Unity vs Unreal Engine Comparison : Basics

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In this Unity vs. Unreal Engine video I explain some basic concepts of both engines when it comes to game design and programming.

In Unity there the main objects are called Game Objects to which you can add logic by using C# scripts.

In Unreal Engine the analogous entities are called Actors that you can drag to you levels. Then you can add either C++ code or use Blueprints for adding your game logic.

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Hi guys, please let me know if there are some more detailed topics and features of these game engines for which you like to see a comparison.


Thanks for a so fast and clear comparison.
I've also tested and used both engine, and recently move from UE4 to unity .
I first used UE4 because it is very very very powerful and contains all the tools needed, without any need to buy anything else, it's really free (for small to medium project sizes) and Its rendering quality is a step beyond unity.
But, it is more complicated to do things with UE4 than with Unity (and your video shows that very well), and the UE4 biggest disadvantage is .... that's it's HEAVY.
All takes time and disk space.
Even if blueprints are really really great, as I'm a pure coder, I've tried C++ BUT I've to say that C++ is much less easy to manipulate than blueprints or C#.
And the major disadvantage of C++ is its compilation time ....
On my (rather strong) PC, each smallest C++ code modification implies a 15s recompilation time.... every time...hundred times in a day.
In Unity, incremental compilation is made in background and take at most a few second (for big changes on several scripts), and most often, it takes no time at all.
In another hand, hight quality lightbaking takes much more time with unity (even in the 2017 version) than with UE4 (which needs much more RAM).
I've also tested Godot Engine and really loved it: light, fast, simple, fun.... perfect for 2D projects
But I'm not sure it can be compared to Unity or UE4 for an AAA (or III) 3D project.


Me, a game developer who uses unreal engine prefer the blueprint system and/or C++ because you can choose what you do, my brother would use unity because he likes to code, but I prefer unreal because of the blueprint system, simple nodes with links to other nodes that has code INSIDE the nodes! You can choose to code, I prefer not to code, but you can code whenever you want...


Would have been nice to see also Godot on this comparison video, showing Gdscript and visual scripting.


I think there could be an easier way for blueprint! but the method you used was a clean and organized one, the problem I find with unity is that it's not out of the box, it relies on assets, like terrain editor, material painting for terrains what Unity offers for terrain is not professional, frankly they are making it more out of the box with new free assets and new tools they offered like shader graph and free pro builder asset but it's not enough it needs more tools like visual scripting, terrain editor, Unreal Engine has it all....if Unity fixes this it will be really a good game engine.


I'm getting both, I'll be learning C++ down the line while practicing on Unity. :)


Is there any chance of expanding this to include Godot 3? A lot of people consider it quite comparable to Unity. I, myself and looking at making a game using Godot, and need to know what I'm getting into/how the engine compared to others.


Hi! If it's possible, can you please do a comparison video of a Toyota Camry and a Mercedez Benz?


Hello, I was wondering if you could go e some lighting tips for low poly environments in Unity.


Nice video, thumbs up, please more video about box collider and rigidbody


Hello Jayanam. i Am new in unreal and I want to make a simple game do you have any resource or link to help me. i already have animation directing masters degree but I want to enter game industry more serious


Blueprints so complicated compared to C# in Unity for me. And I am an artist.


Coding is soooo much easier than visual programming.


the video was nice. But could you teach us some basic c++ for unreal. that would be really nice of you


I think Unity, despite being more limited and somewhat less sophisticated, is significantly easier. C sharp has the messy cleanliness of Java which excludes the use of * and & for pointers and references and it took him 1/3rd the code to get the same results in Unity! Plus Unreal's nodes don't look as intuitive as Maya's node editor. So I would reluctantly go with Unity. Hopefully their graphics will catch up soon.


The default graphics of Unreal is remarkable and bug free. Where as in Unity baking and post processing is full of bug and painfully slow.


I started with source engine, then go to unity long time ago, then unreal for 3 years now... my new company uses unity and I hate it compared to unreal. so many things are unintuitive and not clear at first view... everything needs typed scripting and this is ultra bad for 3d artists.


I used to use both and I choose Unity because it is very easy to me to use. Unity will add the visual scripting soon.


Unreal looks much easier and better UI. Unity looks like shit.


You can have playmaker in unity that is far easier that blue prints.
