20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 37)

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Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:
0:00 - Introduction
1. 0:11 {About the “5-Fold Ministry”} Have you heard of the "5-Fold Ministry" way of thinking about apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers exercising those gifts today? And if so, what are your thoughts about it?
2. 12:40 {When does Competition become Unbiblical?} The Bible stresses the importance of unity within the body of Christ. When does competition among believers (even seemingly friendly competition - games, sports, etc.) become unhealthy?
3. 16:21 {What is “Fundamental Christianity”?} Can you define "Fundamental Christianity" for me? Recently I've been seeing it referred to as a negative thing. Is it?
4. 20:48 {Why do Animals Die or Become Extinct?} If “the wages of sin is death,” why do animals die? (My question also involves the extinction of the dinosaurs - why would God create them to be exterminated?)
5. 26:51 {Using the Morality Argument} If using the morality argument, how would you respond to an unbeliever that uses the objection that morality is subjective and there is no real objective right or wrong?
6. 32:30 {About Feeling Angry toward God} When someone is angry at God, are they able to bring that to God, or do they wait until they are not angry and then go to God? Do we have to be 100% before talking with God, as to not disrespect Him?
7. 38:55 {About John 15 – Bearing Fruit} What do you think of the view that states that in John 15, Jesus actually said in Greek that those who don't bear fruit are lifted up instead of cut off? Is this us practicing bad Greek?
8. 42:45 {About Gratitude in the Midst of Hardship} When I was an atheist, I got depressed and actually planned to end my life to escape all its struggles. I now know God exists, but I can’t be grateful for being created. How do I repent from that?
9. 47:23 {Should Prayer be a Dialogue or Monologue?} About prayer, I’ve heard many people say that praying to God should be more of a dialogue than a monologue. Isn’t the Lord’s Prayer spoken by Jesus a monologue? How should we pray then?
10. 50:19 {About Leaving a Church} Is it necessary to ask your church to remove your name from its records if you are leaving due to false teaching/beliefs? I wonder if that’s what God means when He says “come out of her.”
11. 53:24 {About 1 Kings 13} In 1 Kings 13, what are we supposed to learn from this passage? It seems as though the prophet lied to the man of God, tricking him so that he wouldn’t stay the course. Why lead him into this trap?
12. 1:02:44 {About the 1st Resurrection – Revelation} Will all believers partake of the first resurrection, or only those who have been beheaded in the name of Christ? Revelation 20:4
13. 1:04:59 {About Matthew 27 – Holy People Raised} Can you please explain Matthew 27: 51-53? Hoping to get some clarity about the holy people raised to life. Where did they go? Did they die again?
14. 1:09:19 {About “Divine Simplicity”} Do you believe in divine simplicity? If so, how do you reconcile it with the Trinity?
15. 1:11:40 {Did the Covid Mandates Involve a Spiritual Battle?} A lot of believers seemed to believe the Church was being persecuted by being required to wear masks, meet in smaller groups, etc. Was a spiritual battle being waged in the Covid mandates?
16. 1:13:51 {About being Used by God in our Lives} I see others being used by God, and I want to be used too. Because of this, I often struggle with envy, jealousy, & comparison. How would you encourage & help me grow past this sin?
17. 1:18:27 {About the Death of our Pets} My cat died this week. Where did he go?
18. 1:22:03 {How Should we Study Other Religions?} Do you have any recommendations for studying other religions and how to approach others with the intention to evangelize? I am particularly interested in Islam.
19. 1:25:00 {Comparing Bible Verses – The Ark} How can you explain Isaiah 66: 22-23 to be understood, alongside Revelation 11: 19 (the 10 words are in the ark currently), if Colossians 2: 16 speaks of the weekly Sabbath being abolished?
20. 1:29:00 {Wrestling with Doubts} I've studied the evidence for Christianity & it's amazing. But I struggle with doubts of “what if I'm wrong?” Does this affect my salvation? Will God help me?

Helping you learn to think biblically about everything.
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Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:

