Manifest While You Sleep - LAW OF ATTRACTION Affirmations

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Near 8hrs of Law of Attraction affirmations so that you manifest while you sleep!

Become a MIRACLE MAGNET and manifest your dreams in every area of your life. This powerful track covers:-

🧘 A life and inner world of peace, positivity, joy and wellbeing.
💰 Huge success and financial prosperity.
⭐ Work you love and fulfilment of your life’s purpose. 
❤️ Unconditional, complete self love.
👪 Harmonious, happy relationships with friends and family.
💘 A deeply fulfilling soulmate relationship.
🏠 Your dream home. 
🏊 Perfect health.
🌌 Alignment with your Higher Self.

Listen to this track as much as you can, and you will reprogram your mind so that you AUTOMATICALLY manifest a very blessed life.

Enjoy and please let me know how you find these Law of Attraction affirmations in the comments below!

With love,
Jess 💕

Рекомендации по теме

can anyone reading this please send blessings and love to my mom? She is going through a lot of medical issues right now. Thank you.


Please send healing and positive vibes for me and my son. He's 5 years old and we need a miracle.


Hey you. Yes you. Random person that I will never meet. I truly hope you will find happiness on life. Today is going to be a great day!😊


First off, if you're reading this it means all of your deepest desires are on its way to you in perfect timing. You are magnetic and only the best of circumstances are coming your way. Secondly, my grandma is about to get surgery tomorrow, please send Kim you're blessings and positive vibes, pray for her. Thank you. As always I appreciate you


This year is your year. Abundance, wealth, health and lovely relationships are finding you🔥


i claim to have a fit body, a guy who loves me for me, better diet, self love & a calming at home space. UPDATE‼️: it completely worked & i’m honestly shocked. 10/10 recommend, thank you!!!


I will get this job that i’m interviewing for tomorrow and will be able to begin my life in love and at peace with myself 💕✨

update: i got


If you’re reading this, you’re here for a reason. Ask, believe and you’ll receive.


I ve been felling asleep listening to this and for real, I am so happy and confident. I AM ENOUGH ! I believe in law of attraction!
UPDATE after 6 months:
+UPDATE after 1 year
: i achieved another big dream!! Now i have 2 and still counting!
+UPDATE after 2 years: i have accomplished so much with this meditation. 3 ACHIEVED GOALS. It feels unreal.. I so believe in manifesting!!

This meditation has had a huge impact on my mental health. I am filled with strenght and i radiate positive energy. I am the best version of myself and I am so proud of what I ve fulfilled.
I achieved one of my biggest dreams!
Happiness still comes and my body, soul and mind absorb it!


My son is ill and it has impacted us greatly. I pray for healing of his heart, mind and body. This is what I long for.


Update. Landlord is selling me the house Ive rented for 6 years. Im finally going to a home owner . Feels Amazing ! Im so blessed to have a roof over my head during the housing crisis. Work continues to multiply. Thank you Jess & Universe 💕 # Feeling Grateful


To the person reading this, Good Luck! Don't stress, everything will be fine. No matter what difficulty you are facing right now, you can overcome it! You are strong and brave.


I have been listening to this every night before bed for the past couple weeks. It is truly healing and positive. This wednesday I will be writing my NCLEX exam to become a Registered Nurse. My biggest dream come true. I will pass, and I will become an RN this week. ✨✨✨ asking for positive vibes, and strength from others, thank you ❤️❤️❤️


I was listening to this last night and this morning I just received (out of nowhere) over 90k bucks in my bank account 🙏😭 Entirely so grateful


I am rich, I am a multi-millionaire, I am 104 pounds, I am healthy, I am happy, I am in a relationship with my soulmate, I’m passing all my classes with straight A’s, I have unlimited willpower.


I am financially free forever.
Money comes to me effortlessly, easily and endlessly.
Money works for me, I don't work for money.
I am driving my dream car.
My house is paid off.
I have multiple successful businesses.
I have healed and completed my shadow work.
I am helping others.
I am my goal weight of 160 lbs and continue to live a healthy life.
I am no longer working a 9-5 job.
I show my graditute everyday.
I am endlessly happy.
Thank you Universe!


This was interesting- I have been listening to this off and on for about a year - not always while sleeping, but often while I go about my day. I am seeing EVERYTHING in this video manifest for me! I was content in my little house and with my humdrum job, no complaints and wasn’t asking for any changes in those - BUT after listening to this I slowly but surely ended up even shifting careers and am teaching music to kids - which is my calling and I LOVE it! AND next week I am moving to a nee house that is BEAUTIFUL and is beautifully decorated and in a beautiful city! Don’t take too lightly what gets into your subconscious- things really change when you change your mindset! Thank you so much for this video! 💕


I suffer from disorders that wont allow me to be productive which has been killing me over the years. But now everyday i wake up i feel brand new and reprogrammed with positivity and optimism i can feel it


I will get that job interview and move out of my toxic parents house very soon.


This definitely works, but it's not easy or everyone would be rich. You need the mental fortitude to be consistent in listening to this, and to be able to block out negative thoughts and turn them into positive ones. Just like learning how to drive, it takes practice. It gets easier and easier as you do it more. This is a science that goes as far back as ancient times, and is even mentioned in books like the Bible. Listen to it for a month if you don't believe me, and I guarantee things will start to shift in your favor. Blessings.
