20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 104)

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Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:
0:00 - Intro
1. 0:38 {Avoiding the Appearance of Evil?} You recently said, "Scripture says: avoid the appearance of evil." I was wondering, if 1 Thessalonians 5: 22 is the verse you were thinking of, isn't that Scripture referring to staying away from partaking in evil, not abstaining from things that look like you're partaking in evil to others?
2. 17:49 {About Jesus’ DNA} What was Jesus' DNA? Was Jesus' DNA 100% from God, or did He have Mary's human DNA? Perhaps it's the same DNA as Adam, since Jesus is the 2nd Adam?
3. 23:25 {Angels Ascending & Descending?} What did Jesus mean in John 1: 51? Was it a specific word for Nathanael, or does it apply to everyone? Would really love some clarity.
4. 30:58 {Brotherly Support vs. Enabling Legalism} How do we balance being careful not to stumble a fellow believer, while also not catering to someone's legalism?
5. 37:24 {Polygamy in Scripture?} Polygamy? Exodus 21: 10–11 says if he takes to himself another woman, he may not reduce her food, her clothing, or her conjugal rights. Clearly, God is speaking of multiple wives. Your thoughts?
6. 44:11 {Negative Words = Neg. Consequences?} In WOF (Word of Faith) circles, 2 Kings 4:8-37 is an example of why you shouldn’t speak or pray negatively about your situation. What is the actual idea of this passage?
7. 53:41 {Envy vs. Jealousy?} Is there a difference between envy and jealousy? Can you describe what the difference is biblically?
8. 56:09 {Did Joseph Fail to “Test the Spirits”?} 1 John 4 says to “test the spirits.” But Mary's husband, Joseph, didn't appear to do this when he had the dream to flee to Egypt. How should we understand or interpret this?
9. 1:00:20 {Must we “Wait for God” before Salvation?} Can you get saved whenever? My church teaches that God must first “knock on your heart” before you can respond and accept salvation. This leads to some people wanting to be saved, but waiting.
10. 1:05:51 {Clarifying a Difficult Passage} A local UMC pastor preached on Matthew 18: 21-35. She said scholars say that Matthew added verses 34-35 and that the master does not represent God. I've never heard this take and it sounds concerning. Any insight?
11. 1:09:12 {Why Didn’t Jesus Baptize?} Why didn’t Jesus water baptize anyone Himself (John 4:2)?
12. 1:13:20 {Do Not Evangelize to Some People?} Are there situations or groups of people for whom we shouldn't share the Gospel? Acts 16:6-7 seems to say so, but I'd love to hear your insight on the topic and your interpretation of this passage.
13. 1:17:21 {Godly Headship Carried Out} What does a husband being the head of the wife actually mean he does? I don't find any actionable steps or clear examples in the Bible. Does he boss her around or just be a good man?
14. 1:22:20 {Do We Each Have a “Calling”?} How do we know how we (individually) are meant to serve the Lord?
15. 1:25:32 {Thoughts on Genesis 1/Creation} I've recently seen Inspiring Philosophy's video on Genesis 1. He says that it's most likely mirroring the near East tradition of assigning purpose rather than actual creation. Thoughts?
16. 1:34:09 {Song of Solomon = Christ & Church?} I am currently studying Song of Solomon, and I was wondering, do you believe that it represents Christ and the Church? I have an issue with that, as the book describes a sexual relationship.
17. 1:37:30 {Can Same-Sex Attractions Change?} I'm a Christian, converted this year. I've felt the Holy Spirit inspire me to live a better life in many ways. But I still struggle with one thing. I'm gay and I struggle to see how my attraction could change.
18. 1:40:35 {DND, Harry Potter, etc.} The Bible is clear about its stance on sorcery and witchcraft. My husband and I play DND and some people were having an issue with this and potentially also with books containing magic. What are your thoughts?
19. 1:45:39 {Godly Dating Practices} What is the best way to date for marriage as a Christian? Is there a good way to sift through people to find someone equally yoked?
20. 1:49:05 {Loving the Lord with Everything} I’ve been wondering about the great commandment Jesus gives in Matthew 22: 36. Seems like a Deuteronomy 6 quote, but why does Jesus change the last quality from “might” to “mind”?

Bonus Q! 1:52:02 Were they really taking the Hobbits to Isengard?

