Walmart Behavioral Interview Questions and Answers - How to Get Hired at Walmart

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In today's video, I show you how to get a job at Walmart by giving you Walmart behavioral interview questions and answers. I give you actual behavioral interview questions that you will get asked in your interview with Walmart and I teach you how to answer them from a recruiter's perspective so that you stand out as the best candidate for the job. Behavioral interview questions can be pretty challenging but having the right questions beforehand and being able to prepare for them should give you a massive advantage as a candidate.




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I've had a few interviews for a manager position at Walmart and totally different questions, or worded different.
But you should mention the categories of their questions...
1. Judgement: make informed judgements
2. Customer cenetered: ensure Customer centered performance
3. Execution and result: ensure execution and achieve result.
4. Planning and improvement: ensure planning and improvement
5. Influence and communicate : built and influence team
6. Talent: manage and leverage talent
7. Ethics and compliance ( safety is included too)
8. Adaptability: adapt and learn


I worked at Target and Walmart over 15 years ago and they would work the shit out of you through out a shift!!
Another great video, Ben!!


Dang it! Lol. I have an interview at WM today at 3. I was really hoping for this video 😂


If anyone is working in Walmart and want to try their management assessment test, let me give you a hint in almost acing it. Always be choose “highly agree” or “highly disagree.” Don’t pick any of the other options like “kind of” or the middle options. Answer honestly, by they don’t want someone that can be swayed easily.

They asked me if I wanted to be assistant or the manager of two departments and I declined for obvious reasons.


The only qustion my HR asked me is "why do you want to work at Walmart". I told them that its a job, I need money, I'm a hard worker. 6 months in an now I'm about to become an academy trainer. Walmart will hire anyone with a clean background and a pulse but moving up you have to show them your a hard worker.


Thank you for the video. I took the assessment test but it didn't show I passed or failed. Do you know where I can see it? But anyways I'm watching your videos and they're a great help so far. Thank you. I have never been to a formal interview before so if I pass the assessment, this would be my first. One can only hope. 🙏


What is appropriate to wear for an interview with Walmart?


I think anyone who does this much work for a minimum paying job, shouldn’t be hired.


I haven’t seen your print version of this can you please show me where I can find it?


the last part aint gonna be good. most my team doesnt do anything. for 5 months to a year i been doing everything. maybe i should mention everyones strengths and weaknesses and make them seem like those pieces are what make them irreplacable team mates


I can’t stand interview questions that has nothing to do with the job everybody can’t answer them stupid questions asap like that


When you call in sick and have ppto protected paid time off. Don't expect it to be honored. That's what resent Corp has put in place. I had 15 hours called out, and team lead denied ppto and gave me a point. Another employee quit over the same issue. Walmart has no class and doesn't keep thier side of the bargain. Ppto is sick time so you don't get a point. They've decided they will honor it when they damn feel like it regardless if you have it or not.
