You Don't Have to be Smart to Pass Nursing School| How Did I Transition into RN School| Q&A

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A lot of people want to know what's it like to be an LPN in a RN program. I have more videos on this topic:

LPN or RN School Which One is Harder?

Nursing School Week1

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I have been going to school on and off for 22 years. 😅 I originally started with core courses out of high school but stopped because I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do. After having my first child I decided to go back to school but wasn’t sure if nursing was for me. I decided to try the LVN path first. It turns out I love nursing but life happened and 14 years later here I am in an LVN to RN bridge program. (1 year program, 3 semesters) The community college I attend now offers an ADN to BSN program so my goal is to apply to that program and start the BSN program fall of 2024. Their BSN program is 1 year long (3 semesters) and mostly online. Most of my of college has been through local community colleges which has made it affordable and allowed me to go to school without accruing any debt which is a bonus because we are currently helping our oldest who is in college right now. Several of my classmates in the bridge program come from similar situations. Hey life happens but we haven’t given up on our education goals. 💜


Hey! I am currently in an ADN program (2 year program) after 1 year I will begin my BSN (dual enrollment) while finishing my associates. So essentially within a 3 year period I will have achieved an associates and bachelors degree as a RN. ❤


I am aspiring to start LPN-RN Associates program in January 2024. 😊


I’m so worried about the math, I’ve been out of school for 14 years still can’t believe it lol but do you know of any programs or books to help study math for the Lpn program ?


To be honest I’m doubting myself like I can’t do it I’m not smart enough 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️


Hi my fav nurse, I hope you don’t mind me asking where did you go to your LPN to RN cause my hubby is an LPN looking for school to do his LPN to RN, please help


Im doing lpn to rn associates. Not sure if I want to do BSN yet.


You saying school literally tells what you to do. All you have to do is put in the time and focus. You really relieved so much anxiety and self doubt. Thank YOU!


I’m curious what does your husband do for work and what is he going to school for? How long is his program? Are you still working agency or are you still at the hospital? Do you plan on specializing? What part of the hospital do you want to work in? Do you like clinic or outpatient work? Do you prefer 8 or 12 hour shifts? You may have already answered this, but was your school private or public? Some nurses told me it’s best to go private because you get in and out faster and not to worry about the cost because nurses can pay off the tuition in one to two years once they start working. Do you know if there are any exciting jobs in nursing? Like search and rescue type of things. Like are nurses needed in the field like the FBI or CIA? Something there anything like that in nursing?


I run to your videos almost everyday to give myself inspiration. I been watching your videos for years .


I been following u for years I’m a cna and a dental assistant /surgical assistant I decided to go to nursing school . I always felt like I was slow and wasn’t smart enough for school that’s why I never went . I felt I struggled with math during school . Funny part I graduated high school with a 4.0 gpa . Sometimes we can be our own biggest of today I’m studying for my entrance exam into nursing school


Do you have a video about doing nursing school with children? My heart hurts being torn between my 20 month old and desire to pursue this degree.


Thank you so much for answering my question!! I understood what you were saying when you talked about the transitioning from one program to the other, in that you do need to have your finances & your personal life in tact so then school will go smoothly. Blessings 🙏🏽🥰
