Q&A - Acts, Baptism, Peter, John, Jews, Gentiles

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This video addresses a question submitted by a viewer. The question is about the book of Acts, Baptism, Peter, John, Jews and Gentiles. This hits one one of the core transitional things people need to understand in order to get an optimal grip on the New Testament.

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Now THAT is how you rightly divide scripture


That is so cool that u are thinking about these kind of things when u are out and about. This is a true example of living for Christ where ever u are at. Keep up the great work.


Hi brother Kevin, just letting you know that I watched yesterday your "I am back" (a Randy Quaid type of "am back guys" from "Independence Day" movie.Randy meant it as a pay back time for the evil invading alien force and I see your "I am back" as a Pay back time to Calvinistic false doctrines) video at Soteriology 101 and I really enjoyed it!. Keep up the good work because there are many Christians out there like myself who appreciate and are very grateful to Jehovah God for using preachers/pastors like you to combat FALSE doctrines through instructional videos and audio recordings!. Thanks my brother!


1:39- Act’s 19;1-7 baptism /Holy ghost
5:13- Act’s 2;-tongues
5:19- Acts 10;-tongues
5:29- Act’s 19;6-tongues
6:11- Acts 1;5
6:14- Act’s 11;15-16
6:18- Acts 19-baptism /believe
7:00- Acts 8- laying on of hands
7:17- Acts 10- gentiles saved /tongues
7:27- John 2;18, 1Corinthians 1;22, 2cor 12;11-12
7:54- Acts 2
8:21- Matthew 27;63-Jesus called a deceiver
9:39- Acts 2;38-Jews /repent and be baptized/ Holy Ghost.
10:34- Acts 3;19-appropriation command to Jews.
11:40- Acts 1;5-6 jews /sins blotted out.
11:53- Matthew 24;3, 15. Sign of coming read Daniel.
12:13- Daniel 7;1-28 Kingdom of heaven
12:18- Acts 1; Jesus risen
12:58- Acts 1;5-6 Peter, kingdom relevant
13:38- Acts 10;39-48 Peter /Gentiles baptized
14:42- Acts 11;15-16 Holy Ghost falls on Gentiles/ Peter remembers.
15:19- 1peter 3;21
15:25- Acts 15;1. 15;24. 15;7-11
16:51- John3;22-25 understanding baptism
20:16- John 6;45 Old testament salvation
22:25- Hebrews 9;15-17 New testament starts at crucifixion of Jesus.
24:11- Acts 7, 16, 19-baptism
25:06- Ephesians 4;5-baptism that saves/when the Holy Ghost baptizes you into the body of Christ.
25:12- Acts 1;5
25:15- 1 Corinthians 12;12-13, ;27
25:17- Acts 19


The parallel between 2:38 and 3:19 doesn't negate baptism from 3:19 replacing the verbiage. It rather shows that "be baptized" and "be converted" is an equivalence of terms. They needed baptism for (or "unto" in Greek, see Matthew 26:28 for parallel usage) the forgiveness of sins according to 2:38, and Saul/Paul was told by Ananias that he needed it in 22:16 for washing away sins and calling on the name of the Lord. That calling was already mentioned in Acts 2 from a reference in Joel 2, and the events of Acts 2 showed that the response to Joel 2 in mentioning "calling on the name of the Lord" includes repentance and baptism. These believers in Acts needed to pursue immediate baptism by way of faith or they would not have been granted forgiveness had they delayed or avoided it.


Completely agree about John 6:45. I have been suggesting that view for a long time. It is also supported by the context John has set up in John 5 talking about searching the Scriptures and not believing Christ bc they didn't believe the words of Moses in the OT. They aren't really following the Father, that is why they didn't come to Christ. Those who believed the Scriptures were drawn by the Father through the Scriptures to Jesus. That is how I view John 6:44-45.


I think the phrase "just as we have" is significant in Acts 10 when Peter recognizes that those at Cornelius's household received the Holy Spirit. The "we" is in reference to the apostles, and the apostles were the ones in Acts 2 that received the Holy Spirit by means of tongues of fire that allowed them to speak in tongues. What happened in Acts 2 after that happened? People still repented and were baptized FOR remission of sins. What happened here is the exact same. Some people got gifts of tongues from among the gentiles, then the rest (or perhaps even those doing the speaking in tongues) were commanded to be baptized for remission of sins. So the "[receiving] of the Holy Spirit just as we/the apostles have" phrase relates to the signs they saw with speaking in tongues. This looks like a message from God saying "I can work through these people" which Peter immediately interpreted as: let's baptize them so they can be one with us now that God sent His spirit to show He works through them.
There's a false belief out there that Jewish Christians and Gentile Christians were saved in totally different ways. I don't subscribe to that. There is no distinction based on race, and that was clear from the beginning of Acts. If baptism is required of one, it is required of both. To reject an immediate pursuit of baptism upon receiving the message of the gospel is to reject the faith that appeals to God's grace for salvation.
In that same vein of thought: there aren't two salvations, but there also aren't two baptisms according to Ephesians 4:5. If there is water baptism and baptism of the Holy Spirit, then they have to be one and the same otherwise Ephesians 4 does not make sense with "one baptism". Nowhere does the Bible say that baptism is merely an expression of an already happened inner change. That's purely eisegetical, I'm afraid. The order of operations is always baptism and then salvation in Acts, and the only appearance of something different than that is Acts 10 until you realize what Peter was talking about from above.