To ask a question all you need to do is wait till after the stream starts (which means waiting until I'm actually on screen talking), post a question in the live chat with a Q at the opening of it, and be as clear as you can. Thanks!

Today's stream is going to start off with a verse that I only recently realized I had used wrongly for years. It's not clickbait, this is a bit embarrassing but a good lesson for me to share with others.
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Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:

0:00 - Intro
1. 0:38 {Avoiding the Appearance of Evil?} You recently said, "Scripture says: avoid the appearance of evil." I was wondering, if 1 Thessalonians 5: 22 is the verse you were thinking of, isn't that Scripture referring to staying away from partaking in evil, not abstaining from things that look like you're partaking in evil to others?
2. 17:49 {About Jesus’ DNA} What was Jesus' DNA? Was Jesus' DNA 100% from God, or did He have Mary's human DNA? Perhaps it's the same DNA as Adam, since Jesus is the 2nd Adam?
3. 23:25 {Angels Ascending & Descending?} What did Jesus mean in John 1: 51? Was it a specific word for Nathanael, or does it apply to everyone? Would really love some clarity.
4. 30:58 {Brotherly Support vs. Enabling Legalism} How do we balance being careful not to stumble a fellow believer, while also not catering to someone's legalism?
5. 37:24 {Polygamy in Scripture?} Polygamy? Exodus 21: 10–11 says if he takes to himself another woman, he may not reduce her food, her clothing, or her conjugal rights. Clearly, God is speaking of multiple wives. Your thoughts?
6. 44:11 {Negative Words = Neg. Consequences?} In WOF (Word of Faith) circles, 2 Kings 4:8-37 is an example of why you shouldn’t speak or pray negatively about your situation. What is the actual idea of this passage?
7. 53:41 {Envy vs. Jealousy?} Is there a difference between envy and jealousy? Can you describe what the difference is biblically?
8. 56:09 {Did Joseph Fail to “Test the Spirits”?} 1 John 4 says to “test the spirits.” But Mary's husband, Joseph, didn't appear to do this when he had the dream to flee to Egypt. How should we understand or interpret this?
9. 1:00:20 {Must we “Wait for God” before Salvation?} Can you get saved whenever? My church teaches that God must first “knock on your heart” before you can respond and accept salvation. This leads to some people wanting to be saved, but waiting.
10. 1:05:51 {Clarifying a Difficult Passage} A local UMC pastor preached on Matthew 18: 21-35. She said scholars say that Matthew added verses 34-35 and that the master does not represent God. I've never heard this take and it sounds concerning. Any insight?
11. 1:09:12 {Why Didn’t Jesus Baptize?} Why didn’t Jesus water baptize anyone Himself (John 4:2)?
12. 1:13:20 {Do Not Evangelize to Some People?} Are there situations or groups of people for whom we shouldn't share the Gospel? Acts 16:6-7 seems to say so, but I'd love to hear your insight on the topic and your interpretation of this passage.
13. 1:17:21 {Godly Headship Carried Out} What does a husband being the head of the wife actually mean he does? I don't find any actionable steps or clear examples in the Bible. Does he boss her around or just be a good man?
14. 1:22:20 {Do We Each Have a “Calling”?} How do we know how we (individually) are meant to serve the Lord?
15. 1:25:32 {Thoughts on Genesis 1/Creation} I've recently seen Inspiring Philosophy's video on Genesis 1. He says that it's most likely mirroring the near East tradition of assigning purpose rather than actual creation. Thoughts?
16. 1:34:09 {Song of Solomon = Christ & Church?} I am currently studying Song of Solomon, and I was wondering, do you believe that it represents Christ and the Church? I have an issue with that, as the book describes a sexual relationship.
17. 1:37:30 {Can Same-Sex Attractions Change?} I'm a Christian, converted this year. I've felt the Holy Spirit inspire me to live a better life in many ways. But I still struggle with one thing. I'm gay and I struggle to see how my attraction could change.
18. 1:40:35 {DND, Harry Potter, etc.} The Bible is clear about its stance on sorcery and witchcraft. My husband and I play DND and some people were having an issue with this and potentially also with books containing magic. What are your thoughts?
19. 1:45:39 {Godly Dating Practices} What is the best way to date for marriage as a Christian? Is there a good way to sift through people to find someone equally yoked?
20. 1:49:05 {Loving the Lord with Everything} I’ve been wondering about the great commandment Jesus gives in Matthew 22: 36. Seems like a Deuteronomy 6 quote, but why does Jesus change the last quality from “might” to “mind”?

