You Are Affirmations - Manifest Your Dream Life (Law of Attraction)

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You Are affirmations. Near 8hrs of Law of Attraction affirmations so that you manifest while you sleep!

Become a MIRACLE MAGNET and manifest your dreams in every area of your life. This powerful track covers:-

🧘 A life and inner world of peace, positivity, joy and wellbeing.
💰 Huge success and financial prosperity.
⭐ Work you love and fulfilment of your life’s purpose.
❤️ Unconditional, complete self love.
👪 Harmonious, happy relationships with friends and family.
💘 A deeply fulfilling soulmate relationship.
🏠 Your dream home.
🏊 Perfect health.
🌌 Alignment with your Higher Self.

Listen to this track as much as you can, and you will reprogram your mind so that you AUTOMATICALLY manifest a very blessed life.

Enjoy and please let me know how you find these Law of Attraction affirmations in the comments below!

With love,
Jess 💕

Рекомендации по теме

This seriously works. I've been listening to it for about 2 years. My life has completely changed. Stick with it... its incredible.


I am going to listen to this everyday for 30 days to battle my depression & negative thoughts
I already feel so much better


I will have my dream life. I will no longer panic. I will be secure; financially, emotionally.

EDIT: I am so grateful I have my dream life. I am grateful I have found peace. I am secure. I am so grateful for everything I have in my life. Thank you, Source.


This is day 4 of me listening to your videos and I'm already seeing changes in my life. I'm receiving support from family. I've received cash & won my favourite drink in a competition. my neighbours are extra caring. My daughter is extra happy....this is pure magic! You're the real deal. I love you


My dream life is to own an RV and live a free life, traveling with my friends, going to festivals, seeing the world. I want to travel with my home. I want it so bad, I hope my dream comes true


if you are reading this.. you deserve everything your heart desires <3


This has been helping me a ridiculous amount. I suffer from anxiety, ocd and lately a bout of depression. I was constantly listening to stuff for anxiety and with my OCD i was only focusing on that instead of focusing on what I want. Once I started focusing on the positives and things i wanted, the negativity started to lift and i started feeling better! Tytyty!


Oh yes! We are truly unlimited. We are are the creator of our our realities. Wishing you all amazing life of abundance and peace🔥❤️


Manifested a job I didn't even apply for after listening to this meditation, it was exactly the type of role I wanted too.


It is done! It has been manifested and on its way to you!✨💜


(Manifesting) Dear diary, I’m absolutely at peace with life at the moment. All my goals have come true and my energy is at such beautiful vibrations. My working out is paying off and I currently have my dream body I am fit and toned, and my friends and family are so proud of me. I can run again without getting into asthma attacks and I am living in my pod home. Everybody loves coming to my home and my home is beautiful. I have a stable mental health, and have reached stability and discipline in my routine, I am limitless
I am powerful miraculous abundant. I am living in a place of gratitude. I am flourishing. I am successful and I am happy. Truly beautiful affirmations, props to you Jess! On my third or fourth day of meditation I sensed a change of my vibrations and I automatically started believing, thank you so much 💕


🦋Just for today, do not be angry
🦋Just for today, do not worry
🦋Just for today, be grateful
🦋Just for today, work hard
🦋Just for today, be kind to others.


I claim a partner for life, amazing job, amazing money and my most beautiful and amazing family


I am single Dad of six year old twins, we will have an amazingly abundant life filled with love, connection, and financial independence🙏😁🙏😁🙏😁🙏😁


I am one of the most successful directors in Hollywood, and everyone wants to work with me . The choices man the choices. I’m all over billboards, papers, and I have an Oscar nomination for a film, all under 30 years old :)


I don't usually comment but just want you to know how much these videos have helped me! I feel so much better when I wake up and it's definitely working and they are so needed especially during these crazy times we're in right now. Also I just love the aesthetic and the different colours of each video. Absolutely amazing work! I feel blessed to have access to these magical positive healing words every night.
Thank you so much ❤️!! x


I will be a lawyer for social injustice and create a network of safe houses for victims of trafficking and abuse. I am going to marry the man I am dating and have a son. We are going to build a cabin on the lake together on his land. I will fight for native rights and MMIW until I die. I will have an abundance of wealth to help others. I will change the world for those around me and our children will carry that legacy. This is all my reality.


So many positive opportunities coming into my life 💓💓💓


Hey I honestly never thought I would be one of those people commenting on how great this works but i am. I’ve been listening for like 2 weeks every night and my anxiety is less and I’m a lot happier and confident in myself. Thank you so much! It works so well!


🌹🌹My dream life is to be a beautifull black woman who is a yoga teacher for pregnant woman, besides that I would love to be able to grow my hobbys into a daily thing: drawing, painting and singing 1 of my dreams came true and that is having my own apartment im 23 years old Im dealing with alot of childhood trauma I've started working on it since the age of 17/18 I've came so far.. when I was little I would say to myself I'm a child of the Universe I still am the universe has guide me trough all of it I can feel that my yourney in life making me the human being I should be I know I have a long way to go but at the same time it feels like I'm so close to having the life I truly want.. 🌹🌹
