20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 21)

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Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:
0:00 Introduction
1. 0:53 Recently, I've seen several of your videos dealing with The Passion Translation, and the criticism seems very much on point. Clearly, Brian Simmons is a bit of a nut and I think you'd agree that religions can attract those types of people. So, why would you assume Paul, or the authors of Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John weren't also nutty? At the very least you should be skeptical of their writings. Further, there is no way to go back and do the sort of analysis of those authors, the way you can with Simmons. For example, the review you do of Simmons' lectures, as opposed to simply having his Passion Translation, is very effective in demonstrating just how nutty he is. Nothing even close to that is possible with the biblical authors. So why give them credence?
2. 9:05 If Moses was God's chosen one, why did God want to kill him in Exodus 4: 24? Also, what did Zipporah mean by "Surely a bloody husband art thou to me"?
3. 14:00 Can you help me understand the comparison/contrast between how the Holy Spirit comes upon vs. in someone? Is it correct that in the Old Testament, He came UPON someone (Exodus 29: 45 & Ezekiel 37: 27) but not IN, and in the New Testament, He indwells believers?
4. 19:08 What are your thoughts on Kenneth Hagin's "The Authority of the Believer" and other Christian spiritual authority concepts? If none, would you consider looking into it?
5. 21:27 Are angels immortal? if not, does that mean demons might have a chance to defeat them or some in a war? I ask because sometimes I see paintings of angels vs demons.
6. 23:03 I was wondering, why are there times where Jesus tells people not to talk about Him? Some Verses: Matt. 8:4, 9: 30, 12: 16)
7. 26:05 If God’s will is always done in Heaven, was Satan’s rebellion God’s will?
8. 28:41 What are some ways God disciplines us as it’s said in Hebrews? How do we know if He is disciplining? Can He discipline through physical or psychological ailments?
9. 32:34 What does someone need to believe for you to consider them your brother or sister in Christ?
10. 35:13 Could you comment on Matthew 13: 44-45? Most people seem to feel that the merchant is a man and the pearl/treasure is Christ, but in context I seem to see the opposite.
11. 40:27 You were in American Gospel 2. What do you think of the final 10 minutes teaching God's whole purpose for everything is His own glory, and we're "merely" incidental to that?
12. 44:17 Does the integrity of our faith need Adam and Eve to be literal historical people? Some people say the account of Adam and Eve is a myth, or a story to teach us theological and moral truth.
13. 47:01 If God is good and perfect, how can He ever be jealous (Exodus 20:6) or angry (Exodus 34:6) since both jealousy and anger are sins of the flesh (Galatians 5: 20)? More Cat Cam!
14. 51:48 Can you explain how you understand John 20: 23? I’ve read several commentaries on this verse and still have difficulty rightly understanding it.
15. 55:02 How can I learn to see God as a loving Father? I’m afraid and sometimes I feel that God is indifferent and impatient with me. Am I gonna make it to heaven?
16. 59:40 Any books you recommend for those courting and preparing for marriage? If not, any advice?
17. 1:02:00 If someone passes away, is it wrong to pray for their salvation? This would not be “get them out of purgatory,” this would just be in a “God, you knew back then that I would pray this” sort of way.
18. 1:03:20 In your opinion, who are the “gods of Egypt” in Exodus 12? The options seem to be rulers, idols, demons, or actual gods.
19. 1:07:59 I shared your Passion Project with the Elders of my church. They thought it was nitpicking. How do I decide to leave? Long history with these people. Seem to be becoming hyper-charismatic.
20. 1:09:52 What boundaries (biblical separation) should a Christian establish with a professed believer who is now in a gay marriage?
BONUS Q: 1:12:11 I am a new cat owner. What are your cats’ favorite kind of toys?
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Helping you learn to think biblically about everything, because the Bible is more brilliant, beautiful and life-changing than most of us have realized.

