20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 95)

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Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:
0:00 - Intro
1. 0:23 {Overcoming Covetousness} Why is it so hard to be content? I've been blessed with more than most people, but I'm always wanting MORE. I drain so much money buying more "stuff" and once I see something I like, I'm bummed/stressed until I get to buy it. I don't want to be this way. Please help!
2. 25:10 {Eschatological Timings} What effect does Psalm 110:1 and Luke 20: 42-43 have on the timing or placement of the rapture of the Church in reference to the tribulation?
3. 29:59 {How to Pray for Unbelievers} I don’t believe Calvinism is biblical, but I find that my prayers for unbelievers often sound Calvinistic: “Change their hearts, bring them to You,” etc. How should we pray for unbelievers' salvation?
4. 32:10 {Can We Be as Close as the Disciples?} Do you think that we can have as personal and intimate of a relationship with Jesus as His twelve disciples did? I've heard 1 John 1:1-3 used to support this.
5. 36:17 {Did God Direct Moses to Deceive Pharaoh?} Why did God tell Moses to ask Pharaoh to go "three days' journey into the wilderness, that we may sacrifice to the Lord our God" (Exodus 3: 18) if it wasn't God's intention for them to return to Egypt?
6. 42:58 {Do our Prophecies Create Reality?} Kris Vallotton cites Ezekiel 37:1-6 to claim that our prophecies create reality, rather than just foretelling the future. Is there merit to this?
7. 52:24 {Does Jesus’ Compassion Change?} When Jesus interacts with people, He is often compassionate. However, with the 12, he most often sounds harsh. Does His relationship toward us change once we are “on the team"?
8. 1:00:17 {Moving Forward after Church Hurt} What are your thoughts on how to best get back involved with the Church after you have had past hurts both done to you, and you toward others? Also, should a person go back to the same church, or seek a new one?
9. 1:05:48 {Trinitarian Clarity} How is the Holy Spirit not the Son or Father (Matthew 10: 20, Philippians 1: 19)? These verses confuse me when I’m trying to answer this question.
10. 1:10:38 {Warnings about False Teachings} Do warnings to Churches and believers in verses such as Jude 1:3-4 or other Epistles regarding false/heretical doctrines apply to Mormons who want a relationship with God/Jesus but are just deceived?
11. 1:15:29 {Knowing When to Yield} My pastor wants me to obey my husband even when it hurts my mental health, triggers my eating disorder, or my sleep disorder. Is he right or wrong? He says I should “Die like Christ.”
12. 1:19:03 {Encouragement Amid Physical Limitations} What counsel would you give a discouraged believer with a debilitating chronic illness who carries a lot of guilt for not being able to serve in the ways they want to be able to?
13. 1:24:10 {Jesus AND the Bible = “The Word”?} What is the distinction that is to be made between Jesus and the Bible, as far as the title "Word of God" goes, which is applied to both of them?
14. 1:28:15 {When Translations Vary} What do we do when we find significant difference between translations (such as 1 John 5:7 in the KJV vs. modern translations)?
15. 1:33:08 {Why Did God Choose the Tribe of Levi?} Do we know why God chose the tribe of Levi to be the priesthood?
16. 1:34:26 {Tips for Preparing Your First Sermon} I give my first sermon this Sunday. Any tips/pointers for those going through seminary/preparing for their first sermon(s)?
17. 1:39:29 {Advice for Raising Kids in the Faith} I want to raise my two kids aged 7 and 9 in the faith. I don’t want to push too hard. Any advice? My ex-wife has left the faith, so I feel like it’s up to me (and God).
18. 1:41:23 {Was Paul Married?} I heard a theory that the Apostle Paul was married and a widower. Do you think that’s relevant, and does it have any biblical standing?
19. 1:45:43 {Is My Daughter’s Cancer a Punishment?} When I got pregnant from an ungodly relationship, I turned to God and know He forgave all my sins. But my daughter was born with cancer. Is this a punishment from God?
20. 1:50:19 {Should We Call Out Others’ Sins?} Should we call out sin in the lives of other Christian friends? I had a conversation with my pastor about this in regard to cussing, and he told me if we don't have a mutual edification then it might not be my place.

