MicroNugget: What are Switchport Mode Best Practices?

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In this video, Anthony Sequeira covers best practices for the switch port mode command. The switch port mode allows you to control something called the dynamic trunk protocol, a Cisco feature that helps you form trunk links. Security best practices dictate you turn this off, and you do that with the switch port mode command.

Dynamic trunk protocol is a Cisco feature that assists you in forming trunk links. While this might seem handy, this is something you don’t need and definitely don’t want to use.

Allowing trunk links to be formed dynamically is a substantial security risk, so you’ll need to turn it off using the switch port mode command. Anthony walks you through how to complete this procedure, beginning with switching port mode access, forcing the port not to trunk, and making it into an access port. The subsequent “switchport no negotiate” command effectively eliminates dynamic trunk protocol from being something you have to deal with at all.

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New MicroNugget from Anthony Sequeira! Anthony provides the best practices for switchport mode command here:


Thanks for the micro nuggets and keep them coming


With more and more use of OpenFlow/ Software Defined Networking in the virtualized Data center environment, we will need some kind of dynamic trunking/grouping, may it be DTP or otherwise.


i think an CCIE series by Anthony Sequeira and keith barker will be great product