Kevin, serious questions.
Question- What's your best guess on God's participation rate when an unbeliever dies? For example, could he just "snap his fingers" and send an earthquake and tsunami to wipe out a whole city?
On a scale of 1 to 10.
Question- What's your best guess on God's participation rate when an unbeliever repents and believes? For example, could he just "snap his fingers" and give someone spiritual life and bring him/her to Jesus?
On a scale of 1 to 10.
Question- What's your best guess on God's sovereignty rate over people's choices when they are in heaven? For example, will a person be able to say, "Gettin' kinda tired of this place. Think I'll forfeit that forgiveness stuff for a while and go check out hell for a bit. Don't worry God, I'll be back"?
On a scale of 1 to 10.


keep these coming please . Theres a drought out here and everything else is Calminian .


About Peter’s Acts 2, repent and be baptized ; Peter was preaching to the Jews, he told them that they killed their Messiah. Their response was, “what do we do?” Meaning, “Oh no, what do we do about that?” Peter’s response was “repent and be baptized, ” calling them to a return to the Lord, the One they already had a covenant with. In Acts 3, Peter says repent and be converted( converted means to make a return) that your sins may be blotted out. He had just told them that they delivered up and denied their Messiah, and asked for a murderer to be released in His place. Those are probably the sins that Peter is referring to, the ones to be blotted out.


Please keep these types of videos coming...


This one was awesome Kev. love the fish eye too.


It is bound to come up now, but you will inevitably have to do a video on 'church' -- what it is, how the term is used in the bible, when it 'begins', etc. (If you have not already...)


Have you experienced that Baptism of the Holy Spirit as in Acts....whether speaking in tongues or not?


I am sorry to disagree with one thing that you said. You said do not make doctrine from anything from the book of Acts. I know that's very popular. However, the clear message of scripture is that all scripture is profitable for doctrine. I also find it more than interesting that theologians who claim that ome should not use the book of acts for doctrine because it is a narrative, often quote passages from Old Testament narratives to support doctrinal ppsitions. I have a habit of checking all passages given. From my perspective, the book of Acts is generally, Doctrinal Praxis, and is in total union with rest of the New Testament.


Thanks for redeeming the time, Kevin. This is a good video. I figure that John's baptism was for the purpose of making Christ manifest to Israel:
"And I knew him not: but that he should be made manifest to Israel, therefore am I come *baptizing with water."*
(John 1:31)
Also, to expand on what Paul was talking about in 1 Corinthians 1:12-17, I feel that (carnal) people have reverence for the one that baptized them, simply because they baptized them. This could be a person who idolises their pastor, and if they misunderstand the purpose of baptism, they could cling to that pastor as being root for their Christian identity. Anyway, even in that passage, and in chapter 15, it still seems that water baptisms were being practised, so I'm not against it, if someone desires it freely, and understands it is not a requirement for salvation.
Lastly, do you have any brief comment on 1 Peter 3:21? A Campbellite used it to show me that water baptism is necessary for salvation, but I thought it was actually saying the opposite. Am I wrong?


is tongues jibber jabber or a know language?


Now Dispensationalism is a Boogyman word...But If I dont Rightly Divide Scripture (Covenant Theology) teaches works salvation...IMO


The fact that something is not mentioned does not mean in that specific case it did not happen or was not required . If it comes to salvation the Book of Acts is the most underestimated and probably the most essential ! Why ? ; The gospels were to early as a testimony to salvation and the letters are mainly addressing saints !

The demands involved in salvation are mentioned in Acts 2:38 and confirmed in Hebrews 6:1-5. Problem with most theologians is they reduce faith to a theoretical, 'intellectual' concept. The letter kills but the Spirit gives life.

Do we still need to repent ? Nowhere does the scripture say it has been abolished, the same counts for faith, expressed in our trust in Jesus as saviour AND Lord. Water baptism is a public confession of repentance and a confirmation of the Lordship of Christ in our Life. Romans 6:1-4 / Galatians 2:20. And what are we without His Spirit ? ; Intellectual zombies ! Hebrews 13:8


I honestly wouldn't even call what happened in the OT "Salvation" bc people confuse that with Paul's definition of Salvation which is "the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit." Obviously we know that wasn't happening so I don't even call it Salvation bc (A) it confuses people amd (B) it isn't even called that in the OT. There was forgiveness amd justification in the OT and people got spared from going to hell(and went to Abraham's bosom/paradise) but no one ever went to heaven or was regenerated or anything like that.