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Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:

0:00 Introduction
1. 0:53 Recently, I've seen several of your videos dealing with The Passion Translation, and the criticism seems very much on point. Clearly, Brian Simmons is a bit of a nut and I think you'd agree that religions can attract those types of people. So, why would you assume Paul, or the authors of Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John weren't also nutty? At the very least you should be skeptical of their writings. Further, there is no way to go back and do the sort of analysis of those authors, the way you can with Simmons. For example, the review you do of Simmons' lectures, as opposed to simply having his Passion Translation, is very effective in demonstrating just how nutty he is. Nothing even close to that is possible with the biblical authors. So why give them credence?
2. 9:05 If Moses was God's chosen one, why did God want to kill him in Exodus 4: 24? Also, what did Zipporah mean by "Surely a bloody husband art thou to me"?
3. 14:00 Can you help me understand the comparison/contrast between how the Holy Spirit comes upon vs. in someone? Is it correct that in the Old Testament, He came UPON someone (Exodus 29: 45 & Ezekiel 37: 27) but not IN, and in the New Testament, He indwells believers?
4. 19:08 What are your thoughts on Kenneth Hagin's "The Authority of the Believer" and other Christian spiritual authority concepts? If none, would you consider looking into it?
5. 21:27 Are angels immortal? if not, does that mean demons might have a chance to defeat them or some in a war? I ask because sometimes I see paintings of angels vs demons.
6. 23:03 I was wondering, why are there times where Jesus tells people not to talk about Him? Some Verses: Matt. 8:4, 9: 30, 12: 16)
7. 26:05 If God’s will is always done in Heaven, was Satan’s rebellion God’s will?
8. 28:41 What are some ways God disciplines us as it’s said in Hebrews? How do we know if He is disciplining? Can He discipline through physical or psychological ailments?
9. 32:34 What does someone need to believe for you to consider them your brother or sister in Christ?
10. 35:13 Could you comment on Matthew 13: 44-45? Most people seem to feel that the merchant is a man and the pearl/treasure is Christ, but in context I seem to see the opposite.
11. 40:27 You were in American Gospel 2. What do you think of the final 10 minutes teaching God's whole purpose for everything is His own glory, and we're "merely" incidental to that?
12. 44:17 Does the integrity of our faith need Adam and Eve to be literal historical people? Some people say the account of Adam and Eve is a myth, or a story to teach us theological and moral truth.
13. 47:01 If God is good and perfect, how can He ever be jealous (Exodus 20:6) or angry (Exodus 34:6) since both jealousy and anger are sins of the flesh (Galatians 5: 20)? More Cat Cam!
14. 51:48 Can you explain how you understand John 20: 23? I’ve read several commentaries on this verse and still have difficulty rightly understanding it.
15. 55:02 How can I learn to see God as a loving Father? I’m afraid and sometimes I feel that God is indifferent and impatient with me. Am I gonna make it to heaven?
16. 59:40 Any books you recommend for those courting and preparing for marriage? If not, any advice?
17. 1:02:00 If someone passes away, is it wrong to pray for their salvation? This would not be “get them out of purgatory, ” this would just be in a “God, you knew back then that I would pray this” sort of way.
18. 1:03:20 In your opinion, who are the “gods of Egypt” in Exodus 12? The options seem to be rulers, idols, demons, or actual gods.
19. 1:07:59 I shared your Passion Project with the Elders of my church. They thought it was nitpicking. How do I decide to leave? Long history with these people. Seem to be becoming hyper-charismatic.
20. 1:09:52 What boundaries (biblical separation) should a Christian establish with a professed believer who is now in a gay marriage?
BONUS Q: 1:12:11 I am a new cat owner. What are your cats’ favorite kind of toys?


I have really grown to trust this channel. These conversations have had a major impact on my life. I’m a stronger Christian as a side effect of spending considerable amount of time learning from you along with My daily Bible reading. Thank you.


You are not just an amazing teacher but you have the pastor’s heart, the way you obviously care about each questioner.


I was in the laundromat and I began talking to a older women who was talking to me about things happening and I injected the Lord and she was glad to talk with someone who was reminding her about the things about God she had forgotten and things that ministered to her. I gave her this channel and I bet that she will renew her relationship with the Lord. I reminded her that a relationship has to be maintained.


I am the Director of Children and Youth ministry at a church in Kansas City, Kansas and I have been very blessed by your channel Mike! God has definitely used you to speak wisdom in my life as Christian personally and as someone in ministry. Keep following after the Lord.


If anyone is still reading the comments here, I’ve been married 22 years and Tim Kellers “The Meaning of Marriage” is by far the best marriage book I’ve ever read. And not by a little, I agree that most I’ve read aren’t very good, but that one really is.