Bonus Q! 1:52:02 Were they really taking the Hobbits to Isengard?


Last week I needed to make a 12-hour drive by myself. I listened to 20 questions probably 9 out of the 12 hours. Time went so fast, I learned, and I was blessed. Thank you for this ministry.


I am Kenyan and this stream happens at 11.00pm and having been at work I hardly join you guys live. I view it on Saturday though. It's such a blessing. Thanks Mike and team.


I have to commend you for being brave and honest enough to not only admit a mistake but also to give detailed information about how and why. I haven't watched a lot of your videos, but I've seen a lot of other Christian YouTubers who would never do something like that. That takes real strength and shows a real passion for truth... something I wish more Christians would show publicly.


"This is the nature of sin: it is never fulfilled."

What a great statement!!


I love your heart and humble tone. Your intelligence is impressive yet not a hint of arrogance. It makes you so enjoyable to listen to. I thank God for the knowledge and insight I receive weekly from your ministry. I also send up prayers for your health and every blessing and help from the Lord!


(Update)Please pray for my sister Emily, she was recently diagnosed with a brain tumor 4 inches in diameter. The doctors have said they can remove most of the tumor through surgery and the rest through chemo. She has an appointment on Friday August 4th for the surgery. Thank you all for praying and any who donated, her husband has set up a go fund me account to help pay for treatments. (Search for Emily's chemo and treatment) God bless


Jesus was 100% man 100% GOD. Through GOD all things are possible


I’m so eager for Him to come. To praise and serve Him for eternity along with our family of Christ


I played the Witcher 3 a few years ago, its a marvel in the gaming world, so incredible the work they put into it. When i started playing it my mom (who was unaware of me playing this game) started to have dreams of a witch with black hair casting spells with blood in our house. (the way she described it was horrific) Well what do you know, a character in the Witcher is named Yennifer, a witch with black hair, who doesn't shy from any type of evil in the game. Needless to say i know now that the witcher walks the line of demonic to closely for me to play it.
This is my own conviction.


Comment to promote reach. Thank you so much Mike, I got saved in march this year. Your videos have been an incredible blessing


I'm guessing that the word, "appearance" used to have more the meaning of "form" or "type" than it came to mean "looking as though, but not actually being." Maybe I'm just old (50+) but that meaning is still in the back of my mind. That's how I always took that verse. Anyway, I get what you're saying here. I appreciate your openness and humility. It's one of the things I most respect about you and your ministry.


All the stars for Mike Winger!⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Thank you Mike!


These streams are always such a blessing and a highlight of my week. Thank you so much for faithfully preaching the Gospel week after week.


This is now one of my favorite channels for Biblical conversations. I love how we all get to learn and grow together by looking at actual Scripture. Thank you Pastor Mike! May God continue to bless you, your family and your ministry!


For Mike and the audience: In regards to question 2:

I only quickly scanned through the comments so don’t know how many times this has been answered

- I’m a fraternal twin and also have a background in Zoology and reproduction (through my advanced degree)

Identical twins are ALWAYS same sex because are formed when a fertilized egg (one sperm, one egg) splits and continues dividing as two separate humans.

Fraternal twins can exist BOTH as either the same sex, or a male AND female. This is because fraternal twins occur when TWO separate eggs (X) are fertilized by TWO Different sperm (which could be either X or Y).

Hope this helps clear that up!


I grew up with KJV. The "appearance" was how I always understood that verse. When I was a teenager, I saw my pastor at a restaurant and he was having a glass of wine. I was disappointed. That may have been on me. But he had to know as a conservative Baptist preacher how it "could" look bad. "To not hurt people with your liberties" is a good way to put it.


That's what I like about Mike Winger! He admits when he's wrong and he states when he doesn't know something. Always learning. Oh that we should all behave thusly!


Thank you for your valuable Godly content. Your teaching is solid, scriptural, clear and understandable. You have a gift to teach and are using it for the Glory of God.


I love how you break down scriptures and you are honest to say when you don’t know the answer. My husband and I listen to you on our long drives.
