Rendlesham Forest Incident Team - Special Edition

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USAF John Burroughs was injured by exposure the 'Highly Strange' events in 1980. Lights in the sky and a reported UFO was seen in Rendlesham Forest UK. 40 years later John Burroughs wants to tell you what he saw and what nearly killed him. In this special edition of the RFI Team, we
expose the truth and explore secret technology used by the MOD and USAF. Plus we ask a very important question... 'Has UAP been weaponised?'

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Rendlesham Forest Team

© 2024 RFI team

The Weaponisation of UAP playlist:

Race Hobbs Redlesham shows: (url coming soon)
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thank you all for watching this new series intro. Much more to come in 2024. we are going to deep dive into each aspect of the rendlesham forest incident with a new film for you every month. If you enjoy this information please press 'like'. it tells yt that folk enjoyed the subject. so far only 600+ likes from 9000 viewers. do us a favour, please go back and press the thumbs up icon if you liked the film. its free and really helps share this series with more people. thank you. Simon and the rendlesham team.


Just watched 37 minutes of these guy patting each other on the back what a wasteof time


Someone (radio presenter) likes da sound of his own voice, jeez longest intro ever ;)


Will watch later. I am quiet excited about this one


Hi Simon…very interesting indeed! I personally worked for an American firm called AERO in the north of England and after a couple of years (working all the overtime they had) I was asked to join a team and go across the road and work in Marconi’s labs…can’t say what we were working on as it was classified (and boring!) We were always paid as Aero employees but the job, although remaining the same throughout the seven or so years, was run by sub contractors and constantly changed…it started off as E.G.& G. then Wurth became involved and if memory serves, B.A. Solutions….In later years I started suffering from really bad itchy scabs and various doctors tried biopsies and different drugs (some with awful side effects) and even heat treatment but the nearest they came to a diagnosis was ‘a rare form of Psoriasis’ but they freely admit that wasn’t the true diagnosis. It just won’t go away so long after leaving Aero (technically my ONLY employer at that time) I’ve tried to do some digging and apparently I don’t exist 😂…and neither do Aero anymore, they moved to Poland apparently…I wish you luck with your investigation and especially the gentleman that worked at Rendalsham with his compensation claim.


The fantastic 4, you guys are trail blazers ! Thanks for all your doing, to help us understand, exactly what the industrial complex is doing to people ! We don't have a clue what they have, 100 years ahead of what we see and know about ! Awesome job guys, keep up the hard work ! Peace and love brothers !


As someone who lives a few miles away from this area, and have been aware of this and studying 40 odd years, you really have my attention now.
Thankyou prof. Simon.


Well done Prof and team.
I'm grateful for channels that are keeping their feet on the ground.
We get an insight into what 'the powers that be' will do in the future, by looking at what they did in the past.
No-one is safe.


Professor - there is not alot of meat on the bone here. This is all meta, as in: discussions about discussions.


A lot of talk Simon but nothing really said


I love the series. The only person I don't believe is right for this team is Race.


@professor Simon Holland. You are most excellent and I love this channel. 💜👊🛸👽


Your channel is not nearly as big as it should be. Love the content brother!


I dunno man, i like your work professor but the mention of Linda Moulton Howe is a bit of a red flag for me. Stay grounded and dont let anyone lead you down the garden path. I will be staying tuned none the less! Looking forward to where this goes.


Please keep connecting the dots😎
These shows are 👀 eye opening if not just fascinating 🙏


I used to think it was one of the best incidents suggesting alien visitation. Now I settle on the side effects of exotic technology research.
This goes back to the comment by Mrs. Thatcher at the gathering when author Georgina Bruni asked her to comment and she paused and said words to the effect of, well you just can't tell the people And that gave her the title of her book. Of course in those days writers were not close to what had happened. But you know, that quote makes much greater sense today, given what we know.


Super stuff from the guys. Sounds, Frequency, and vibrations the sort of stuff that acts directly on the frontal lobe of the brain and everything that surrounds are inextricably linked in this way . Look forward to more stuff from the guys .


Reasons to believe - - - (research any of the following:)
Herman Alberth Herman the German father of modern rocketry. He was a mentor of Wernher Von Braun. In 1954 he gave a lecture on flying saucers where he pointed out that they have been measured to travel at speeds of 19 kilometers per second which is about 42, 000 miles an hour. He actually says, “If there would only be three or four measurements I would not rely upon them and would wait for a few further measurements, but there is existing more than 50 such measurements.” Radar measurements in 1954. That's like 70 years ago. This was known 70 years ago that these things are flying at spacecraft speeds. Why do people always assume they are spacecraft? It is simple. Because they fly as fast as spacecraft do. This doesn't take a PhD to figure this out, yet PhDs can't handle it.
~ Kevin Knuth, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Physics, University of Albany
1966 Minot Air Force Base, over the Minute Man Silos
1967 Malmstrom Air Force Base, Montana. over the Minute Man Silos, the ten missiles were shut down.
1968 radar observations at Mino Air Force Base
1968 JAL Airlines across flew across Anchorage Alaska followed by a large UFO that the pilot estimated to be three times the size of a 747.
1976 Taran, Iran: General Parviz Jafari, Iranian Air Force, Retired. Was sent to intercept a UFO and attempt to shoot it down.
1997 March (about 8:30 pm) the Phoenix Lights event;
Nov. 2004 USS Princton and the USS Nimitz and the Tic tac incident
Officer in charge Commander David Fravor his wingman Lt. Commander Alex Dietric
They sent up a second flight to find the UFO. Chad Underwood (second seater in the F-18) captured the FLIR footage.
2006, November 7, Chicago, IL. Over Ohare Airport. Ground crews saw a disk shaped object in controlled airspace at about 1, 000ft AGL. The disk was 30 to 40 feet in diameter and was still, no motion at all. Then it ascended, straight up, burning a hole in the clouds.
2008 Stephenville Texas a large object with a bunch of bright lights. It was pursued by two F-16s. In a 4 hour period 2 hundred plus people reported the same thing.
2018 USS Theodor Rosevelt off the coast of N.E. U.S. They were seeing radar targets that did not belong there. Flights off the aircraft carrier were having multiple encounters with shiny cubes inside of clear spheres. Lt. Ryan Graves, retired navy pilot;
2019, July 15th USS Omaha, off the coast of San Diego, visual sightings and a few radar report-backs of multiple UFOs all of approximately the same size, 6 ft diameter and solid appearance. The objects submerged into the ocean. Only one of the objects was filmed.


I kind of wish we got to here more from the guests rather than listening to the radio guy waffling on.


Are glasses and facial hair compulsory for this meeting or can anyone join in ? 😅😅
