5 DANGERS of Lucid Dreaming | Watch BEFORE Entering Lucid Dreams!

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Lucid dreaming is relatively safe but there are some HIDDEN DANGERS that you should Definitely know about before entering into a lucid dream!
Lucid Dreaming is when you are aware of the dream that you are dreaming. With some practice and special techniques, you are able to control these dreams to do whatever you like. Sounds interesting eh?
Watch this video to find out some of the surprising dangers of lucid dreaming!

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Lucid dreaming can be exciting, but there is another thing that this video forgot to mention: false awakenings. I would assume that I have awoken from a dream but after walking around in the world, I open my eyes again. It's a constant scary process!


One time when I was young I dreamed about driving in a car. I owned in real life I knew I was dreaming, but I never knew about lucid dreaming around that time


Ive experienced most of these. The fake memory one hits the hardest. My problem is i dont induce lucid dreams, they just happen often. I have insomnia issues and most of my dreams are lucid. This is becoming a problem for me when im awake and cant tell which memory is fake.


Thank you for explaining. I didn’t know how to explain what I’m experiencing to others and didn’t have a name for it. I think I have lucid claustrophobia dreams after watching this and reading about it. I notice it happens when I accidentally take a nap (which is rare) and more commonly, on the days I try to get a little more sleep after dropping my daughters off at school in the morning. I can’t control anything. I’m always in a nightmare of sorts. But mostly they aren’t traditional nightmare (most of the time but in a really embarrassing situation or out of control of a scary situation. And these are so vivid and feel so real. About two weeks ago I fell asleep around 9:30pm which is pretty early for me. When I finally woke myself up, I had to get out of bed and walk all around the house to shake it off. Here is an example of what is happening to me, the other morning I laid back down after dropping the kids off at school and I’m suddenly in, what feels very real, room and then a busy hallway with with a lot little girls around the same age my daughters (I feel like they were about 10-13 years old) and suddenly I’m completely naked trying to cover myself with my arms and get to a bathroom through a very congested hallway. I was dressed at first and suddenly I’m naked and trying to get into the bathroom and, as most of us know, it’s impossible to walk and I’m freaking out. I’m thinking about how disturbing seeing me naked must be for these girls and how much trouble I’m going to be in. It feels so real. Eventually I fully wake up from that nightmare with a feeling of horror and relief. But then I fell right back to sleep and now I’m with a group of women sitting by a pool in Hawaii (I lived there for a while in the Air Force). I can’t really move but I know I’m drunk and I feel like I’m really trying to keep it together. I can’t control feeling so drunk which made it impossible to even stand up (again, it’s jarring how real and vivid these are). Every time I try get up, I fall back down because I’m so drunk. Somehow I end up driving through a tunnel (just a normal tunnel that are on some parts of the highway when taking long trips) and I’m still super drunk. I am driving so fast but know I need to slow down but can’t. Then I ultimately end wrecking. Then I woke up for real and took an adderall (I have a RX for it) to ensure I wouldn’t fall back asleep or if I did, the meds would wake me up. Sorry for going on and on. I just wanted to explain my experience to see if others experience the same and to hear from others about what they think. I’m always in an extremely uncomfortable situation or something scary where I’m going to get hurt and hurt others (car accident, not me physically harming anyone) and i either can’t move, can’t move fast enough or I’m not in control, like trying to slow the car down and not spin out. I don’t know how to gain control of these dreams like others have suggested. When it’s all over and I’m fully awake I know it was just a dream and everyone is ok but I’m still shook from it. These dreams just started for me a few months ago for the first time in my life. Can anyone else relate to what I’m trying explain? I feel like my experiences fall somewhere between lucid claustrophobia, and lucid nightmares. Again, thank you for the video and if anyone has any advice or would like share their experiences with me, I would greatly appreciate it. I’m sorry I went on so long. It the first time I’ve looked on YouTube for answers.
PSA-I’m terrible about leaving words out while typing, especially when I’m writing about something personal and typing quickly so I want to apologize in advance if I did.


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Imma just say..Whenever I go to bed I end up having Lucid dreams and I Don’t even cause them I just have them every time I try to sleep and idk if that’s rare or not but I’ve been lucid dreaming ever since 4th grade. It’s something I’m really used to now and sometimes I wish for a dream about a thing and then i go to bed and dream about it. One thing that has happened a lot is where my dreams and Lucid dreams too have gone into the future because whenever I dream or lucid dream of something in years ahead of actual time it happens in irl which is kinda scary because if I dream about something bad in the future then…idk what will happen but good thing nothing bad has happened yet :) also DO NOT LOOK IN MIRRORS cause usually it will end up bad and you will most likely start thinking bad about your self! (+1 sub thx for the sleep paralysis one I never knew that! It hasn’t happened to me yet hopefully it doesn’t happen soon but Ty)


A couple years ago I was in a dream that felt like I had alredy been in before and I vividly remember thinking to myself "this again?".For some reason I still remember it and its kinda wierd.


lol sleep paralysis isn't related with lucid dreams... the opposite maybe, if you can control dream, you are unlikely to be in the state of sleep paralysis, is quite logic, in fact i had my lucid dreams only when i was not having nightmares at all, and had 3 small sleep paralysis in periods when i wasn't able and wasn't trying to do lucid dreams(always been quite natural for me anyway, just casually controlled 1 dream when i was a kid, and started slowly getting used to).


I've lucid dreamt for decades. None of this has ever happened to me.


2:20 Weirdly around 10 years ago I noticed when I woke up around 4 am and then went back to sleep, my sleep quality was a lot better than when I just slept until 7-8 am (sometimes even later as I was in school). I did that for a few years and had better sleeps than ever, but then I stopped it and forgot about it until I saw this video lol. Weirdly I almost never had a lucid dream back then either :3


I want to have lucid dreams but sleep paralysis is the wall


I experience very often something that I call "pseudo lucid dream". It is as if I am aware of my dreams and take over control. But in the end, it is just another layer of uncontrolled dreaming that pretends to be under my control (difficult to describe). The thing of making up fake memories is really bad. It happened to me several times. It is especially terrifying if you remember things of past dreams. In this case it is really difficult to say whether it is a fake memory or an old real memory that starts to faint (it feels real though). I hate this. I never wanted to go down this rabbit hole, but my mind seems to do otherwise...
The only exciting thing is the insane architecture and machinery (sometimes quite SciFi) I can remember in the morning. But the rest of the experience is often disturbing to me.



Vyond goes back to goanimate, and goanimate rocks


the only time ive had a lucid dream was years ago but i woke up 5 seconds after becoming lucid...


Boy l wake up at 5AM everyday to go to school and you here talkin' 'bout "it isn't healthy", !!!😒
