Yahweh as Demiurge and Christ as Serpent - Gnosticism

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“[A]ccording to the old tradition, the creator of the world, the Demiurgos, was a blind demon who thought he had made human beings as unconscious as possible in order that they should not see the imperfection. But the god of the spiritual world was quite different, he never made material creations because that was beneath his dignity, only demons could work with dirt, and he saw the misery of those blind human beings, and sent his son in the form of the serpent in paradise to tell them they ought to change, they ought to eat the forbidden fruit in order to become conscious and see the difference between good and bad – knowing good and evil, as the text says. So, the son of God made his first appearance on earth in the form of the snake in paradise, giving good advice to the first parents.” - Carl Jung, Visions Seminar, Vol. 2 (6 December 1933)

For certain Gnostics then, the serpent is equated with Christ, a positive messenger from God bringing illumination to man.

#carljung #gnosticism
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You know what... the more I know, the more I realise I know nothing. I believe truth has been buried long ago.. the quest now is that struggle.


Snakes are associated with the soul in India and in Egypt. The footless one, no arms no legs but moves around, just like the soul .


The Demiurge is NOT a Demon. It’s a primordial Entity far more powerful than any Demon.


The story of Moses putting the snake on a cross makes much more sense now


Now I see why gnosticism is considered extremely blasphemous and satanic


Gnosis leads to Christ, thank you for speaking the truth brother 🕊️


I would love a video on gnoscticism with a jungian context! Or gnosciticim on its own.


See, this is why it's so hard to trust anything religious; There is so much inconsistency of thought and belief.


Reading the comments, after years of teaching information, knowledge, wisdom, and giving sources, studying the occult, as well as training many military tactics, I'm glad to see people finally waking up in this nightmarish reality.


So often what our culture sees as true is the opposite of what is actually true…and this is a beautiful example of this


And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up. John 3:14


I feel I’m facing forward in a backwards world ✝️


Makes perfect sense to me. An imperfect world created by a flawed god. Salvation throgh gnosis is the key to escaping reincarnation hell and reconnecting to the Pleroma.


The gnostics demiurge was more like what biblical Jehovah is, and imo this is where their inspiration came from. The Platonic Demiurge is clearly their understanding of the Holy Spirit… which we are all avatars for. Unfortunately we have forgotten this is what we are and as creators of reality are more like the gnostic demiurge, creating out of ego, victimhood and polarity.


I will never stop Worshipping the Father YahWeh..even with these inverted PhiloSophias i stand Firm in his Shadow under his wings..Christ and Yahweh are ONE


Editor: How much Blasphemy should we include in this short?
Creator: Yes


This is only true for a very specific gnostic sect. Ophite Gnosticism equates the serpent in paradise as an aeon, not as Christ. The serpent is Sophia, an embodiment of wisdom, which is an emanation of the monad, the higher and true god.

The monad is the true higher god and its emanations are the aeons. Sophia is an emanations/aeon that is the embodiment of wisdom. Sophia is literally Greek for wisdom. It’s where we get the word Philosophy: Phil- as in phile which means love, and -sophy which is wisdom. Philosophy means the love of knowledge/wisdom. See also “sophistication.”

The monad is a perfect and complete being, existing out of our existence, in a way prior and higher to it. Therefore, the monad’s totality is unknowable, imperceptible, incomprehensible. Sophia’s nature dictates that she knows the monad, and in attempting to do so, the demiurge is inadvertently created, an accident equally of the fault of the monad and the monad’s emanation. But if the monad is perfect, it is those beneath the monad who can claim it to be an accident. The demiurge then has emanations, too. These are called archons.

So in ophite Gnosticism, the serpent in paradise is interpreted as a bearer of truth, therefore an incarnation of Sophia. However, most sects do not interpret it this way, as the serpent is a bearer of misinformation, intending to mislead the first humans. This is very much not in line with Sophia’s identity. Further, the knowledge of good and evil in men here is more a process of invention of human good and evil through misinformation, not an elucidation of divine good and evil.

This is all very similar to an older tradition that goes pretty hard. Orphic Greek philosophy has two subtraditions of Zagrean Orphism and Promethean Orphism. They differ pretty boldly but maintain the same essence as ophite Gnosticism that humans are a sort of unique demigod, a dead shell with a divine core.

The zagrean tradition discusses Zagreus as the previous incarnation of Dionysus, Dionysus often being called Dionysus lygos, a name meaning “the twice-born.” Basically, in this version, zagreus is a god and son of Zeus, but as is often the case, the product of Zeus’s infidelity. Hera gets jealous and convinces some titans to lure the child zagreus with some toys and a mirror and when they do, they rip zagreus apart, roast him, and eat him, leaving only the heart behind. Zeus finds out and smites these titans, reducing them to ashes. The ashes are suffused with the earthly qualities of the titans, the divine spark from zagreus, and the energy from the lightning bolt, and this produces the first humans. Zeus takes zagreus’s heart and sews it into his thigh, and it grows back into a new zagreus that they name Dionysus. In this way, Zeus gives birth to Dionysus, who is a reincarnation of zagreus, and who is also interestingly related to us humans.

Differentially, the Promethean tradition states the titan prometheus shapes human bodies out of clay, and then steals the concept of fire from the gods, and uses it to give us life. This is further different from the other version of this myth where humans already existed, and Prometheus stole the fire to give to humans, which in this instance is symbolic of knowledge and technology rather than the soul. Though, there is relation in my opinion between knowledge/intelligence, and the soul. In the Orphic Promethean tradition, Prometheus is similar to this video’s description of the demiurge, but he’s a lot more of a good figure. His intentions on creating humans eludes me, but he is irreverent of the gods, and uses the divine flame for our benefit in both Orphic and normal Promethean myth. This juxtaposes with demiurge who simply makes the material human, and is oblivious to its acquisition of divine spark by Sophia or monad. Also, the titans are not the product of the godly gods, unlike the demiurge who is a sort of bastard child of the monad.

But all three describe and explain humans as these mundane shells containing something powerful and divine.

There’s a third one about the androgynous origin of humanity, where we were originally sexless and very powerful. The gods feared our power 😂 and split us into two, males and females. It’s a hairbrained myth but it’s sweet. It states this as the origin of romantic love and sexuality, as we are always longing for our other halves, and when United and working together, man and woman achieve humanity’s fullest potential. It also argues for aspects we see as feminine and masculine as present in people in general, not falling neatly on either side of the sex divider, and by shedding the belief of masculine and feminine traits, and uniting and integrating what you would otherwise see as masculine and feminine characteristics (at least on the abstract side) that you reach your fullest potential, and become the most-you you.

Strikingly, THAT concept also comes full circle in alchemy and Gnosticism. The unification of opposites, at least in a special way, produces the true form or realizes the potential of some higher and previously divided thing. Is the addition of one and negative one the same as this? Then zero is the divine state? Maybe, but maybe there are different kinds of zero. A divine zero that is transcendent of existence and non existence. Or something


This is beautiful this is pure texts of Jesuses teachings it's in the gnostic


Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. (You)


I think once you understand duality all this makes sense, theres no such thing as black or white, that changes throughout time and will forever