0:00 - Introduction
1. 0:11 {About the “5-Fold Ministry”} Have you heard of the "5-Fold Ministry" way of thinking about apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers exercising those gifts today? And if so, what are your thoughts about it?
2. 12:40 {When does Competition become Unbiblical?} The Bible stresses the importance of unity within the body of Christ. When does competition among believers (even seemingly friendly competition - games, sports, etc.) become unhealthy?
3. 16:21 {What is “Fundamental Christianity”?} Can you define "Fundamental Christianity" for me? Recently I've been seeing it referred to as a negative thing. Is it?
4. 20:48 {Why do Animals Die or Become Extinct?} If “the wages of sin is death, ” why do animals die? (My question also involves the extinction of the dinosaurs - why would God create them to be exterminated?)
5. 26:51 {Using the Morality Argument} If using the morality argument, how would you respond to an unbeliever that uses the objection that morality is subjective and there is no real objective right or wrong?
6. 32:30 {About Feeling Angry toward God} When someone is angry at God, are they able to bring that to God, or do they wait until they are not angry and then go to God? Do we have to be 100% before talking with God, as to not disrespect Him?
7. 38:55 {About John 15 – Bearing Fruit} What do you think of the view that states that in John 15, Jesus actually said in Greek that those who don't bear fruit are lifted up instead of cut off? Is this us practicing bad Greek?
8. 42:45 {About Gratitude in the Midst of Hardship} When I was an atheist, I got depressed and actually planned to end my life to escape all its struggles. I now know God exists, but I can’t be grateful for being created. How do I repent from that?
9. 47:23 {Should Prayer be a Dialogue or Monologue?} About prayer, I’ve heard many people say that praying to God should be more of a dialogue than a monologue. Isn’t the Lord’s Prayer spoken by Jesus a monologue? How should we pray then?
10. 50:19 {About Leaving a Church} Is it necessary to ask your church to remove your name from its records if you are leaving due to false teaching/beliefs? I wonder if that’s what God means when He says “come out of her.”
11. 53:24 {About 1 Kings 13} In 1 Kings 13, what are we supposed to learn from this passage? It seems as though the prophet lied to the man of God, tricking him so that he wouldn’t stay the course. Why lead him into this trap?
12. 1:02:44 {About the 1st Resurrection – Revelation} Will all believers partake of the first resurrection, or only those who have been beheaded in the name of Christ? Revelation 20:4
13. 1:04:59 {About Matthew 27 – Holy People Raised} Can you please explain Matthew 27: 51-53? Hoping to get some clarity about the holy people raised to life. Where did they go? Did they die again?
14. 1:09:19 {About “Divine Simplicity”} Do you believe in divine simplicity? If so, how do you reconcile it with the Trinity?
15. 1:11:40 {Did the Covid Mandates Involve a Spiritual Battle?} A lot of believers seemed to believe the Church was being persecuted by being required to wear masks, meet in smaller groups, etc. Was a spiritual battle being waged in the Covid mandates?
16. 1:13:51 {About being Used by God in our Lives} I see others being used by God, and I want to be used too. Because of this, I often struggle with envy, jealousy, & comparison. How would you encourage & help me grow past this sin?
17. 1:18:27 {About the Death of our Pets} My cat died this week. Where did he go?
18. 1:22:03 {How Should we Study Other Religions?} Do you have any recommendations for studying other religions and how to approach others with the intention to evangelize? I am particularly interested in Islam.
19. 1:25:00 {Comparing Bible Verses – The Ark} How can you explain Isaiah 66: 22-23 to be understood, alongside Revelation 11: 19 (the 10 words are in the ark currently), if Colossians 2: 16 speaks of the weekly Sabbath being abolished?
20. 1:29:00 {Wrestling with Doubts} I've studied the evidence for Christianity & it's amazing. But I struggle with doubts of “what if I'm wrong?” Does this affect my salvation? Will God help me?


I could lose my job just for replying to an LGBTQ email with the word of God. If you're reading this, Please pray for me. ❤️


Hi Mike, true story. Took a road trip with my cat yesterday. She hates her travel basket and screams like crazy. Anyway, I started listening to this live chat and she stopped as soon as she heard your voice! When the chat ended, she started screaming again. So, I turned on your Mark series and she stopped again. When the trip ended, we had listed to you happily for five hours. 😂


Even if i am not with Mike in everything (i am serbian orthodox), i learned so much from him about the word of god and i enjoy his humility in everything. Just wanna say thank you!


Hi mike, I recently started listening to you and you have given me answers to many questions. Love your show and may God bless you and your ministry. I am 80 years old and I learn from you every time. You truly have a gift from God with your teaching. Thank you.


Regarding the question that Mike received, number #15, "Did the Covid Mandates Involve a Spiritual Battle?" I think he gave it a fair answer and there are some aspects to his answer that are logical and make good sense. However, he and I may see the spiritual battle as something different. Because I think that many believers turned it into a spiritual battle within the body of Christ itself.

