20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 46)

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Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:
0:00 - Introduction
1. 0:29 {Why Didn’t Jesus Mention Paul?} Hello, I am a Christian, and it's been important to me to understand why the Lord Jesus didn't mention to the apostles or anyone that Paul would be coming to enlighten the Way for His Church. This question hasn't been addressed in any of the studies I've researched, nor by any of the pastors I listen to. But isn't this question a most serious matter, since Paul wrote the majority of our New Testament?
2. 6:45 {Is God Male?} Is God a male?
3. 10:08 {About the Woman of Tekoa & Banishing} How can someone be banished, and yet not cast out from God? I’m referring to what the woman of Tekoa said in 2 Samuel 14: 14. Is it only within that context, or can it be applied transcendently?
4. 17:34 {About OCD, Vows, & Fear} I’ve been struggling with OCD vows recently (such as, if I don’t say this in prayer, I’m not saved). Many places online say to let it go, and that you can’t make a vow out of fear. How can I look at this biblically?
5. 22:39 {Are Souls Eternal?} Is the soul as an eternal entity more of a Greek philosophical idea, or confirmed in Scripture? Do you have any biblical references for an eternal soul?
6. 25:20 {Did Anyone in “The Flood” Go to Heaven?} Do you think any of the people that died in the flood (above the age of accountability) may have been saved or will not go to Hell?
7. 29:01 {About Natural Revelation & Salvation} You've said people who've never heard of Jesus need to respond to natural revelation to be saved. Can you give an example of how a woman growing up in Saudi Arabia would respond to natural revelation?
8. 33:55 {About the “Mysteries of God” in Ephesians} Please explain what is meant by the mysteries of God in Ephesians 3:5.
9. 38:09 {About the Beginning of the New Covenant} Did the New Covenant start when the Temple, which housed the Ark of the Covenant, was destroyed?
10. 44:07 {About Miracles & False Religions} You've said miracles in other religions are false signs from Satan. Why would other religions have reason to think these signs are from Satan? Couldn't a Muslim say the same thing to a Christian?
11. 48:47 {Do We Have to Attend Church?} Is it OK to not attend church at all? I live in Russia and Christianity here is very unbiblical. I’ve tried a lot of churches and I don’t feel comfortable there.
12. 50:53 {Is it a Sin to Depict God?} I’m a new believer. I watched a Christian cartoon with my son, and it depicted God as a Santa-looking man. My son asked if we were breaking the 2nd commandment. Is it a sin to depict God in any way? (Exodus 20:4)
13. 56:07 {Do those who Seek God Really Find Him?} The Bible says that those who diligently seek God will find Him. What about the Muslims, Hindus, and all the people who are diligently seeking God but never find Jesus and stay in their religion?
14. 1:02:31 {Does God Forgive Repeated Sin?} If you struggle with sin and there is true contrition but you still keep repeating the same sin and asking for forgiveness, will God still forgive you?
15. 1:05:59 {Advice for the Timing of Baptism} I recently converted to Christianity. Our church does baptisms once a year, but my husband has Covid and can't attend. I want him to be there, but I also want to get baptized ASAP. What should I do?
16. 1:07:12 {About a “Gap” in Scripture} Can you explain the gap between the early churches in the New Testament and the first Protestants like Martin Luther?
17. 1:11:32 {Men of Valor Living in Sin?} Why does the Lord call Gideon a mighty man of Valor when he had many wives? Was this always a sin? I'm confused about this, honestly.
18. 1:16:59 {Where Does Sin Nature Come From?} If God knits us in our mothers’ wombs, where do we get our sin nature?
19. 1:19:54 {Defending the Trinity in 1 Cor.} I believe in the Trinity, but there is someone who has used 1 Corinthians 15:28 against the doctrine. Could you please explain this for me?
20. 1:23:18 {About Young Ambassadors Living for Christ} How can young people be good ambassadors for Christ when we also sin? How do we make sure we do not conform to this world?

Taking your questions from the YT live chat! Every Friday at 1pm Pacific time. While I don't pretend to know all the answers I hope to offer some thoughts that will help you in the direction of thinking biblically about things.

