Mysteries of Consciousness: Bernardo Kastrup, Iain McGilchrist, Donald Hoffman, and Rupert Sheldrake

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This compilation explores some of the fascinating mysteries of the science of consciousness with four of the leading thinkers in the field: Dr Bernardo Kastrup, Dr Iain McGilchrist, Prof. Donald Hoffman, and Dr Rupert Sheldrake.
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Four of the most intelligent people alive today and yet you have to laugh at the bunch of no--name keyboard warriors below who somehow haughtily scoff at their ideas.


It's a crime for this to only be 10 minutes long, also get all these people together for real!!


Beautiful... listened yo this twice....


Why do I seem to be a specific, individualized consciousness associated with a specific body while you seem to be a different specific, individualized consciousness associated with another body? Why am I, I and you, you? There were billions of bodies around before this one showed up so what changed that I should find myself to be looking out of the eyeballs of this particular body and no other? When it comes to understanding consciousness this is the most important question that must be asked and answered but it is rarely even acknowledged. When the ontologies purporting to explain consciousness are examined critically it becomes obvious that all materialist/reductionist strategies fail completely in attempting to address this question.

What is the principled explanation for why:

A brain over here would generate my specific consciousness and a brain over there would generate your specific consciousness?

Integrated information over here would generate my specific consciousness and integrated information over there would generate your specific consciousness?

Global workspace over here would generate my specific consciousness and global workspace there would generate your specific consciousness?

Orchestrated quantum collapse in microtubules over here would generate my specific consciousness and orchestrated quantum collapse in microtubules over there would generate your specific consciousness?

A clump of conscious atoms over here (panpsychicism) would generate my specific consciousness and a clump of conscious over there would generate your specific consciousness?

Materialism already fails since it cannot find a transfer function between microvolt level sparks in the brain and any experience or qualia. In addition it’s not possible for materialistic ontologies to address this question of individuality since no measurement can be made that could verify my consciousness vs your consciousness and therefore no materialist ontology could even make any coherent statements about the subject.


Thank you- all our favorites masters together - excellent presentation - love the artist blend of text, images, 4 wise scholars - whole! !


Cellular memory should be enough to convince everyone that there is more than self and now. All are connected to all.


Fabulous and full of lessons, points that make extreme sense to me. Talking to others about it, however, is more than challenging. Fights have erupted, my sister yelling that I've lost my mind. Have I? All I want is to explore the possibilities.


Great video and in particular a splendid contribution by Sheldrake which I whole heartedly agree with. Possibly the issue is that science is stuck as always in the political day it resides in . We have glimpses that space and time do not exist as we thought. NDE's should point the way to consciousness being eternal and / or universal. Evolution also via epigenetics and horizontal gene transfer indicate we mould ourselves through a more convoluted synthesis than we are commonly taught. So for me I would argue only a fool believes random mutation created life's diversity and only a fool believes what he sees from his limited perceptual viewpoint. Carry on the good work chaps, it all lies within us?


Niall, you mentioned in your interview with Bernardo that you recently interviewed someone about their near death experiences. When is this particular interview going to be released? I'm so interested!


I don't believe that consciousness is everywhere. I am afraid the idea stems from equating consciousness metaphorically with light.


Consciousness... Irreducible as mass or charge? That is just silly. One of the things easier to lose than your keys. Ego monkeys say the darndest things!
