How Tapping These Points Can Change Your LIFE! [ EFT EXPLAINED ] PART 1 : Dr Joe Dispenza

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How Tapping These Points Can Change Your LIFE! [ EFT EXPLAINED ] PART 1 : Dr Joe Dispenza

🔈 CREDITS : Script Writing And Voice Over By Pacific Team
🔈 CREDITS : Inspired By The teachings Of Dr. Joe Dispense
🔈 CREDITS : Stock Footages Are Commercially Licensed From Story blocks
🔈 CREDITS : Music Is Commercially Licensed By HAwk Publishing

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I look forward to this EFT video explained by Steve! Thank you!


Thank you Steve. Your motive is so pure and generous for the many who don't have the wherewithals to attend Dr. Joe's live programs. Verry grateful. from my heart to you.


After watching your videos am become a big fan of you Mr. Steve.


I just relieved my headache with the taps. I bumped my elbow a few weeks ago and it is, was tender; that went away also.


I talked about meditation and changing my life with my eleven-year-old daughter and my twelve-year-old son all the time! I wanted to be a regular, normal occurrence in my home! When I was growing up I was taught that people who meditated and did yoga were weird, to say the least. Unfortunately, it took me until I was 39 years old to figure out that was totally a lie!!! I am so grateful for finding you Steve and the Pacific team! I am definitely looking forward to all your EFT videos! Please keep them coming!!🌞


It’s about time! I’ve been doing EFT off and on since 2008. Never got certified. Looking forward to these in depth practices.


I love EFT! And like your ideas on combining it with law of attraction. Would also like to know how to use it for physical ailments/injuries and anything else you'd like to share.


Some also need to come to the understanding also that meditating based solely off wanting to be able to manifest money thinking it's some "get rich quick scheme" is not what it's all about!! I've read a few comments on other pages of some angry damning everyone due to this. Taking the steps to get yourself to a positive space within, relaxing yourself while staying open minded really does help with meditating along with not over thinking or over complicating things in the process. No one got to where they are in life overnight, allow yourself time to adjust!! I WISH EVERYONE POSITIVITY AND ABUNDANCE!!


I have read many of Dr Wayne Dyer's books and have listened to many of Abraham Hicks's lectures read some of their earlier books too. I did an initial course in Pranic Healing, an energy healing system. I tried to practice Christan Science before all of that. Now I am 75 and seem to have forgotten many of the practices. I am interested to learn EFT online. I am an Indian living in Telangana. Had to deal with a lot of genetic problems with my children. Still support my 40 year old son to have blood transfusions every 3rd week. Financially always wish I had more to help his family. But grateful for what I still have. Have a few health issues like BP, Hypothyroidism, Cholesterol and aches and pains and lack of energy. Want to tackle all these problems. I take allopathy as well as homeopathy medicines.


I have read a little information on EFT and it would be great to have someone explain more on the subject. Look forward to it!


I can't wait for more videos on EFT!!❤️😁 Thank you so much Steve and #PacificTeam!


I would like to be able to manifest what I want and be healthy and heel my body, the ability to take care of my family, and be a philanthropist for church and community.


Thank you for sharing I would love to learn more I'm practicing meditations by Joe Dispenza I love mystical experience when moving to Theta and Delta brain waves I also healed 3 autoimmune conditions, but EFT catch my eye as it can be quick solution for pain for some people that really don't have time practice meditation. I'm reading currently book "Mind to Matter" from Dawson Church and he was mentioning EFT in his book as well, amazing book by they way .


Thank you for sharing🙏 looking forward to learn more about this from you.


Thank YOU! ❤
Love acupressure and all tools that help!! Dynamic changes. Can’t wait to give swimming a try!!! 8:51


Heard what you said yesterday about it. I have been asking spirit for help in healing. Just found out my dad has a type of Parkinson's. maybe this is what they are leading me to. Looking forward to seeing more of your videos.


Relating to healing group idea, extract from The Reality Revolution book by Brian Scott, p.127:
"Another positive shift is to become compassionate about your friends and family (or a group of strangers!). Create moments in time when you pray for them, to think about their needs.
These moments take us away from ourselves and moves our focus onto others. When we let the subconscious think about itself, we begin to lose energy.
Outwards focus on other people on the level of compassion and care brings that energy back and begins to change the way the subconscious thinks and acts in the first place"


Hi Steve I am interested in learning more about self healing modalities. I absolutely believe we can heal ourselves and was wondering where the PDF file mentioned is located so that I can read it also. I have followed the Secret as well as dr Joe on What the Bleep. Anyway I am excited to learn more.


I need help about overcoming fear of money or rather, bad associations to money. When i was young mother and father were always fighting because of money. As many households. It happens that i have cycles of good income than a crash. It seems to be a loop.


And yes I'm thankful for your effort and work. It would be awesome to learn eft.