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Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:

0:00 - Introduction
1. 0:29 {Why Didn’t Jesus Mention Paul?} Hello, I am a Christian, and it's been important to me to understand why the Lord Jesus didn't mention to the apostles or anyone that Paul would be coming to enlighten the Way for His Church. This question hasn't been addressed in any of the studies I've researched, nor by any of the pastors I listen to. But isn't this question a most serious matter, since Paul wrote the majority of our New Testament?
2. 6:45 {Is God Male?} Is God a male?
3. 10:08 {About the Woman of Tekoa & Banishing} How can someone be banished, and yet not cast out from God? I’m referring to what the woman of Tekoa said in 2 Samuel 14: 14. Is it only within that context, or can it be applied transcendently?
4. 17:34 {About OCD, Vows, & Fear} I’ve been struggling with OCD vows recently (such as, if I don’t say this in prayer, I’m not saved). Many places online say to let it go, and that you can’t make a vow out of fear. How can I look at this biblically?
5. 22:39 {Are Souls Eternal?} Is the soul as an eternal entity more of a Greek philosophical idea, or confirmed in Scripture? Do you have any biblical references for an eternal soul?
6. 25:20 {Did Anyone in “The Flood” Go to Heaven?} Do you think any of the people that died in the flood (above the age of accountability) may have been saved or will not go to Hell?
7. 29:01 {About Natural Revelation & Salvation} You've said people who've never heard of Jesus need to respond to natural revelation to be saved. Can you give an example of how a woman growing up in Saudi Arabia would respond to natural revelation?
8. 33:55 {About the “Mysteries of God” in Ephesians} Please explain what is meant by the mysteries of God in Ephesians 3:5.
9. 38:09 {About the Beginning of the New Covenant} Did the New Covenant start when the Temple, which housed the Ark of the Covenant, was destroyed?
10. 44:07 {About Miracles & False Religions} You've said miracles in other religions are false signs from Satan. Why would other religions have reason to think these signs are from Satan? Couldn't a Muslim say the same thing to a Christian?
11. 48:47 {Do We Have to Attend Church?} Is it OK to not attend church at all? I live in Russia and Christianity here is very unbiblical. I’ve tried a lot of churches and I don’t feel comfortable there.
12. 50:53 {Is it a Sin to Depict God?} I’m a new believer. I watched a Christian cartoon with my son, and it depicted God as a Santa-looking man. My son asked if we were breaking the 2nd commandment. Is it a sin to depict God in any way? (Exodus 20:4)
13. 56:07 {Do those who Seek God Really Find Him?} The Bible says that those who diligently seek God will find Him. What about the Muslims, Hindus, and all the people who are diligently seeking God but never find Jesus and stay in their religion?
14. 1:02:31 {Does God Forgive Repeated Sin?} If you struggle with sin and there is true contrition but you still keep repeating the same sin and asking for forgiveness, will God still forgive you?
15. 1:05:59 {Advice for the Timing of Baptism} I recently converted to Christianity. Our church does baptisms once a year, but my husband has Covid and can't attend. I want him to be there, but I also want to get baptized ASAP. What should I do?
16. 1:07:12 {About a “Gap” in Scripture} Can you explain the gap between the early churches in the New Testament and the first Protestants like Martin Luther?
17. 1:11:32 {Men of Valor Living in Sin?} Why does the Lord call Gideon a mighty man of Valor when he had many wives? Was this always a sin? I'm confused about this, honestly.
18. 1:16:59 {Where Does Sin Nature Come From?} If God knits us in our mothers’ wombs, where do we get our sin nature?
19. 1:19:54 {Defending the Trinity in 1 Cor.} I believe in the Trinity, but there is someone who has used 1 Corinthians 15:28 against the doctrine. Could you please explain this for me?
20. 1:23:18 {About Young Ambassadors Living for Christ} How can young people be good ambassadors for Christ when we also sin? How do we make sure we do not conform to this world?


To the person who asked about OCD and vows...my daughter suffers from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and went through a phase where her compulsion was ritualistic prayer to try to relieve the anxiety caused by unwanted thoughts. In her mind, if she thought certain words in her head, it meant she was going to hell. So she would compulsively say prayers over and over again. Please know that you are suffering from a mental health disorder. Please seek treatment from someone who approaches religious OCD from a Christian perspective. They should offer Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Prayers for you. It’s a debilitating disorder, but there is hope!


