What is the Gospel?

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Through the gospel, we are not only saved from sin and death, but we are empowered to bring light to darkness and order to chaos. The gospel is not just saving sinners, but also righting every wrong and fixing every broken thing.
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For me, one of the biggest issues is our understanding of the Gospel. When I left being a paramedic to be in ministry, I didn’t realize how many people misunderstand how the Bible applies to our lives! That’s why I have centered my channel on helping people understand the Bible in a practical, relevant way that keeps the true Gospel at the heart of every teaching.


The gospel is the gospel of the kingdom! Jesus preached the gospel! The gospel is about the kingdom of God coming to earth when Jesus returns and Jesus being the one God chose to rule! Jesus also died for us!

The destiny of Jesus and his followers is to be on the earth! A renewed restored earth! Jesus will return and set up the kingdom of God on the earth! God’s government! Jesus ends up on earth with his followers! God also dwelling with them Rev 21!


From the comment section, it seems that there are several people who understand "the gospel" at least a little bit differently than as presented in this video. So maybe that gives me permission to jump in here and describe several other was of understanding what "the gospel" is.

1) The story of Jesus as presented in the Gospels - his birth, his life, his teachings, his trials, his crucifixion, burial and resurrection and his ascension.



This wasn't the gospel. The true gospel is the good news of the Person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ. In other words, it is concerning who Christ is and what He did to save His elect only. The gospel includes the how and why, which can only be seen by faith.
It is a message that declares how the eternal Son of God came down, took on a body of sinless flesh (John 1:14) as He was born of a virgin (Mat 1:23). He was both God and man in one Person.
He was born under the Law to keep and fulfill it  (Mat 5:18, Gal 4:4). He did that, not for Himself, but for all those He represented because they could not keep it themselves. The word of God calls these people the elect or His sheep, among several other names.
His obedient life also included the part of dying. He took on the sin of His people as both a Substitute and Representative of those people. The Bible said He was "made to be sin" (II Cor 5:21) and the way that was done is by God imputing (legally reckoned or charged to the account of) sin to Christ. That means all the sin of all those people God chose was "laid on Him" (Isaiah 53:6). This sin was legally transferred to His account and He then owned it in such a way to be guilty of it all.
God the Father poured out His wrath and hatred toward sin on His Son and had pleasure (Isaiah 53:10) in doing so, in that, He was completely satisfied in Christ as a Sacrifice that met all the demands of His strict Law and inflexible justice. Christ finished the work of paying the penalty of the Law and then said " It is finished" (John 19:30). He secured salvation for all God’s chosen people that would even be born. His resurrection is evidence of the acceptance of His sacrifice to the Father.

The combined work of His obedience to the Law and His obedience unto death on the cross was considered establishing righteousness. This is what one of the Old Testament prophets prophesied as "bringing in an everlasting righteousness" (Daniel 9:24) as Christ died effectually and exclusively for those chosen of God before the world began (Eph 1:4).
This righteousness is what God imputes to His people in the context of giving the life to believe in Christ. This puts them in a state called "Justification" and as a result they are eternally secure, in Christ. This is the gospel (Rom 1:16-17).
All this takes place in such a way to show God as both a God of justice and a Savior. This is how grace reigns through righteousness (Rom 5:21)


The music is to high! It's to HIGH! Someone who "may watch this" wont, it's to high!


The gospel isn't liberalism social justice


What the bible says the gospel is:
1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you ➡️the gospel⬅️ which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; 2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. 3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that ➡️Christ died for our sins⬅️ according to the scriptures; 4 And that ➡️he was buried⬅️, and that ➡️he rose again the third day⬅️ according to the scriptures:
1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV

The biblical way to be saved:
- Sincerely repent (feel godly sorrow/grief) for your own sins:
(2 Corinthians 7:8-10 KJV, Mark 2:17 KJV, and Psalm 34:18 & 38:17-18 KJV)

- Sincerely believe and put your faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ that He died for our sins, He was buried, and He rose again the third day to save you from your sins:
(1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV & John 3:14-21, 36 KJV)

- Sincerely call upon the name of the Lord (ask) for salvation:
(Romans 10:8-13 KJV, Matthew 12:37 KJV, Luke 18:13-14 KJV, and Psalm 145:18-19 KJV)


You know what’s sad is the video posted around the same time as this called “what is predestination?” Has 34, 000 more views.


This is quite literally the worst answer to the question I have ever heard. I expected more from Matt.


Paul’s version of the Gospel is a PART of the gospel...Was Messiah/Christ and His apostles going to all the towns preaching about His death?!?

The Coming Kingdom of Yah in NEAR!!!
The Messiah brought glad tidings of the kingdom of Eloah
“The Kingdom of Almighty is at hand !!
Repent and believe in the Gospel” - Mark 1:15
“ I came to call sinners to repentance“ - Matt. 9:13
“ ...bear fruit worthy of repentance” - Matt.3:8
Repent or you too shall perish!! - Luke 13:3
The Return of the Messiah is at hand!!
“He who has ears to hear, let him hear” - Matthew 13:9


Clueless true gospel for today is found at 1COR
