America Unearthed: Ancient Egyptian Symbol Found in U.S. Desert (S1)

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What is this Ancient Egyptian symbol doing in the U.S.? See more in this clip from Season 1, Episode 5, "A Deadly Sacrifice."


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Ok, I've looked for "BUFFALO" symbols in the Egyptian language and there's NOTHING that looks like that. Probably because that's Native American and NOT Egyptian.


Wasn't History channel the one that said stuff like this was found in the Grand Canyon too


Those are native Indian carvings, not Celtic.


how convenient, the " celtic " writing and the modern day graffiti all etched on the rock in the same style of carving. SMH


Finally not a long drawn out 20 minute interduction that I have to FF to to actually get to the real video.


Since when did a bison become Egyptian?


Mithranism had no relation to Celtics. Where is the slab's origin? To take archeological artifacts from their sites is wrong. And that cave doesn't have a relation to it.


This is not Egyptian s Greek amd it s 6000 years old before even the pyramids s a civilatation before Minoan in Crete...
I read symbols many years and as for the how they find that symbol there it s written all in Omiros if you read you will understand the whole history .


Not ogham. Ogham is written vertically and the center line is only drawn when representing ogham on 2D paper, that center line represents the sharp corner on which the ogham is carved. Could still be Celtic origin, more likely the carvings represent Lugh and the Dunn Bull....just not ogham.


America was Egypt. Nat Turner died in Jerusalem Virginia.


Bring back this show. Get rid of Ancient Aliens. That show hasn't produced anything new in 5 years. It's just rehashed information. With Giorgio in a new, non -brown suit. Scott Wolter told a good story with facts.


The room where the history of human development is kept. The history of development and destruction of all civilizations on earth.
The room where ancient and transcendent techniques are kept.
I stood in front of the room, it was built on a high mountainside. From here I could see the beach and people walking on the sand.
I know that the coast where I live will, in a short time, slowly rise (due to violent geological changes) and become today's Tibetan Plateau.


reason to finding Egyptian artifacts in America is because America was Egypt


Is the internet better ? Is communication better ? Now we know we've been deceived for generations about everything we know to be true. So was it better to be mindlessly bliss and unaware of the web of lies strung together.
or now being ignorant to the truth and letting it continue to misguide us.


The 6th Century Brendan the navigator, one of 12 Apostles of Ireland under the leadership of St Finnian, is thought to have sailed to America and preached there. Presumably the main initial target audience would have been Celts in America and for native Americans he wold have needed an interpeter. If the American Celtic colonies were following Mithrathism the Church would have seen that they needed a Gospel preacher.


First, Celtic is pronounced like Keltic. Second, They didn't follow Mithraism. Mithraism was found in Persia. Not Europe, until the Romans. Third, what does Egypt have to do with The Celts? Three different cultures.


"They've had to have known something very special to have the skill and the knowledge to do this."
YeAhh...It's called the power of observation. 🌄
Termites in different places build similar mounds even when they've had no contact with other termites from other parts of the world. Birds of the same species build similar nests even if they've never known birds in different parts of the world.
Humans may pass their knowledge down to each other a bit differently, but is it REALLY a stretch to think that maybe we all have similar mindsets and psyches to have similar ways of thinking and come up with similar ways of doing things from other humans?
That's not to say that there was no contact that we currently are not aware of, and that different cultures didn't interact, just that we are built the same, after all and we COULD have independently come up with similar ways of doing things. It's like certain ways of building boats and making shelters; the way it's done makes sense so different far flung peoples came up with similar methods. Why not writing and art and ways of trying to explain our surroundings through myth?


There was (Islamic Middle Eastern) people that explored South America in the 1400-1500's and (Romans & India) people were in Central America even earlier before that, they could have had a herd of cattle that moved through North America...


Good by history channel. If you censor comment your about lies, not truth. Only liars block comments. I've unsubscribed.


THANK YOU History channel for having the balls to show us the truth.
