the Holy Spirit will lead you to change in your life so that you can grow your relationship with God. In this video I will share my testimony and help you understand why making some of this changes could lead you into a life led by the Holy Spirit and full of breakthrough that will bring glory to our heavenly Father.

If you desire to grow closer to God 👇🏻

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Awesome Video! I got the timestamps for anyone who needs them! 😊

0:00 Intro

2:12 #1 QUIT Things that Add No Value to Life (Certain Books, TV, Social Media, etc.) 📺

4:02 #2 QUIT Hanging With The Wrong People (Gossip, Toxic Friends, etc.)🤫

5:00 #3 QUIT Critizing and Judging People (Especially Yourself)🤐

7:40 #4 QUIT Magnifying the Problems/Issues in Life (Complaining, Worrying, etc.) 😰

10:38 #5 QUIT Overdoing, Overbooking, Overworking (Especially without a Good Balance)😵‍💫

13:31 #6 QUIT "People-Pleasing" (Especially if You Want to Grow)🙃

15:33 #7 QUIT Overthinking and Doubting (Especially If You Want to Hear God)🤔

17:45 Closing Message ❤


You hit the nail on the head. God has led me in the same areas you described. Minimal to no news, no TV at all, minimal secular music, no toxic relationships, very good boundaries, lost some people, listen to Bible daily, listen to good books/podcasts by mature Christians-NOT because I’m better but rather because I CANT HANDLE IT!
My eye and ear gates are very sensitive.
Oh the quiet mind and peace I’ve found by talking to God all day about everything- my anger, irritation, my fears, despair, any conflict with other people, and concern for future. And the result has been a quiet mind about 80% of the time.
Thank you for sharing! 20:09


I criticize myself a lot. I need the Holy Spirit’s help to help me with this.


Quit magnifying the wrong and instead magnify the good! I’ve learned to look at all good as God being present and sending blessings through things that bring us laughter, joy, and anything beautiful and sweet and wholesome! Constantly acknowledge these things and moments as God’s blessings!


I clicked the like button and also subscribed right after listening to this message. It touched me deeply. Caused a welling up inside . It spoke personally to me, my conscience pricked by the Holy Spirit. Also confirmation of what Jesus Christ has been showing me as I read his word . After 38 years of walking in the darkness. I am walking in the light of his word. Such a glorious light...


Amen stop hanging out with people who are hindering you


Fasting works for me. I can hear God when I fast.


Verse: "Be Still n Know that I am God..."


When I turned to God in 2015. I was very into my sports train. At this point I was about to turn 55 and sport had always been a big part of my life. But I started getting feelings that God wanted me to give up my training routine. But it took me a year before I gave up training. The crazy thing is you can start to rationalise things from a very human and limited position. In my case I was thing that my training would and had kept me fit and healthy over the years. But as God says in the Bible ''is my arm too short?'' (If I remember rightly He says hand. Not arm). But basically He is asking is it outside of His capabilities. Which of course it is not. But to do as He asked me to do has blessed me many ways. I also realised, as good as it was, my training had become a god in my life and I could not see because I enjoyed serving it.


Indeed a Blessing Jennifer,
To quit these: Just what I can summarise, please do help corret me, thanks
2:12 1. Investing time on things of no value
4:02 2. Quit hanging with the wrong kind of people.
5:00 3. Stop criticizing and judging other people & ourselves.
7:40 4. "Number 5" Quit magnifying what is going wrong.
10:38 5. You need to quit overdoing.
13:31 6. "Number 7" Quit pleasing people.
19:30 - I agree, we do not have to validate our feelings all the time. we cannot trust our emotions totally as it can be manipulated.

Just like in the garden where the plants are spread throughout. We thank you for guiding and sharing with us. God Bless


This is the most truthful, earnest teaching I have heard in a long time. You can tell she has lived this life and knows from experience. I’ve experienced all of these things and I’ve been a Christian for 60 years. Learn early!


This was helpful to me. I have been months into spending an hour with the Lord. Through his word I receive revelation and guidance which I was amazed by. I thought it could only happen to other people. Holy Spirit started speaking to me about many things. But I kinda ruined it when I was looking into the Mendez brothers and the horrific abuse they suffered by their own parents from when they were little. It hurt me so much in my heart. I had a bad dream. Woke up and spend time w the Lord and he assured me all is well but that the heart is his temple. It needs to be clean. That content is not meant for me, maybe for someone else who could help, but not meant for me to consume it. He washed me clean through worship and our session. Then I open YouTube and see this video and think oh! This could help. I need to be judgmental about the things that I do to keep my life as a warm welcoming place for the Lord Jesus to dwell in. THIS VIDEO REALLS ENCOURAGES AND HELP ME so--THANK YOU!! I have subscribed. I'm so grateful to God for people like you :D


The Holy Spirit telling a lot of women the same things..amen. Thank you


Beautiful lady teaching and pushing us to change our basic habits and instincts from the body captivity into the spiritual freedom led by the most powerful FORCE and ENERGY of eternal life - The Holy Spirit. God bless her! Dr. JG M.D.


Amen to you 🙏❤️❤️❤️ I am 46 and I am into this things of my life for a year now. Holy Spirit help me with this and I found peace in life. Believers and others coming back to Christ should hear these…. More videos like this will help a lot…..❤❤❤❤ Bless U🙏🙏🙏


Jennifer sister in Christ 🙏🏻 thank you for those edifying words . One thing I Add . As A Grandma I feel like I help my kids with my grandkids a lot and stress about there problems . I need to step back and pray 🙏🏻 for them not try to solve there problems. And I need to spend more time with my husband and say no, more to my kids . I Have neglected my husband for soo many years because I’m so busy helping my kids .Sometimes my husband and I spend some time sharing about Our Lord and His Purpose . It’s So enjoyable.. 🙏🏻


You have blessed me by this presentation. God bless you richly in Jesus name


Sometimes talking about problems is therapy, and some ppl need to be gently spoken to about what they are not doing right and still pray for them and with them. I believe in listening to the Holyspirit and the spirit of discernment, thank you for all your wonderful points


God was ministering to me about this the past few days and then He showed me this video ❤ thank you, very timely message. He was telling me despite being physically still, I'm constantly filling my mind with unnecessary things and never actually resting


Now i know, Holy spirit is really guiding me through this video ! I asked God that he called me but i don't hear his voice.. Thanks for Guiding me Holyspirit!❤