Pastor- your ability to explain a thought process, to literally teach us how to think--rather than teaching what to think-- is exactly what is missing from 99% of the teaching out there. Thank you for that.


I've suffered from OCD since I was a kid. God knows your heart and intentions. He knows we're suffering from a mental disorder/illness. Keep reading the scripture to be reasured by your FAITH in Christ. Keep pressing forward through this valley and don't be afraid to talk w a pastor or counselor and if medication is in order, that's ok. There is no sin or weakness in those things....only strength.
God bless, I wish you well!


I'm honestly not certain why Jesus mentioning or not mentioning Paul has any importance at all. Honest question, no judging. God didn't mention Isaiah, Jeremiah, or Ezekiel before they came. He just sent them. So why should Jesus give a heads-up about Paul?


Question 13's answer is probably the most accurate description of how we see ourselves. Seeing ourselves as the hero of the story is the undercurrent of most sin.


Please pray for my friend who is an self proclaimed atheist (and allows that “if” there is a god that they are angry with God for allowing things in the past to happen) and accepts their need for a savior outside of themselves but the anger (and I think a few other things) are getting in the way of accepting Jesus as their savior. They are so close and the Holy Spirit has clearly been working but there is a block. Thank you and may God bring you peace and boldness in Christ Jesus.


God reaches people in many ways. I have heard of devout Muslims having dreams of christ and getting saved. God knows how we will best respond to the gospel and he will present the gospel in the best possible way for our hearts to be receptive.


Pastor Mike,
...i am really blessed by your youtube channel; you are a gifted teacher and researcher, thank you for the work and time that you put into the teachings, and praise God for sharing your gift with many others and helping to bring clarity to the Word


Oh my goodness! You just made me so happy! You mentioned you might do Hebrews but you hadn’t firmly made the decision as to what would be next. I have been patiently waiting!!!!

I can’t wait to study Hebrews under your tutelage!

I LOVED studying through Romans, Peter and Mark with you!

I can’t wait. I am excited.


It's my favorite Greek atheist former Jehovah witness youtuber. 🤣😂


I wanted to mention something real quickly on the very first question from Gabriella. I hope this helps a little...Paul and Luke are prophesied in Isiah 66. In 38 years I've just recently discovered the scripture and have never heard anyone speak about it. However I do find it fascinating because it is very specific where they would travel. For instance to Tarshish Paul and Luke were sent to travel and preach the Gospel to Gentiles only. Pul, and Lud according to the commentaries are cities. But they may be an additional thing. It could be this is a Hebrew variation of Paul and Luke. And the Lord just chose to keep this again in scripture as a little nugget or a treasure for us to find. I've never heard anyone in the commentaries add as I have the implication that this could be Paul and Luke specifically mentioned by name. But it was an interesting thought and they certainly did fulfill this prophecy in Isaiah 66:19 when they dispatched from the Jews in Acts 13.


You had me laughing tonight, Pastor Mike. Worster, worstiest, Worcestershire. :)


I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand.” (John 10:28)


So Grateful for all the questions you answer ❤️.


Thank you for stating that all are subjected to the son, Jesus Christ and the son is subjected to God. It's simple to answer the many questions others ask, or comment against the notion of how Jesus is God. My usual answer was always, no one can come to the Father if not through the son. The Glory goes to God, because these questions and answers have given me a better understanding on how to respond.


Mike, you were really “Winging it” (Mike Winger winging it!😅) on several of these questions today. I would have had no idea what some of them were asking. But you grappled with them. Good job!


Hey Pastor Mike, love the channel - recommended by an older gentleman in my men's group and I'm going on 4 weeks now. I run and listen to podcasts that autoqueue on Pocket Casts so every week now, I get a good bit through the 20Q episode during my Saturday run, then on Sunday check the timestamp and pick up from there to watch the rest on YouTube after church...then discuss at Tuesday morning men's group(!). Great rhythm, thank God for your ministry, keep up the good work and God bless.


How can you not have Mikes back. Super graceful and patient. Be well everyobe God bless!


Pastor Mike doing a verse by verse study of the book of Hebrews, marching through it like the study of the book of Romans?? Let’s I’m so stoked and pumped. Lord continue to bless us with the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of You; we thank you for enlightening our eyes of understanding.