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Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:

0:00 - Intro
1. 0:23 {Overcoming Covetousness} Why is it so hard to be content? I've been blessed with more than most people, but I'm always wanting MORE. I drain so much money buying more "stuff" and once I see something I like, I'm bummed/stressed until I get to buy it. I don't want to be this way. Please help!
2. 25:10 {Eschatological Timings} What effect does Psalm 110:1 and Luke 20: 42-43 have on the timing or placement of the rapture of the Church in reference to the tribulation?
3. 29:59 {How to Pray for Unbelievers} I don’t believe Calvinism is biblical, but I find that my prayers for unbelievers often sound Calvinistic: “Change their hearts, bring them to You, ” etc. How should we pray for unbelievers' salvation?
4. 32:10 {Can We Be as Close as the Disciples?} Do you think that we can have as personal and intimate of a relationship with Jesus as His twelve disciples did? I've heard 1 John 1:1-3 used to support this.
5. 36:17 {Did God Direct Moses to Deceive Pharaoh?} Why did God tell Moses to ask Pharaoh to go "three days' journey into the wilderness, that we may sacrifice to the Lord our God" (Exodus 3: 18) if it wasn't God's intention for them to return to Egypt?
6. 42:58 {Do our Prophecies Create Reality?} Kris Vallotton cites Ezekiel 37:1-6 to claim that our prophecies create reality, rather than just foretelling the future. Is there merit to this?
7. 52:24 {Does Jesus’ Compassion Change?} When Jesus interacts with people, He is often compassionate. However, with the 12, he most often sounds harsh. Does His relationship toward us change once we are “on the team"?
8. 1:00:17 {Moving Forward after Church Hurt} What are your thoughts on how to best get back involved with the Church after you have had past hurts both done to you, and you toward others? Also, should a person go back to the same church, or seek a new one?
9. 1:05:48 {Trinitarian Clarity} How is the Holy Spirit not the Son or Father (Matthew 10: 20, Philippians 1: 19)? These verses confuse me when I’m trying to answer this question.
10. 1:10:38 {Warnings about False Teachings} Do warnings to Churches and believers in verses such as Jude 1:3-4 or other Epistles regarding false/heretical doctrines apply to Mormons who want a relationship with God/Jesus but are just deceived?
11. 1:15:29 {Knowing When to Yield} My pastor wants me to obey my husband even when it hurts my mental health, triggers my eating disorder, or my sleep disorder. Is he right or wrong? He says I should “Die like Christ.”
12. 1:19:03 {Encouragement Amid Physical Limitations} What counsel would you give a discouraged believer with a debilitating chronic illness who carries a lot of guilt for not being able to serve in the ways they want to be able to?
13. 1:24:10 {Jesus AND the Bible = “The Word”?} What is the distinction that is to be made between Jesus and the Bible, as far as the title "Word of God" goes, which is applied to both of them?
14. 1:28:15 {When Translations Vary} What do we do when we find significant difference between translations (such as 1 John 5:7 in the KJV vs. modern translations)?
15. 1:33:08 {Why Did God Choose the Tribe of Levi?} Do we know why God chose the tribe of Levi to be the priesthood?
16. 1:34:26 {Tips for Preparing Your First Sermon} I give my first sermon this Sunday. Any tips/pointers for those going through seminary/preparing for their first sermon(s)?
17. 1:39:29 {Advice for Raising Kids in the Faith} I want to raise my two kids aged 7 and 9 in the faith. I don’t want to push too hard. Any advice? My ex-wife has left the faith, so I feel like it’s up to me (and God).
18. 1:41:23 {Was Paul Married?} I heard a theory that the Apostle Paul was married and a widower. Do you think that’s relevant, and does it have any biblical standing?
19. 1:45:43 {Is My Daughter’s Cancer a Punishment?} When I got pregnant from an ungodly relationship, I finally turned to God and I know He forgave all my sins. But my daughter was born with cancer. Is this a punishment from God?
20. 1:50:19 {Should We Call Out Others’ Sins?} Should we call out sin in the lives of other Christian friends? I had a conversation with my pastor about this in regard to cussing, and he told me if we don't have a mutual edification then it might not be my place.


I hope you know how much we love you Mike Winger.


Started taking my kids to a Calvary Chapel in St Paul because of you. One of my daughter's and I are getting baptized together on the Sunday after Easter and I'm by my absolute turn around. I've had so many paradigm shifts lately my head is spinning. At any rate, if you're a fisher of men, I'm one of your catches. Now I'm overthinking how grateful I am for your ministry. I don't mean to over heap praise on you brother, but...can't even say it all without choking up. suffice to say, you're the best! Thank you so much and God bless.


