Rendlesham Forest UFO sighting: Eyewitness Colonel Charles Halt

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The full story of the Rendlesham Forest UFO sighting, where two airmen encounter a strange object on a cold December night in 1980. Journalist Ross Coulthart unravels the chilling events that unfolded in Suffolk, England, involving a nuclear base and eyewitness Colonel Charles Halt.
Ross Coulthart, in one of his first UFO/UAP investigations for 7NEWS Australia, looked into sightings from the UK. This interview was filmed in 2009. It is with Colonel Charles Halt, who witnessed the Rendlesham Forest UFO UAP incident.

0:00 Ross Coulthart’s 2024 introduction
2:53 Interview with Rendlesham UFO sighting witness, Colonel Charles Halt
62:08 The plaster casts
64:02 The tape recorder

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Thanks for releasing this unedited version of Colonel Halt’s interview. The difference between this and the final edited package that aired is night and day. There is no X-Files type overlay covering edited comments. Here we have a man reliving a life-defining moment in almost real time. Incredible.


Thank you Channel 7 for having Ross Coulthart working on this extremely important issue. He is the best investigative reporter. Please continue to support his investigations, and play these programs on the free to air channels.


Ross... Mr. Coulthart... You're the best we have. Your effort at keeping the journey to disclosure depoliticized and universal deserves far more praise than any single person can give. Still, for what it's worth, the good people of the U.S. thank you. Keep doing what you're doing.


This is the most in-depth interview I've heard with Colonel Halt. He is an American Patriot. Great work as always, Ross


For those that accuse Rossco of being a "ufo hack" this interview was performed more than a decade before he became invested in the subject upon approx 30 years since the incient while working for mainstream channel 7 (someone else calling the shots). This was during Rossco's extensive prime as a mainstream journalist. This shows his integrity as a neutral, highly professional journalist doing nothing but excellent reporting on a topic of interest. The inteview was performed with dignity and without ridicule. I highlight this to show Ross has long been a journalist of high professionalism and integrity and hasn't just jumped on the topic yesterday for views. He cares and does his research. I really hope this helps dispell some of the disgraceful and unwarranted opinions I've heared being put out there about Ross. He's simply a curious, professional, investigative journalist.


Thank you Channel 7, I know you are supporting Ross's efforts. And there is good viewership in highlighting the UAP so keep at it.


50:41 — 50:48: Coulthart: "You realize [what you're saying is] reflecting adversely on the place that you worked for for so many years." Colonel Halt, "Unfortunately." — Had there been any doubt in my mind regarding the integrity of Colonel Halt's report (there wasn't), the tone of voice and expression on his face when he spoke that one word, "unfortunately, " would have erased it. He is righteously and understandably pissed—as we all should be. I salute you, sir, and thank you for your honesty. You have what they do not: Principled conscience.


Went camping in Rendlesham forest and got speaking to a local retired woodsman....he confirmed it really happend and the authorities closed the area for 3 weeks after the incident. No one was allowed to enter the area after the incident and the area was sealed off by the police.


The Rendlesham Forest incident has always struck me as the most credible encounter, with the first-rate witnesses. Great report


Rendelsham, imo, is a top three most compelling UFO incedent in modern history.
I notice it isn't discussed by anyone but the UFO enthusiasts. EVERYONE should know this story, so thanks for shining a spotlight on it!!


The best summation of the Rendlesham incident I've ever seen and observed by a High-ranking Colonel with no doubts that the objects seen were under Intelligent control! Good on Ross and Channel 7 for this outstanding interview!!


Thanks 7NEWS Spotlight for reposting this interview. I just visited Rendlesham Forest last week and hiked the UFO trail. Took lots of pics and tried to imagine what these airmen saw out there in the woods and the field. Fascinating story!


Wow, Ross is working overtime for Disclosure! 💪🏻


Ross coultart really is levels above other journalists.


It struck me hard when he was talking about the object 'shedding material, like molten metal'... i had an encounter with about 6 of my friends around the year 2000 in Brisbane, Australia which was very detailed and prolonged, and had many similarities. It began with my mate Nick pointing up at the sky and saying 'hey guys what the hell is that!?' We all looked up and a few kms away we could see a large ball of red / orange light slowly moving from right to left and it was showering 'sparks' as it moved across the sky very slowly, while not losing altitude. The best way i can describe it was like a party sparkler but in a really heavy shower falling off of it. It then turned into a solid light, stopped, was joined by another light which began spinning around it and moved back the way it had come from.. and what happened after that was about 20 - 30 minutes of the most incredible phenomenon i have ever even read about. There was multiple crafts, a colossal triangular mother ship, a craft was flashing alternating grid patterns of light in what appeared to be some sort of code at us, one of the craft projected a massive spotlight on the ground that would have been hundreds of metres in diameter.. and eventually they all converged way up in the sky and slowly drifted away, so high it looked like a star and then just vanished. Until you see it with your own eyes you have the right to be sceptical, but when you have the experience in full detail for yourself, sceptics become a bit laughable really... theres not a person alive that could rationalise to me that what we saw that night wasnt extraterrestrial. Its just a fact that i know now.


I’d like to see channel 7 put this on their actual YouTube account. 7News Australia is where this should be


I was a medical secretary (actually for the US Air Force for a couple of years) and then a legal secretary until I retired. Until computers appeared, my bosses would dictate their correspondence or medical reports or pleadings, and I would transcribe them. I can attest to the fact that each time the recorder was stopped and restarted, there was a clicking sound. I don't know whether UAPs are aliens or not, but unexplained things have been seen in the sky for hundreds of years, so.... if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and looks like a duck, it's probably a duck. This interview was great. Col Halt was clear, calm and positive about every thing he saw and did. I do believe him. And Ross Coulthart is an impressive journalist.


This is an interview that I’ve never seen. It’s compelling ; convincing and probably the best information given by an obviously honest and decent gentleman!!! I’d love to meet him.
I’ve been interested in the Rendlesham Incident for about 20 years. I’ve visited the forest many times. Sometimes (stupidly) alone !!! It’s an eerie and disconcerting place. Thank you for this video ❤❤


Thank you Australia for being real journalists. It’s something that we are missing here in the U.S..


Ross, you are just an amazing journalist. I was absolutely amazed how thorough your questioning was with Colonel Holt. Wow! Seriously, we need more investigative journalists just like you in the world. What a fine example of proper, good, honest journalism you are. Talk about a dog with a bone! 👍🏻👏🏻👏🏻
