How skilled should someone be to join the worship team?

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I've been in many worship team or choir situations over the years. I've been a worship leader (well, more like a song leader as it was a pianist and me leading hymns but it was a very small church). That said, it seems that many times there are "preferences" on what types of skills fit any team. You can be a fine singer (usually the easiest position to find and thus refuse to accept someone) but not be what the leader wants on the team for whatever reason.. So I would tell anyone who finds themselves in that situation - serve in another capacity rather than "fight" your way on the team. You will truly be happier serving in a needed capacity than to spend Sundays feeling inadequate.


Lovely point about the fruits of the Spirit. We dont subscribe to over-passionate/expressive expressions of worship seen on larger stages from larger churches and we are charismatic because we are open to the charismata 😊 we enjoy peaceful worship more. In fact we prefer to dial our worship down


It seems like once we make a decision to serve God in any way Satan himself begins to attack us...causing us to doubt our decision. Am I the only one?


Hey Spencer… Thanks for your response! I appreciate your ministry so much!


I've been on teams with varying skill levels. One had a leader so unskilled that I don't know how he became the worship leader other than he was willing. I've also been on teams that are so good that nobody ever asked about joining because they were intimidated. I learned that a happy medium is a good place to be. I am willing to work with anybody to help develop their abilities in music (where it fits with my schedule) but am not willing to put someone on stage that isn't quite there yet. But I will allow those people the opportunity to learn tech and such while they hone their skills. Always hard for us to find a sound guy and teaching some basics is beneficial for the whole team anyway.

I personally love to put intricate stuff in because I came up playing all the 80s rock music. That said, I had to learn how to do it tastefully and at the right time in order to not be distracting but also to not try to sound like a machine or crazy professional band. I do believe we should give our fullest at all times in worship, but we also have to remember that it is corporate worship and that maybe it isn't the most important to pull out all of your tricks that you have learned over the years. I save those for special music and that works great for everyone!


Thank you thank you thank you. Yes. Minimum expectations. I’ve been a church musician for over 30 years, at a dozen or so different churches, and the ONLY church I ever served in which had minimum standards was the megachurch with the corrupt pastor! Everywhere else it’s always people who sing or play out of tune constantly or who can’t learn the songs. I hear all this buzz about not playing too technical or fancy or whatever…. Frankly, in my experience most people don’t have the capability of doing that. The chief problem isn’t overplaying, it’s incompetence! And it’s like everyone got together and decided it wasn’t “spiritual” or something to actually have standards. If I said something I was dismissed as having standards that were too high, but I’m seriously just talking about intonation, notes, and rhythms here. Bare bones stuff, basic competence.

So for myself, having been highly trained, the message coming across is that it doesn’t really matter whether or not someone has been gifted to serve in that way. It’s really devaluing.


Two weeks a go I had started rehearsing with the worship team at my church. The ladies who regularly sing did not show up for rehearsal so I said I would try and see how it goes so the instrumentalists could practice. On Sunday they had shown up for service so I stepped back because of not being as well trained as they are . This last week none of the three were there for practice or for service on Sunday so I had ended up alone on the vocals first time ever singing during a service. I have been asked to remain as a regular on the team but I am worried my skill level doesn't match those I am singing with. I have been given a lot of positive feedback from the members of my church but worried I am not quite there yet. Is this normal and how do I gain confidence to keep going like I am being asked to ?