Thank you for reading my question. I had an overwhelming feeling that God was near me in this dark time.
God bless you and your Ministry


It's Saturday, 7 o'clock on a raining sat morning me, in bed with my German short hair pointer . cup of coffee, and listening to Mike knowing that Jesus loves me and will not
abandon me . I'm content beyond measure.


The car example is good for me, because I'm in the market to replace our people hauler with something that has AWD (live in the mtns). I've done a ton of research and know what I'm looking for. It's been very academic until just this week i was outbid on a vehicle i put on offer on, and felt anger well up in me a little. I've prayed throughout this process that God would guide my search, and to give clear answers. Missing out on a car based on getting outbid over my budget is a clear answer, and i got upset. I've had to repent on this and instead thank God for answering my prayer on that car. Funny how sin seeps in even when you're trying to avoid it.


I, almost daily, think… Mike Winger will never know that my entire walk with God has SHIFTED. Changed, moved. Because I found this resource and influence. And whoever God uses me to touch in the future, I am bringing to the table a different me.
This isn’t a “go back easy to before” kind of shift.

I don’t know if that makes sense but thank you.


Thank you for taking that first question. It made me realize that I have a problem with covetousness. While many of the things I desire are good and God honoring, I have come to realize I have the wrong heart and attitude towards them at times. Now I know what to watch out for and will be praying for help to change my motives to be solely God honoring.


So happy to see a new video from Pastor Mike 😊


The part about covetousness was very helpful just now. I talked on the phone with my mom today about someday having a little house, but it will be several years away so my husband and I can own the house and not have it own us. My mom planted an idea in my head that she certainly meant well with, but I got off the phone feeling discontent with my apartment. We have a growing family and would love to be out of an apartment, but we live within our means. All that to say, your response to that question pulled me right out of that bad place I was heading. We have an abundance of what we need. More than that my husband and I are believers. We need nothing more. I will still make steps towards goals, but with the right attitude.


I love starting my Sabbath with your ministry! Thank you for your humility, love and grace. Thank you for showing Christ to the world. Thank you for letting God use you. Thank you for the wonderful memory of my 12 yrs old son calling me "woman" for months after our pastor went over those same passages 😆🥰 he's 21 now 🥰 May God continue to bless you abundantly! LOVE BOLDLY ❤️✝️


#12 -“do the best with what you have got”… attended a church with the usher pushing his Oxygen tank in one hand and the offering plate in the other. I remember thinking, I want to be like that! Whatever I can do, whatever it looks like, to serve Jesus.


God bless you pastor 🙂✝️🙏 thanks for all you do


Being Irish, I loved that funny St. Patrick video. I'm learning what the trinity is not and it helps to understand what it is a little better. Oh, the mysteries of God. Thank you for your ministry.


Thank you Pastor Mike for being such an amazing example of a true Christian pastor! I’ve dealt with a lot of leaders that don’t take care of the people and just strive to exalt themselves over everyone else, behind the guise of “our vision is reaching souls and loving God and loving people” when it’s all about the church leaders. People are not taken care of, and then anyone that has a differing opinion is talked about, looked down on.
I thank God for leading me to you, you truly are a gift. You’re attitude towards other people and how you uplift the Bible above anyone else is so inspiring to me. I’m glad I found someone who finally has pushed me forward in proper teaching! Praise God! This is just the beginning, I am looking for a home church with my soon to be husband, where we can get the same kind of teaching and example. Thank you for all your hard work and love :) ♥️ we all love you!


Thank you Mike. You have motivated me to continue to stay off sites like Zillow, Realtor Etc. God Bless!


So many Women (including myself) struggle with the 1st question. Especially before I was saved. I still have to watch myself with the want of something new and pretty bc once you get that thing it's just on to the next, it's a neverending cycle. Your right Mike, well the Bible is absolutely right. It needs to be put to death.


Pastor Mike's breakdown of coveting for question 1 was so enlightening to me, what an excellent description of covetousness.


We gotta protect Mike Winger at all costs.


😄😄😄😄 I like your sense of humor. Thank you for your ministry. You are very pastoral. You are tending and feeding the sheep.