What a great Q & A! Thanks Mike & the team :) ...Mike, what you said about how we can learn to see God as a loving Father...wow, these words were answered prayer for me : "are these feelings based on what God has told me about Himself in scripture? Or something else?". Your ministry is an immense blessing in my life. Thank you for what you do.


I am from South Africa, just want to say that I love your channel, it is so informative and is inspiring me to be a better christian. Thanks keep up the good work.


We cannot be incidental to God's glory when we are PART OF His glory ❤️ May God continue to bless your ministry abundantly Mike! LOVE BOLDLY! ❤️


Thank you for your thoughtful response to my question, Pastor Mike.


Thanks and blessings from Canada! 715000 today! 714000 yesterday! Your bonus question made me laugh out loud! Needed to know lol!


Pastor Mike, I just want to say thank you! I so appreciate your ministry, your transparency, your integrity, your wisdom, your grace, your obedience and devotion to Christ. God is clearly blessing your ministry as you seek to honor Him, and I pray for continued influence, scope, and effectiveness over you.


13:36 Very good point! This is why Paul says to Timothy in 1 Timothy 4:16:
"Keep a close watch *on yourself* and on the teaching. Persist in this, for by doing so you will save both yourself and your hearers.


Thank you for helping to harbor another opportunity to dive into the word!
That being said - You and your team work so diligently to prepare such thoughtful & incitful teachings and I have been praying that you all have time to rest and renew. Resting in the Lord has just been on my heart lately and knowing how hard you all work I'm sure thats much needed.
Constantly taking questions and preparing content is such a blessing to your viewers but if prayer is ever needed for you/your team's families please do not hesitate. We are all the body after all.

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28


My current pastor always says "your private life is your ministry" and it's never had as much meaning as it does right now to me after hearing the explanation to this question and reading the unfortunate news about Ravi Z.


Thank you Pastor Mike for your gracious and thoughtful responses! I’ve been greatly blessed by your ministry.

The question about Adam and Eve is very complex. Romans teaches that Adam was the representative of humanity, and that death entered into this world through the sin of one man, that man being Adam. If Adam was a myth or just a story, then some key Scriptural teachings about Christ, like Adam, being a representative on behalf of man through His death and resurrection may fall into question. I agree with your point that not believing in Adam as a historical character can really cripple a Christian. The Bible is a progression and if the first step is a myth, then that leaves a shaky foundation to try and build on.


I love your explanation of Satan and free will! I have never heard it explained that way. ☺️
It is God’s will for us to choose.


Mike, I would like to add to your comments about jealousy, with which I agree. As I have learned, all actions and passions of God are expressions of His nature and character, which is Holy (set apart, and as He repeatedly says “not like us”) and is Love. The words “jealous” and “zealous” share an etymology and in human nature are tainted with human desire for control and excessive possessiveness. But there is a righteous jealousy that is pure and comes from a heart that desires goodness and welfare of the person who is its object. In God’s case it is exclusive, since He desires us for Himself alone. And it is pure, since He is good and only good comes from Him toward his children. Also, because He is God, he actually does have right of possession over all His creation.

I think of Jesus throwing the money changers out of the temple because “zeal for Your house has consumed me.” They were polluting the place of God’s Name with corruption and preventing people from worshipping as God had intended.

Relating it personally, I think of how I would feel if my young child, who I carefully brought up in the Lord, went to a friend’s house and was exposed to a violent or sexual movie. It happens! Or how a spouse might feel if they saw their marriage being destroyed by their partner’s addiction to porn or alcohol. In each case the jealous feelings are prompted by a desire for the other persons good, and the exclusivity is righteous and justified. Wisdom is needed in the expression of these emotions!

Modern dictionaries emphasize the negative aspects of words like jealous and zealous. Of course there are overwhelming examples of these emotions gone wrong. But I must not put the emotions or motivations of God in the same category of these. It was God’s jealousy for the good of the entire human race, and His desire to rescue us from the evil that is sin, that caused Him to come in the flesh and die for us so that we could be redeemed—bought back from the kingdom of darkness, and brought into the kingdom of His dear Son.

Blessings on your ministry, Mike. I have learned so much from you and the manner in which you present your teaching. My heart has been touched and instructed by your music as well, especially “You Are My Joy”.


Love your answer to number 15. Went through more decades of spiritual insecurity than I care to remember, filtering truth through my feelings, until I got anchored in Scripture.


For the person wanting a book on marriage, I HIGHLY recommend a book called Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas.