A comparison would be good here. During 1918, during that pandemic, most churches not only complied with the order to restrict their services or close but they became actively involved in their communities assisting in ministry. For instance, several churches open their buildings to be temporary hospitals because hospitals were turning away people. Some churches were pouring money and manpower into feeding and helping the poor. Faith-based pastors urged their members to worship in their homes. Many churches began raising money for fruit, jellies, flowers, etc. that would cheer the sick and their families. Many churches printed sermons and positive articles and had them delivered to their own membership on a weekly basis, even to non-members. Some pastors and church leaders started a "deep study into the Word, " and encouraged their members to spend this time at home in full devotion to the Word, and gave guidelines and schedules in how to do so.

The positive impact of their response was also seen in their communities afterward, once the doors were opened again. Evidence shows that their attendance was even greater afterward. They were a pillar in the community and made a greater impact for Christ. But today, for the most part, the church has created its own spiritual battle. Rather than exhibiting the fruits of the Spirit, they've come out in various lawsuits, they've harshly denounced government authorities despite the warnings from (Romans 13:1-2). In some cases, they've come down on law enforcement who are merely trying to protect public safety, etc. As the government done everything fairly? Probably not in every case, but welcome to life! Might it be possible that the apostasy of the church is found in more adherence to conspiracy theories, politics, social media posts, and extreme End Times teaching than an adherence to the Word and the fruits of the Spirit?


Mike Winger is the only pastor I've found who is kind enough to answer a question about what happens to our pets when they die. :) Bless you Brother!


Thank God he rescued us from a shepherding/discipleship cult that focused on 5 fold ministry. It created a hierarchy where people were striving for a coveted 5 fold status. So many were robbed of the joy in Christ.


What difficult questions! Does it really matter to understand every little detail or scripture «of old» in the Old Testament? Since I am an exjw, I don’t like to twist my brain with more confusion and getting all stressed up by digging into things that I have no reason to understand fully, but rather appreciate the peace I get in the basics, salvation through Jesus, how to live and love as a christian, and get nurishment from the New Testament.
Mike does his best to explain impossible things that even he isn’t quite sure of. We are so lucky to have him! I am still picking weeds out from my time as jw, and my garden is getting prettier, more colorful, relaxing, and pleasing to the eye.


I think the apostolic office continues. I agree with you that modern apostles don’t carry the same foundation-establishing authority of the New Testament ones. But small ‘a’ apostles are apostles. There is a unique gifting there. Missionary work is not something that every believer can effectively do. 🙂


Just lost a dear pet (a bird) a few weeks ago, and I appreciated your frank answer. We can speculate about them being in the new earth, but can't be confident their souls await a resurrection. What we can know for sure is that God doesn't lose any of His beloved ones to death and He will wipe away every tear.


You should do a segment on Kingdom theology, where we are all kings and queens. The local church I left six years ago preaches this (they follow Bethel and Bill Johnson). Nowhere in the Bible does it say we are kings and queens. There is only one king, Jesus, and we are a priesthood and his bride. Would like your take.


My Pastor always refers to "wrestling" when talking about the theological ideas I bring to him. I think it's the sign of a good Pastor to allow others the space to think things through, disagree, and explore.
Thank you for encouraging us to do this Mike! It helps us engage with our faith and the text of scripture and ultimately grow.


Thank you for this. The idea of 5 fold ministry is one of the main tools Mormons use against me, as an exmormon, when they're trying to get me to return to the church. Most of their arguments are easily dismissed if you've ever actually read the Bible, but as far as I'm aware, the Mormon church is one of the few who currently has 12 apostles as outlaid in the NT. It's a trump card they love because I've simply never had a good answer. Once again, Mike, you're a lifesaver. 😃


"Nor height nor depth nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God." Romans 8:39
God loves you so much! If you need to be reminded of that, look to the cross where Jesus gave His life for you! Nothing could ever cause you to lose that love. Hopefully this inspired and encouraged you today. God bless you!


It’s asking for His help or His Grace to lead you to a particular solution and knowing that “we do not understand everything or can control our lives”. It’s about learning to live by faith…1 John 5:4-5 We overcome by faith in His faithfulness to “save” us.


When i have been angry in the past, toward God, showed my lack of understanding for the desires of God’s love for us….my lack of maturity, and lack of true relationship with the Lord. God always judges righteously, and takes into account our ignorance, and even a deception that we have believed…the “elect’ will always be led to the truth, OR you could say, that those He has set His heart toward saving, He will save. Wait on the Lord…He is faithful.


I've always believed that Ephesians 4, Romans 12, and 1Corinthians 12 preach the same message, but they contain different lists of gifts. This leads me to believe that these lists are illustrative and not exhaustive, and certainly not a formula for a church government or system, which is typically how I hear the "five fold ministry" presented.


"The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophesy"! Rev 19:10


Yes, Jesus (the King of Glory) is the only one who can take the pain away. Wipe away the tears and give comfort, peace and joy.
