15 Things I Quit To Simplify My Life

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00:00 Intro
00:18 Reading
01:03 Saying Yes
01:49 Taking Phone Calls
02:37 Notifications
03:06 Meetings
03:33 Working More
04:45 Junk Food
05:32 Shopping
06:16 A Clean Home
07:06 Frugal Living
08:58 Signing Up For Stuff
09:42 Goals
10:29 The journey
11:15 being happy
11:57 being right
12:36 clothing
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The "reading instead of doing"
I am DEFINITELY gonna do more of the DOING part. Thanks!


#16 I quit caring what other people think of me and/or my ways a.k.a. idiosyncrasies. But that came with age of 60.


I used to struggle with the clean home until I saw a quote and it completely changed my view, the quote: a home should be clean enough to be healthy, but messy enough to have been lived in. We were constantly tidying after our kids to keep the house looking like a show home as opposed to our home. Ps thank you for the videos, I've stubbled across your channel and really like the videos and the formats.


I don't go to grocery stores anymore. It's prefer to take this time for me. I prefer to create a list and ask for delivery. No parking lot, no highway, no road rage, no cashier, no pit stop before getting on the formula one highway. LOL I just prioritize what is important for me. What is pointless is going to be no.


I took your advice about assuming you are right thing. Made a tiny mistake at work and told the customer I should be fired. He laughed and we were good again.


I have two teenagers now. I tell people we live here, not on Instagram lol.


Man, if everyone started doing just half of these things (I especially like controlling environment and systems over goals) can you imagine just how productive and happy the world would be? 😱


Thank you, Gabe. Enjoying the journey has been something I’ve strived for. It’s there where growth is felt.


😮 Reading instead of doing is totally speaking to me!


When I stopped junk food (chips, etc.) I HAD to have an alternative, so I eat either air-popped popcorn or raw nuts in place of chips, etc. I still get the salty flavor and crunch, but it is much healthier.


Personal boundaries guide the path in circumstances that are seemingly out of hand. Thanks for the video mate!


These nuggets or wisdom are great in how you just pulled them together. Im trying to break myself out of multi tasking - so have watched twice already.


I love your channel! So many helpful tips, you’re clearly genuine and I respect how you reject consumeristic culture. My condo recently had a fire and all of my “stuff” is useless now. However, it’s costing me a lot of time and energy now going through it all, documenting for the claim, etc. such a huge eyeopening experience about the true cost of having so much stuff.


Putting a time limit on my research/comparisons helps me avoid time sucks and analysis paralysis. For example, when I homeschooled 3 kids K-12 sometimes a curriculum in a particular subject wasn't working for a specific kid and I needed to replace or supplement it. It's easy to get sucked in exploring every possibility that exists, but instead I gave myself a certain amount of time (I can choose hours, days, weeks, months, or whatever) to do the research/comparisons and when the time's up, I choose from only the things I actually had time to look into. Prices, products, services, approaches, techniques, systems, etc. can all be compared this way.

Goals and actions that help me reach them can be thought of in terms of whole and parts. Generally speaking, destinations, philosophies, motivations, and such can be though of as the whole, while techniques, actions, schedules, practices, tasks, routes, modes, priorities, and the like can be thought of as parts. The parts make up the whole. For example, getting in shape is the whole that is made up of parts like nutrition, portion control, and exercise. So when you're stuck it can sometimes helps to analyze what you need to focus more on, specific parts or a clearer whole.


Great Video Gabe. I have been watching you for a while now and will continue to support you! Thank you for all the content. Keep it coming. Question… where did you get your wedding band and the black ring you are wearing in this video? And I love the CUTS brand too 😊


Many interesting points and I definitely agree with some. The second tip ("Stop saying yes") doesn't really resonate with me however. I have found that life offers super-interesting paths and experiences if you allow yourself to be spontaneous and say "yes" on the spot without giving too much thought to it or checking your calendar. At least in my case, saying "yes" has blessed me with fantastic friends, unique experiences and overall a much richer life. So my advice: manage your time of course, but make sure you still allow yourself to be spontaneous ... and say 'yes' more often than you say 'no' or 'maybe' 🙂


Brilliant as always 💚 Setting goals is an issue for me like the journey idea setting up a schedule?


** Set up systems (consistent process) vs goals (results you may not control).


Love your newest video. Especially the coke example.


Hey man thank you, I know you don’t know me but I’m following this. Thank you. Also I just did the focus thing on my phone
