Can You Safely Raise Your Baby Vegan?

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A UK mother got a lot of criticism online after sharing she is raising her 7-month-old baby on a vegan diet. Some opposed to her decision have gone as far as to suggest CPS be called! Dr. Anthony Porto, author of “Pediatrician’s Guide to Feeding Babies and Toddlers,” weighs in on the trend of parents raising their babies vegan, and whether or not it’s safe.

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This is coming from the doctors who said bacon was good for you.


Veganism is not a diet, nor a trend. It is a growing movement and a principal that being against animal abuse, murder and exploitation is the moral baseline. You can't be 80% vegan. You can be 80% plant-based. And getting the right nutrients for you and your child is not a vegan/plant-based issue only. Non-vegans can also easily get deficiencies if they don't know where they get their different nutrients.


Sounds like she doesn’t understand the definition of the word.


I really wouldn't take any advise from this doctor who has said bacon is good for you.


We can't say non vegan diet gives guarantee for best physical and mental health of new borns.
There are so many abnormal kids examples in non vegan families too.


Fun facts: countries with the highest dairy consumption have the highest levels of osteoporosis, those with the lowest dairy consumption have the lowest levels of osteoporosis. Calcium coming from dairy binds to and leeches the calcium from your bones, plant based calcium doesn’t do that. Dairy comes with animal hormones and mammalian estrogen, antibiotics, puss, and blood. B12 comes from soil and a B12 supplement is at any drugstore. Omegas come from algae, not fish. Skip the middle, get these nutrients straight from the source, and you can bypass the cholesterol and all of the other harmful things that come from eating animals and their secretions. When fed properly, humans of every age can thrive on a plant-based diet. Veganism is for the soul, plants are for the body.


So basically, be educated. Educate yourself before figuring out how to feed your baby.


I didn't eat eggs, meat and fish until age 5-7.


I saw a paediatrician when my twins were born, to enquire about this..and the message was definitely NO. Some people who don’t understand about protein, might think to feed a baby rice milk, which will lead to the baby’s death, as the protein is in no way sufficient. Be very careful.


Genesis 1 29 God said, "See, I give you every seed-bearing plant that is upon all the earth, and every tree that has seed-bearing fruit; they shall be yours for food. This is the manual from the manufacturer.


Saving you five minutes by answering this



80% plants and 20% animals is not a vegan diet.


“This is child abuse” -Isaac Butterfield


I want to raise my future kids as vegans, but i'm worried if this will affect their development and growth, I read that the Dutch are tall and strong because of their diet which consists of a lot of cheese, dairy, meats, etc, I also want my kids to be tall and strong but I also want to teach them to be vegan and respect animals


Stupidity.... Cow's milk(A2) is very important.. You may skip the Meat, eggs, fish.... But what's life without milk? I want to know how the cholesterol and ultimately hormone levels are of vegan adults?


Incredible how they frame it initially as "vegan diet bad for baby" and then end it with "do your research". Plant based is beyond healthy for a child if you're smart and not neglecting your Childs nutrition, and I would say the same about an omnivore diet. I would argue most vegan children are far healthier than non vegan children given the mountains of processed crap, both animal and plant based, kids are fed these days.


I'm not vegan, but I truly believe kids can be raised vegan, IF DONE PROPERLY. A lot of people who jump on the vegan train don't do research, they are doing it as a fad. There are vegan/ plant based certified nutritionists that specialize in raising a plant based baby. I personally would trust them as that is their specialty, meanwhile doctors are taught very little about nutrition during their medical school time.


Im fine with veganism bt not for babies and children, great for adults but children should only be allowed to go max vegetarian so they get ethical dairy \ eggs.


Great video. This way of eating doesn't provide anything that human needs BUT if you supplement everything then it's super healthy! Congrats, no logic. Stop promoting such unhealthy BS.


no dead beings for a growing child. we do not want our loved ones consuming out of cruelty drepression and living beings that went through traumatizing process of the animal industry. consume by doubling or triple times plant based food is perfect
